Mental Health Serotonin Syndrome? What's wrong with me?

Spirit Waffles

May 11, 2017
Hello everyone, I have been lurking around on this site for some years now but have never made an account or post until now. I have been reading up on serotonin syndrome and the symptoms/causes.

I'm 21 years old now, and basically when I was around 16 years old or so I was on Zoloft for really bad tics, most like related to anxiety that I had (Not Tourette's). During this time I started experimenting with DXM, not knowing about the dangers of mixing these types of medications. I only tripped on DXM like 2, maybe 3 times while on Zoloft. And I don't ever remember having any bad problems aside from vomiting that a lot of people experience during the DXM come up. I took about 400-700mg during this period of time and tripped my balls off...I remember seeing dragons and literally flying over a field when I closed my eyes, it was amazing lol.

Fast forward 5 or so years to now. I haven't been on any meds until recently being put on fluvoxamine to try to combat anxiety that has progressively gotten worse...the first time I took this med I literally woke up an hour later with extreme nausea and acid reflux and proceeded to puke my guts out for around an hour. After that I was put on clomipramine and had the same exact result. I know both of these medications affect serotonin and I am paranoid thinking that 16 year old me fucked my brain chemistry somehow. The scary thing is that I was prescribed the lowest possible dose for these two meds and still had severe bouts of nausea.

I am currently seeing a psychiatrist, she is the one who prescribed those two meds to me. I am seeing her again tomorrow and I don't know if I should tell her about my experimenting with DXM (while on Zoloft) as a teenager because part of me feels like it could be responsible for some of the mental problems I am having now (bad OCD, anxiety, depression) as well as the bad reactions from the meds she is prescribing me.

I was hoping some more experienced members could give their two cents on the matter. Thank you all.
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DXM brain damage is exaggerated. I've been addicted, heavy user for 10 years and have no problem with the antidepressants I'm now on.

There's no DXM in your system now. If you tell your psychiatrist you've abused drugs you will get treated like an addict. If that's okay with you, you could tell her.

It's not serotonin syndrome. DXM can't make you suddenly have serotonin syndrome years after abuse. You just had a bad reaction to the anti-depressants.

With anti-depressants, you try different ones until you find one that works. It would be the same process. You're just having anxiety over an event years ago that doesn't matter any more.
Thanks for the quick reply lazydullard, you make a good point and I don't think I will tell her. I obsess over certain thoughts quite often and my anxiety exacerbates these thoughts. Thank you again.