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Seizure during mdma trip?


Aug 16, 2015
About a week ago, I tried mdma for the first time. I’m female and definitely a lightweight when it comes to any sort of drug. Took 200mg dose (assumed it was normal dose because brother said so), and had an intense experience. I don’t remember much of it, but it began pleasantly enough. I felt a cold tingly sensation in my brain, followed by intense happiness and seeing everything glow in color. But my teeth were chattering pretty bad. I ended up going to my room, closing the door, and sitting on my bed--hunched over my laptop. This was the peak of my roll, and suddenly the teeth chattering got out of hand. I remember chattering so hard that it was scaring me, so I tried to close my eyes to relax. As soon as I did, my jaw and arms tensed (I think my arms went straight out but I don’t remember), my back violently arched, and I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head. When I woke up, it was morning and I was lying sideways in my bed. I don’t remember most of the trip, unfortunately. I asked my brother what happened, he said I kept coming to him and repeatedly asked where my cat was. He said at one point I was turning a broken light switch off and ‘on’ for 5 minutes. Told me I eventually went to my room and shut the door, so I was alone during this. Could it have possibly been a seizure or am I overreacting? Thanks
Sorry, but your bro is dumb. 200mg is NOT a dose for a beginner or a first timer. Unless you're completely floored, generally everyone remembers their mdma experience quite well after it happens (though short term memory tends to get shot in the moment, heh).

There are so many things about your situation that were unsafe. I'm not sure where to start but first of all, dropping for the first time alone is not good at all. You should've done it in a more ideal setting and with friends. Do at least some light research and know what to expect. It's also very strange that you don't remember most of your night after you dropped. Mdma isn't alcohol; at most you might not remember some parts of the trip, but not everything. You don't just blank out and all that (unless you're floored, but that doesn't sound like your experience because your hearing should be intact), but you might end up doing things without meaning to. For example, you should be able to remember coming to him and asking about your cat. For that reason, I doubt that you took mdma at all.

There's maybe a very slight chance mdma affected you like this, but if so then you shouldn't take it again. It's a very idiosyncratic reaction and obviously not a good thing if your post is an accurate description of what happened.

If you really got a seizure from whatever pill you took, then try cannabis instead. That'll help with your seizure issues. ;)
You blacked out. This happened to my girlfriend on the third time she did MDMA, and while it was scary and bizarre in the moment, everything was fine in the end and she had a normal comedown.

How are you feeling now? You can take MDMA again, just lower the dosage. Some people can't physically handle high doses of MDMA.
200mg for a female that doesn't weigh much can be a blackout dose. Could either be something else other than MDMA, but MDMA on its own in high doses is perfectly capable of causing things like this when you take too much. 200mg for me, after more than 10 years of rolling and with quite a large tolerance, is on the edge of what's comfortable, any more and I don't remember much and I start to blackout (around the 250mg mark). So if you say you're a lightweight and you have pure MDMA, 200mg is way too much. So, get a testkit, so you can rule out other drugs causing this, and next time dose lower, 200mg, if you have pure MDMA is far from a beginners dose. Good guideline: 1-2mg/kg for males, 1-1.5mg/kg for females without a tolerance
What you felt is all perfectly normal.

Teeth chattering is a common side effect, possible causes being your muscles reacting to your serotonin levels, or your body fighting a change in body temp.

Its very important to remain calm on MDMA. Your brain is busy being confused by your seretonin levels, so any feelings of fear or nervousness are heightened, and your mind deals with it more irrationally. The brain has a lot on its plate right now, after all.

As aready stated, your dose was too high for your personal situation, your body and brain couldn't cope, so it dealt with the situation in the safest way possible. By trying to push the "Stop Everything" button.

Tips for next time:
Test your substance, halve your dosage, buy some bubblegum, and stay close to company.
Research effects of MDMA. If you have a better idea of how your body could react, it won't scare you when it happens.

Hugs xo
^OP, everyone above me is right, lol. I've never had a blackout before (well, except alky), but it probably is possible. I just never had one. I'd always remember my experiences clearly for the next few days after the trip. :) but it's not like I'd remember trip #379.

But ya, next time be more careful! Seizures aren't a joke. =/
MDMA blackouts are very strange. I once took waaaaaaaay too much, 700mg spread out over a night (yeah I know) and it went a bit like this: Dancing with my mates on the dancefloor *FLASH* sitting on a chair in the toilet with strangers pouring water over my head *FLASH* talking about the meaning of life with some random girl outside, I just jumped straight into the middle of the conversation, so I must've made sense while blacking out *FLASH* standing leaned against the speakers *FLASH* doing a rain dance with complete strangers (don't ask) *FLASH* dancing with my mates on the dancefloor again, people from before nowhere to be seen. They told me I was gone for about 2 hours and that I had been back for at least 10 minutes before I became conscious again and realised I was back with my mates

Those moments in between the flashes were perfectly clear, I remember everything, but the time in between is completely blank, no idea what I did but I know I was talking to people and walking around and such. I just wasn't aware, my subconscious took over apparently (I wonder what kinda guy my subconsciousness is =D ) instead of just collapsing like alcohol does when you drink waaaay too much
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Ah I see, it sounds kind of like strobe lights except a lot longer in between the flashes? But then those strobe lights are a part of lightshows, so yeah lol. That seems trippy.
Blueball (wow I cannot say that with a straight face right now), your experiences sound amazing!

Got a trip report? I need it in my life!

Edit: Added a handkerchief to my "MDMA party box" so I could try your Vaporub idea. I still have half a pot from last time, so hoping it will actually stimulate better then being a massage oil. Still purchased another inhaler though. Cause daaaammmnnnnn that feeling.
wow to the opening post yeah 200 mg is a heavy dose. As for the twitchy twerk muscle thing it does tend to be a side effect of serotonin overload. It tends to put my arms in a T rec position due to the feeling of the contracting muscles

I feel like the more I move around the better off I am as soon as I sit still and try to acutally really quantify just how great I feel things start to go haywire at higher doses

Vicks Vapour rub LOL and the inhalers LOL y'all should try tigerbalm on the temples and on the insides of yer wrists that is some intensity and density right there