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Seemed like a good idea at the time.... silly things you've done on E Mega merge

2) 3rd time I rolled, it was my birthday and we all went out. We were at a club. Only me and my other friend rolled. Everyone else were drunk. At about 12AM i was rolling hard. I was danceing with fat girls, talking to random people at the smokers pit, telling guys and girls they are looking good. Buying all my friends shots, shit i was even buying random girls shots. Next day i woke up at 5PM. Checked and i spent $400 in about 2 hours.
That sounds awfully familiar

Some of mine, there's a lot more but these are the first ones that come to mind:
- Approaching cops outside a festival or an event and starting a loud and animated conversation with one of them about the lack of love in our world or something similar =D don't know why but if I'm really really wasted (as in: took a bit too much) I always get the urge to go talk to cops. Never got into trouble for it though, they never even frisked me. Usually they're amused but sometimes not so much

- I was visiting a friend in a city on the other side of the country. She warned me beforehand that you have to be careful smoking weed in public there because the cops aren't as laid-back as they are where I live. Of course as soon as the MDMA started working I thought to myself "how bad can it be? They probably won't notice or care". Well apparently they did and since I had a pretty large quantity of weed on me (personal use, I was staying multiple days) I was taken away on charges of dealing. The upside is that because I was rolling I started talking to the cops while walking to the police car and they liked me so much they eventually let me go. They poured the weed in the sewer and told me not to get caught again by them. They were aware I was rolling by the way, I had on sunglasses but was told to take them off while they were frisking me, the cop told me the colour was completely gone from my eyes, my pupils were that big. I'm convinced that if I wasn't rolling at the time I would have ended up in jail

- Call up an ex-gf of mine to get together again, completely out of it (don't even remember the phonecall). She wasn't aware I was rolling at the time so I had to explain to her the next day when she suddenly appeared on my doorstep that whatever I said was drug-induced and I didn't mean it. Pretty awkward and it hurt her quite a bit as well as she apparently still had feelings for me

- Try to help a mate of mine that got into a fight with two guys at the same time. Not a good idea while rolling. I had to help him of course but fighting while rolling is apparently near impossible, muscle control is completely shot and the first hit you take you just completely shut down. It's like your brain can't properly process being hit when under the influence. That was the one and only 'bad trip/roll' I ever had on MDMA, before that night I didn't even know such a thing was possible

- Dropping about 250mg MDMA while I was already near comatose drunk. Never again, the stories about what stupid shit I did that night still haunt me to this day =D
Did this happen to you too lol??
Yup, though it wasn't my birthday. Came home after a festival and realized I had spent about 900$ in a single night. I know I bought my friends a shitload of drinks but I have no idea where the rest went. I didn't have cash on me, only a credit card, so I didn't lose money or something. That was a pretty wild night, damn, I only remember small parts of it
I was chilling with some friends at this skatepark in a neighborhood some of my friends lived in. A bunch of us were rolling and decided to smoke some weed. Mind you, this is in suburban Texas back in 2006, so not exactly the smartest idea but we had smoked there before plenty of times so we didn't think anything of it. After we finished smoking a joint, the kid who had the weed leaves his bag in my truck. I popped another pill and was skating around the parking lot. Next thing I know 2 cop cars roll up on us. Apparently, they had gotten a call about a group of kids dealing drugs and vandalizing property (we weren't) but they said they could smell marijuana so they search my truck and find the sack. Since nobody spoke up when they asked whos bag it was, I took the charge for it. They handcuff me and put me in the back of the car. At this point that second pill is hitting HARD, my eyes are dancing and my teeth are chattering like crazy. I was still rolling balls when I got to jail and I wasn't about to let something as silly as a county jail cell kill my vibe. I bonded out the next day but it sucked because my truck was impounded. I had a Sony PSP and a CD case with 20 or so CDs stolen out of my truck. Then there was the awkward car ride home with my mom who was understandably less than thrilled to be picking her teenage son up from jail. I ended up getting a misdeminor marijuana charge so it didn't end up too bad.

Also, in 2014 I made the impulsive decision to get a Bassnectar tattoo. It is the only tattoo I have ever regretted getting...and I've got some dumb ones. I plan on getting it fixed once I have the bread and a good artist.
I had a Sony PSP and a CD case with 20 or so CDs stolen out of my truck
Always sucks getting out of jail, retrieving property and realize that the police themselves robbed you.

That happened to me once, and when I said "hey theres a bunch of missing electronics", the officer at the evidence locker asked if I'd like to make a report
i said "yes, where can i do that"
"With me" they replied with a big fake smile.

So I'm supposed to file a report with the people that stole my belongings?? 🤔

Anyway as far as my bad/stupid MDMA experiences, im pretty fortunate. Mostly I've just told way too many strangers i love them. Then i wake up realizing i dont know who those people are. Once i woke up with no hoodie, im quite slender and i apparently gave it to very large girl who was cold. Its doubtful she ever wore it again.
Always sucks getting out of jail, retrieving property and realize that the police themselves robbed you.

That happened to me once, and when I said "hey theres a bunch of missing electronics", the officer at the evidence locker asked if I'd like to make a report
i said "yes, where can i do that"
"With me" they replied with a big fake smile.

So I'm supposed to file a report with the people that stole my belongings?? 🤔

That was basically my experience as well. At that point I had been up for over 24 hours and just wanted to get home and go to bed, and they definitely knew it. I ended up charging it to the game because there wasn't much else I could do about it.
Stayed on it from dec 24th to Jan 2nd a few Christmases ago. Went to a few raves, invited homeless people into my place. I was living downtown Toronto at the time and kept going trying to score dope and invited very homeless stinky people into party.

Went to the Eaton center for an xbox on boxing day, we got in there and forgot where we were to, security bounced out out and a fight ensued. I stole a car and we went back to my place.
A few years ago, I was out wild camping with a buddy, I rolled with shrooms, about 3 hours in the trip I was suddenly hit by a bolt of immense love for a woman I had only met twice briefly at some spiritual workshops she runs (she practises Shamanism), it felt like immense DIVINE AUTHENTIC love that I had never experienced before in my lifetime radiating through my body and heart. I tried to text her a corny line "wanna meet up" but fortunately there was no signal out in the middle of no where in the woods. Alas, I made a fool of myself, writing an email to her the next day later explaining what happened! *cringe* She was like "WTF, who is this weirdo declaring love to me". She blocked me on Facebook as a consequence. :LOL:
Ooh, where do I start?

One new years eve in the late 90's, I necked a couple of Mitsubishis on top of several mgs of clonazepam.

Close to midnight and already off my tits, I decided to cycle to the local 24h garage to stock up on baccy and skins.

The journey was a bit of a blur, but I found myself suddenly regaining lucidity on a traffic island in the middle of the road, acutely aware that I'd been having a conversation with a lamppost.

Managed to get home, then my Mrs was woken up to the sight of me with my trousers on my head, picking bits of paper off the wall because I needed to get a girl's number.

Total delirium, and from what I can remember, it was fuckin brilliant...