RuRu! Question for you?

Guru Daddy

Oct 21, 1999
I know you are trying to keep this stuff off your mind so if you don't want to respond to this I understand - but... you do seem to be the king of wippits... can you give me some basic info? How to/where to/how much/ what to watch out for etc.? Thanks in advance, and I really do understand if you don't want to talk about it - just reading this board makes me crazy sometimes.
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
I've definetly done my share, the best way to do it with the small cartridges is with one of those whipcream dispensers, break the cartridge in there and hit the little leaver and suck it down. no ballon no hassel. If you have a tank put a hose on it, long about 2-3 feet, and let the gas out slow, suck as long as you can and pass the tube, keep going until you feel you've had enough. oh man, do I have stories to tell about nitrus. If you get a balloon use the recycle method, blow all the air out of you first then inhale the gas, blow it back in the balloon and inhale again, keep going as long as possible. the recycle method kicks ass. acutally always blow all the air out of you before you inhale. ballons at parties cost anywhere between $5-20 (for those huge ones, you can share those with a friend). Sit down to avoid falling down, I've seen it happen before. avoid a bottom of the tank ballon, sometimes those can be really nasty. damn, I could go on, but that should be good for know. Tanks are the way to go, buy a tank.
NO2 is really bad for your brain.... duh
IMOKRUOK - Roll On Roll Off
Hey Daddy

Yes I have to say my crew seems to regard me as the "Wippit Wizard", I do believe I have aquyired that name becuase everttime we party I have come up with cool wways to do a wippit
Tho it sounds like goose is quite the master tooo PROPS to you my friend

It's gonna be tough to take a break from it but when I do my next one it will be phat as hell and I will plan its ultimate commeth in my head LOL........So crew watch out for an interesting nite

As far as your question
Check this post about......
there are kick ass explanations to quite alot. but you have to get thru the first few posts, these are by idiots that dont know what they are talking about the later posts are real informative.....specially the one from pinger...
Well hope this helps
Peace....RuRu (aka The Wippit Wizard)
hello guru daddy
after the one post when you had helped me i always wonder how you are you?
and yes our resident wippit wizard even got me the king hater of wippits to like em
for some reason i wasnt feeling like i couldnt breahe when before i always did
~special k~
"you will remain the same till the pain of staying that way is greater then the pain of change"
Thanks so much for the replies guys! I posted a thank you a couple of days ago but I guess it got lost in the server change. RuRu and Goose, thanks for the GREAT info! Turns out a good friend of mine has one of those dispensers, so we are good to go! Special K - thanks for remembering me! I lurk here all the time, and I do respond to posts occasionaly. I'm doing great - as a buddy of mine said last night, "I'm letting positivity have its way with me." I hope things are good with you! I love this place, don't you? I finally found a place where nice is not a dirty word, and I spend alot of time laughing - which is one of my favorite things to do. Keep the love flowing and let me know how you're doing if you want!
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
Just make sure you sit down for two

"The spice extends life; the spice expands conciousness;the spice is vital to space travel"
I just wanted to add my friends and I's personal method for takin whippets.. we rigged it up because our balloon was about to break, and it works suprisingly well..
we call it the whippifier



That's fucking crazy man.
Crazy and sad...
*shaking head*

eeeek! that looks like a gun! guns are BAD

RuRu, you are my kindred spirit! I am known as the High Priestess of Nang (dubbed so by my friend the God of Nang who possessed the sacred tank
) I am always after different ways to have nitrous, and intend to get my arse into gear and do a "101 ways to have a nang" website one day

btw...does anyone else call them "nangs" or is that just a Perth thing? (we call them nangs because its the noise you hear when you have one: "nang nang nang nang"
I shouldn't be rambling on here at 4am on a monday morning....really, I shouldn't...
...But I'll just tell you about our little project: my friend and I save all our empty bulbs, and are going to use them to make a sculpture of some sort (we were thinking a giant bulb-shaped thing, hollow inside with a flip-top lid, for storing a tank) we have enough bulbs, just not the time (or place) to construct it yet

Now I have a nitrous craving! And YES! I have precisely 1 bulb left!