Rollers are the Ambassadors of Love


Dec 31, 1999
After my first roll on NYE, I have to say that people on E have so much love its beautiful. My friends, many of whom I met that night, took such good care of me and guided me through the roll, through the initial fears when it first bodyslams you, and made the experience so great. I have never bonded with people like that on alcohol, nor have I seen people who are so calm and loving, as opposed to violent like the drinkers are. So stay lovely, and guide the new people through to bliss...

as much as that is ue, you have to be aware that some of the feelings, bonds, and conversations are sparked soley by the drug. Sometimes the people you meet when you are rolling, aren't the same people you call the next day/week/month... but the truly genuine people often are.
keep your eyes open, everything in moderation, and HAVE FUN!
I think your right soulwatcher, alot of my "latest" friends I've met while I've been rolling, but I find that we get along even if were not on drugs just because we have common intrests (ie.. raving, music, drugs, etc).
IMOKRUOK - Roll On Roll Off