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Harm Reduction Ritalin and Dexamfetamine in the same day?


Sep 16, 2018
So I’ve been on my prescribed Ritalin IR for 2 months now. At first it worked really well (the usual story) and now that I’m up at 50mg per day dose I notice it wears off far too quickly for my liking(not interested in switching to sustained release)

I spoke with my psych yesterday and he said he’d be happy to change me over to Dexemfetamine to trail but not until August when he returns from surgery and can fit me in for an appointment(he currently has cancer and is getting surgery to get it removed)

So I have a buddy who gets prescribed Dex and hasn’t taken his meds for years so he just stockpiles it. I told him I wanted to try Dex to see if it would work better than the Ritalin and the maniac went ahead and gave me x400 5mg Aspen Dexamfetamine tablets(these don’t expire till June next year)

So to my question - is it safe to take the Ritalin and Dex in the same day?

For instance - if I had my morning instant release 15mg Ritalin dose then waited till lunch time or the afternoon would I be safe to try the Dex for my afternoon dose? I can’t seem to find much information online regarding this

(This is all pharmacy Dex by the way - all legitimate prescription stuff)

I’ve just taken my morning Ritalin dose and just remembered I had all the Dex sitting here

Is Dex even better than Ritalin?
Ritalin gives a lot of side effects imo with not the greatest return.

Would it be better to just go through my day today on Ritalin then try tommorow on Dex? My psych is going to be switching me anyway so really I’ll just be preempting the switch by doing it now.
Probably best not to mix stimulants

Also gotta say it sounds like you may be chasing a buzz as opposed to medicinal perhaps
Yeah no I’m not chasing a buzz. Neither Ritalin nor Dex get me high. I have adhd. They both make me functional. My question was based around how functional one vs the other was going to make me
You'd probably be fine as long as we aren't talking recreational doses, but might be better to wait till the next day because mixing stims can... make you feel like shit.
So I’ve been on my prescribed Ritalin IR for 2 months now. At first it worked really well (the usual story) and now that I’m up at 50mg per day dose I notice it wears off far too quickly for my liking(not interested in switching to sustained release)

I spoke with my psych yesterday and he said he’d be happy to change me over to Dexemfetamine to trail but not until August when he returns from surgery and can fit me in for an appointment(he currently has cancer and is getting surgery to get it removed)

So I have a buddy who gets prescribed Dex and hasn’t taken his meds for years so he just stockpiles it. I told him I wanted to try Dex to see if it would work better than the Ritalin and the maniac went ahead and gave me x400 5mg Aspen Dexamfetamine tablets(these don’t expire till June next year)

So to my question - is it safe to take the Ritalin and Dex in the same day?
If its safe is up to you to do some research on NCBI or Mindmed, might be of use. Or Duckduckgo it.

If my psychiatrist was right or wrong about the safety? But I was on Dextro-Amphetamine, when he suggested Medikinet. Methylphenidate (MPH) SR, in the middle of IR and Concerta (extended time release). But when I had a appointment and told him the MPH wasn't cutting it and asked for Dextro-Amphetamine. He prescibeb me both. Medikinet/ MPH SR and Dex IR. at the same time.

Technically MPH would block Amphetamine's effect (as a DRI) but I didn't notice it at therapeutic dosage's, neither potentation. The rebound of MPH did disappear, hated that, and Dextro-Amphetamine imo at the end is the better alternative. Lesser/ to no side effect's. Way better pharmakinetic's, slow come up, long plateau gentle comedown.