Mental Health Risperidone causes increased motivation?


Jun 29, 2017
I'm on 2mg of risperidone a day and I'm certain that it's caused me increased motivation. People report a decrease but for me it's the opposite. Now, don't misunderstand, it makes me slightly sedated so I'm not stimulated, however I find I can concentrate easier on learning.

Perhaps as my mother said, it enables me to think more clearly without bipolar symptoms. If you've read my post on the elation I experienced in 2013, you'll see that my emotions have been all over the place. The doctor says and I agree that I have autism which contributes in my "sober" non, anti-psychotic drugged state to me feeling rage and craving drugs.

As I've also interestingly noticed, I no longer crave alcohol with has been confirmed by a NCBI article that this happens with risperidone. All drugs in general (nicotine, alcohol, codeine). I suppose perhaps again that the anti-psychotic is in place of the self-medication I may have been doing with the drugs.
I'm sure that in some people it could cause increased motivation, but it is probably am atypical response.

I am a long term opioid addict and opioids have always given me more energy and made me feel more motivated. I do feel the sedation from them but this somehow makes me feel more motivated/able to do things.

When I was in rehab I used to get all the meth heads asking me why do you take a drug that just makes you sleepy? I explained to them that in my case opioids are much more effective at helping me be productive than stimulants. They didn't really get it lol.

I think in my instance it is a case of arousal. In a sober state i am prone to hyperarousal and anxiety, so for me stimulants increase arousal and can worsen motivation, concentration etc. In someone who doesn't suffer from anxiety/hyperarousal, stims bring them up to where they have more motivation. Whereas I am already 'up' to the point of negative effects, so a sedative brings me down enough to concentrate etc.
I'm sure that in some people it could cause increased motivation, but it is probably am atypical response.

I am a long term opioid addict and opioids have always given me more energy and made me feel more motivated. I do feel the sedation from them but this somehow makes me feel more motivated/able to do things.

When I was in rehab I used to get all the meth heads asking me why do you take a drug that just makes you sleepy? I explained to them that in my case opioids are much more effective at helping me be productive than stimulants. They didn't really get it lol.

I think in my instance it is a case of arousal. In a sober state i am prone to hyperarousal and anxiety, so for me stimulants increase arousal and can worsen motivation, concentration etc. In someone who doesn't suffer from anxiety/hyperarousal, stims bring them up to where they have more motivation. Whereas I am already 'up' to the point of negative effects, so a sedative brings me down enough to concentrate etc.

Interesting. I've taken two opioids, codeine and hydrocodone. I found that codeine made me sedated by hydrocodone almost stimulated me. I was so excited when I was on it talking to everyone. But the fun ended 3 hours later with the horrendous itch. God, I'll never be tempted to take it without promethazine around.
Is risperidone any good might ask to switch from quetiapine to it and what's it like for rls and being knackered in the day
Is risperidone any good might ask to switch from quetiapine to it and what's it like for rls and being knackered in the day
Yea if you want bitch tits and lower testosterone.Homosexuals in Dallas were actually taking it to get boobs...I would definitely stay away from it.It raises estrogen in males...
Is risperidone any good might ask to switch from quetiapine to it and what's it like for rls and being knackered in the day
It did work great when they gave me 1 dose at hospital for meth psychosis.It knocked it right out
And what is equal to 200mg quetiapine

My psychiatrist told me that risperidone and quetiapine were "more like" benzos in their action compared to aripriprazole and olanzapine which were too sedating.

I would say that 0.5mg to 2mg of risperidone is good.
might ask to give it a go been on quetiapine years except for olanzapie in 2016 and 2017 starrted it in 2013, highest dose has been 300mg extended
Yea if you want bitch tits and lower testosterone.Homosexuals in Dallas were actually taking it to get boobs...I would definitely stay away from it.It raises estrogen in males...
Lol I think you're getting confused, 'homosexuals' (<-- in quotation marks because it's such an icky clinical sounding word, gay or queer feel much better) don't take drugs/hormones to grow boobs lol men who want boobs/to become a woman are transgender haha.
Lol I think you're getting confused, 'homosexuals' (<-- in quotation marks because it's such an icky clinical sounding word, gay or queer feel much better) don't take drugs/hormones to grow boobs lol men who want boobs/to become a woman are transgender haha.
But seriously, does risperidone actually lower testosterone. If so, I'll ask my psychiatrist for more.
Raising Estrogen levels in men causes a rebound lowering in FSH and LH which cause infertility and lowered Testosterone.
This can result in an increase in adipose tissue, and if it does this will increase Estrogen via increased aromatization even more and further reduce test.
Dopamine antagonists also raise Prolactin causing ED and lowered libido.
That is super awesome!! Yes, it typically has a sedating effect, but how awesome that it gives you energy.