*Review* Saturday April 3rd - DJs in PJs 3 - Cleveland, OH

awwww, Moose !!!!!

I TOLD you NEVER to let those photos out....

Shit, now what am I going to tell Dave???
If I would of taken all the DJ's in PJ's flyers that Moose tried to hand me at FC5 I would have about half of what he got printed!!!! LMAO. GOOD JOB PROMOTING THAT SHIT MOOSE!!
hahahaha....dude, and let me tell you...it WAS COLD at 5 AM Sunday morning.

But...it's all part of it.
What was cool was that Earth let out like right after the beach club finshed letting...I was able to get both spots!
Dude this is gonna be soo much fun...I can't decide what to wear...I might have to sport my pink bunny eared slippers
Dude I just read that last post...you fawker... don't make me bring her!~~I'm warning you!! I know Lindsey (Andy's gf) has brought her mom out to Abbasso....and my mom has been asking me to take her to one of my "outings", so dont push any buttons buddy. :p

I'm gonna look into renting a moose to bring, too...
Here's the deal...

we need someone to steal a moosehead from an Abercrombie store...bring it in and mount it in the DJ booth....

9-10 Paul Alexander
10-11 Phiction
11-12 Mike Love
12-1 Doug Burkhart
1-2 Scote vs. Cheshire
2-3 Rezon8