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Resistance is the source to all suffering.


Jul 11, 2014
The one and only thing that causes suffering is resistance to life and resistance to trauma and resistance to your subconscious thoughts. We tense up when we don’t want to deal with something and it festers underneath until it produces an illness. Diabetes, asthma, even cancer is something that can be controlled by the mind and by realigning our unresolved imbalances.

The only reason people stay sick for so long is because the hardest thing to do for people is to face something they don’t want to face emotional or psychologically or spiritually or to face something in those areas that goes against their idea of who they think they are and who they have always been. Our experiences in life are a match to what’s in our minds and how we choose to perceive reality. So if you resist or avoid a certain aspect of your life that is critical for your growth and expansion and true purpose, then that’s when illness occurs. The cure to all illnesses is to align yourself back to your true self and your true desires and to alleviate any trauma you might have which is the ultimate form of psychological and emotional resistance.

What you do when something traumatic occurs is that you break into another person. So you become two people with opposite desires. But then later on life you can eventually multiply these up as fast as mitochondria and then it becomes a real problem. That is why we have addiction. One part of us wants to get better and the other part of us actually wants to die. That’s why we can’t stop. Because we don’t have access to that part of ourselves because we disconnected from it when we were children and experienced something traumatic that we didn’t want to deal with. Same thing with things like schizophrenia and bipolar. We actually avoid getting better by choice because we do not want to deal with past turmoils that might disrupt our current way thinking and perceiving the world.

Everyone operates under this denial of themselves and that is why there is anger and political disharmony and social disharmony. That is why there is murderers and rapists and satanists that kidnap children. And that’s also why there are people in the hospital who suffer because doctors have not yet been able to figure out what is wrong with them and how to treat them properly. They only provide solutions to level out the suffering because they too are operating under trauma and unresolved spiritual issues and so they don’t have the motivation or energy to try and find effective solutions to these more complex problems and really make a difference. Just because someone has a degree from an institution does not mean they are the highest form of intelligence in society. Our institutions are based on mentalities that have been around for centuries and that’s why they fail the people who really actually need help. Instead of just the people who have some sort of straightforward illness that they can recover from just by taking medication which is really all a physician is able to provide in our day and age.

We actually don’t even need doctors. If we were to empower our minds and realize the potential of our own abilities then we would cure all illness and suffering. If you are experiencing pain on any level then ask yourself when did I first start feeling this way? Then ask what could I have been resisting or trying to avoid in my life that could have led to this? Or what kind of significant event happened that coincided with when the pain began or when it got worse?

It could be something to do with how you interact with people or express yourself to people as well as how you interact with yourself and if you are denying a part of yourself that needs attention. Like for example I have always had allergies and sinus problems ever since I was a kid and as I got older I started smoking weed and it really messed up my sinuses really bad and am still dealing with it now and I have to take Flonase all the time now. But then as i am going through this I have realized that there are certain actions that alleviate the pressure in my sinuses more so than any type of medication. The reason why my sinuses got so bad is because I am generally a shy and quiet person and I find it very hard to socialize with people and look them in the eye and I tend to avoid looking at people like my neighbors when I go outside or when I’m walking down the street or driving in my car. I even avoid my own family most of the time. But the pressure on my face from refusing to interact with them is what perpetuates my symptoms and I find that when I actually sink into the experience and embrace the situation of interacting and socializing in a positive way, I can feel a relief pretty much instantly. And I know that if I were to do it for a certain aMount of time then I can get to a point where my sinuses aren’t bothering me as much or possibly get rid of my allergies all together. But like I said it is hard for me to do because I have always been a socially anxious person so I would kind of have to change certain parts of my personality in order to reach that point of healing and maintain it.

And many people might just simply think well if you have had allergies all your life and you smoke a lot of weed then of course you’re gonna get sinus problems but people don’t know the true cause of sinus problems and allergies. At least I don’t believe they do. I feel like most people feel they need to rely on doctors for answers because of social pressure while not having enough confidence within themselves to actually find the answer and being afraid of looking like a selfish know it all. But the truth is that I was unconsciously damaging my sinuses on purpose and other parts of myself by smoking weed and drinking and doing drugs because of the initial fear of not wanting to interact and connect with people and form bonds with them and make eye contact and express my true thoughts and feelings about things. That is why there are some people who can smoke weed or cigarettes every day for years and not have a major problem like that for a long time. Because they are better at reaching out and socializing and connecting and interacting and so they are not as fragmented and there mental and physical state is not as fragile or sensitive and they are not so stressed out and tensing up as much.

But this is just one area in a whole variety of different illnesses and disturbances. Of course everyone has their own unique story but I believe that a lot of it has to do with lack of social connection as well as not being aware of your fragmented selves as a result of deep trauma or resistance.

And you might be thinking, “what about the people with birth deformities and children who are born with aids or cancer or something like that?” Those people are in the unfortunate situation of inheriting their parents trauma and unresolved issues and unconscious thoughts and actions and behaviors. And these things pass down from generation to generation and that is what is causing the physical imbalance in the child. And medications help manage the symptoms of something like autism or schizophrenia but it also solidifies you into the thought that you are trapped this way and the only way to maintain yourself is through antipsychotics and antidepressants and mood stabilizers or even sedatives. Because if you treat it as an illness then it will continue to cause problems in your life and other peoples lives because you are resisting it and making an enemy of it and feeling that it needs to be controlled and suspiciously monitored or that it’s something that you wish would just go away. But, if you recognize it as something profound and something that is critical to your growth and your spiritual progression in life, then it will be easier to figure out why this illness is wreaking havoc on your life without having to put your body and mind through the toll of pill taking.

Your body is one with your mind and your soul. If one becomes imbalanced then the other one will as well... and then the other one. They work as a cohesive unit. But as human we have free will. So we can decide whether or not to go in the direction of our soul and our true purpose. If we go against it that is when problems occur. And a huge part of our life purpose involves social connection and intimacy and interaction as well as our relationship with ourselves. If you avoid that, watch everything crumble.
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The source of suffering is not resistance, it's identification with personhood. No person = no suffering. There's actually no one who suffers. Pain... pain is another story. Pain is impossible to stop. But the real Self does not identify with or feel pain, therefore there can be no suffering.

People don't get sick because of self-avoidance. People don't get sick, period. Minds and bodies get sick. There are no "people" getting sick. "People" as self-axiomatic personality structures may tell themselves they are getting sick, but their personalities arise and dissolve spontaneously along with those identifications. People don't walk around thinking "I'm sick, I'm a sick person" 24 hours a day. They don't even walk around saying "me, me, me, I, I, I" all day. They drop those thoughts, then a different thought arises, or maybe they have a period when there's no thought at all. Certainly while they sleep. And when the constructs drop, even for 5 seconds, they are not suffering anymore in those moments.

The suffering comes from the personality complex having thoughts about itself and the pain it perceives. Pain is actually without story. It just is. Just like pleasure. Or the wind blowing on the skin. Or whatever is directly experienced without the intervention of mind. But as soon as story of person starts - "this is my pain", "this is hurting me", "this is happening to me", etc - the nightmare gets created.

If anything, people suffer because they are too self-aware. The people who tend to suffer the most have high neuroticism (in the psychology sense) and are so focused on "self" in a way that prevents direct experiencing. How many fucking self-help books or "emotional processing" sessions are you going to have before you let your "self" go?
The source of suffering is not resistance, it's identification with personhood. No person = no suffering. There's actually no one who suffers. Pain... pain is another story. Pain is impossible to stop. But the real Self does not identify with or feel pain, therefore there can be no suffering.

People don't get sick because of self-avoidance. People don't get sick, period. Minds and bodies get sick. There are no "people" getting sick. "People" as self-axiomatic personality structures may tell themselves they are getting sick, but their personalities arise and dissolve spontaneously along with those identifications. People don't walk around thinking "I'm sick, I'm a sick person" 24 hours a day. They don't even walk around saying "me, me, me, I, I, I" all day. They drop those thoughts, then a different thought arises, or maybe they have a period when there's no thought at all. Certainly while they sleep. And when the constructs drop, even for 5 seconds, they are not suffering anymore in those moments.

The suffering comes from the personality complex having thoughts about itself and the pain it perceives. Pain is actually without story. It just is. Just like pleasure. Or the wind blowing on the skin. Or whatever is directly experienced without the intervention of mind. But as soon as story of person starts - "this is my pain", "this is hurting me", "this is happening to me", etc - the nightmare gets created.

If anything, people suffer because they are too self-aware. The people who tend to suffer the most have high neuroticism (in the psychology sense) and are so focused on "self" in a way that prevents direct experiencing. How many fucking self-help books or "emotional processing" sessions are you going to have before you let your "self" go?
To me that just seems like avoiding again. If we didn’t want to identify ourselves as human then we wouldn’t have incarnated in the physical experience to begin with. Sure the spirit feels no pain because it’s not subjected to the singular perspective of the ego but the pain and suffering that the person feels is still very real in a sense and there usually is a root cause or reason for why it’s occurring whether it is an illusion or not. It is a choice to entertain the illusion and people choose to feel pain because unconsciously they are being controlled by their trauma and their fragmentation and their avoidance and resistance to both of those things. You cannot break the illusion if you have so much damaging energy built up inside you that is contradicting your ability to transcend or integrate or to become fully aware of the illusion of pain so that it doesn’t ruin your life anymore.

And I don’t believe that neuroticism is synonymous with being spiritually self aware. That is why I have a problem with clinical observations and terminology. Those are two opposites. Neuroticism involves anxiety in certain situations and shame and criticism toward oneself which again is just another form of resistance and turmoil within that was caused by trauma and bad parental values. People need to learn to be neurotic in a more beneficial way that is more loving toward yourself and has less fear surrounding it then you will see healing in all areas. You can learn to be self aware without the fear factor.

And also I’m not saying that self awareness is the only component to it. My own personal problems are a result of me not focusing on the external relationships I have with my family and friends and other people and situations that I have come across in life. If I were to work that aspect of my life out then I will not have these same physical problems. So I would have to focus more outward and more presently. However it is still important to be aware of the thoughts you are thinking and the emotions that you feel so you can work them out and they don’t disrupt the life you’re trying to live.
It's late and I can't sleep, have done too much speed, I'm not sure I agree with everything you said although admittedly I didn't read much of it. But as far as the thread title, yes, resistance, as in an unwillingness to accept reality, is as much the source of all suffering as absolute acceptance of reality exactly as it is is the solution to all suffering.

This is easy to muse on philosophically of course, in actual fact I think that if we take a step back from the illusions of choice and control and the self - the cause of all suffering is the inscrutable chaos of being and in fact, fundamental to the nature of being itself, in which case there is no real solution. Even acceptance is an acceptance that suffering is inevitable.

Temporary solutions are quite possible, of course, and suffering is relative - other beings, in other minds, no doubt do not suffer quite as we do and may well suffer less, and the converse. So really the solution to suffering is to be fortunate enough to exist as a being that does not suffer, or to exist in a moment without suffering, both of which are quite possible, and in either case, acceptance of reality exactly as it is comes easy. Surely easier than getting burned alive or having cigarettes stubbed out in your eyeballs.

But, I'm a mere mortal human with, currently, a fairly untamed mind, so what do I know. I accept that, and I do suffer less than if I didn't, for sure. So I will end with saying that in essence your thread title is close to being true, with the slight caveat that ALL suffering (did you say that? I cba to check anyway) is a very very wide brush, and acceptance, while it is a counter to the struggle to accept reality, which is what suffering is, ultimately... on closer inspection I'm not sure it's entirely accurate to say what you've said.

Resistance is a part of suffering rather than the cause of it.

Yeah, that's what I've been getting at, finally, I realise.
Well as a last result.. we'll always talk about cost..

Everything has a cost..

Paying the price is effort.. moving your muscles consumes energy..

So what is resistance in this circumstance?

The freewill of a person is always based on cost..

Motivation to do something comes from freewill..

The past has helped to form us.. and we as a permanent here understand change..

It is change that is at the forecast of everything.

The being (black) and the soul (yellow).. tell something about being and position..

Situated in space.. you are being rotated around objects.. and objects are rotating around you..

Like a sphere.. but the energies are subtle..

Resistance is futile compared to free willed expression!

So the question is :
What are you trying to resist?

You are free and here you are free to go..

But free to do what?
there is no freewill. You are been forced along enslaved by the will of the universe as a bio chemical computer inputing and outputting signals there was never no free agent.
there is no freewill. You are been forced along enslaved by the will of the universe as a bio chemical computer inputing and outputting signals there was never no free agent.

Free will vs. no free will, both are objects in duality. The nature of reality is non-dual. You're still caught up, my friend.
Getting too bogged down in the free will discussion has the potential to get in the way of any real discussion about anything. This is the dichotomy of sentience. Free will exists as the mechanism by which we make choices, but if one considers what a "choice" actually is, which most don't, or just, seemingly, can't, then it should be obvious that no choice is truly a free one, and thus free will is an illusion - just as the self is an illusion, even as we experience a sense of being something other than the automata of experiential reality. This something we can all agree on right?

@Brendan12 - your contributions are just word salad as far as I can tell. No offence meant, I'm sorry, I'm burning up some karma at an alarming rate recently. It's not your fault I can't understand your mind.
Suffering comes from within, so what's there to resist? I don't follow this at all. People can be brainwashed and it isn't necessarily brought on by external factors or others, so what's the point in claiming that will power can defeat suffering? I mean I guess I don't even see how one comes to these kinds of conclusions or why

As far as I know, personal freedom is based on a society and not on an actual human's ability to do what they want to prosper but this is just my opinion and I'd always explain that that's what it is and nothing more. Does everybody have the ability to be satisfied in life? I'd say yes, but keep in mind the definition of satisfaction would vary by person and their experience in life
If you could do whatever you want then freewill would be true..

But accepting what we have is a prison of bondage that we must make free from.
Suffering comes from within, so what's there to resist? I don't follow this at all. People can be brainwashed and it isn't necessarily brought on by external factors or others, so what's the point in claiming that will power can defeat suffering? I mean I guess I don't even see how one comes to these kinds of conclusions or why

As far as I know, personal freedom is based on a society and not on an actual human's ability to do what they want to prosper but this is just my opinion and I'd always explain that that's what it is and nothing more. Does everybody have the ability to be satisfied in life? I'd say yes, but keep in mind the definition of satisfaction would vary by person and their experience in life
The very act of being brainwashed is resistance in and of itself. If you latch onto something that is detrimental to you there is no question that that is a choice that you make on your own to do so even though the person or people brainwashing you is more powerful and knowledgeable than you.

However we attract certain situations to us because of the mental and emotional damage that our past traumas and social influences have brought upon our psyches.

You will live out the unresolved issues in your unconscious mind and they will eventually play out in your reality once you get older because you’re stuck in a deterministic cycle that gets passed down from generation to generation in a bunch of different ways that is hard to grasp if you are just barely learning about this stuff or if you tend to take a skeptical or scientific approach to things.

Not saying that your past experiences and present experiences will be identical but after being traumatized you will develop an automatic response in your mind to where you are unconsciously expecting something bad to happen to you. And it lingers in the bottom of your mind for a while until it manifests into a negative experience in your reality or some kind of tragedy in your life. and if you are really unconscious of it, then it will be harder to integrate it so that it’s not in your reality anymore or so that it doesn’t effect and hang over your life like an addiction. And you can be aware of the concept of it but not fully be aware of the actual problem in a real and genuine way to where it makes a difference. That’s where a lot of people get confused. They think they just have to be aware of the concept they have built up in their minds about it or the concept of what they are expecting it to look like but it’s deeper than that and requires more compassion and understanding towards the relationship between yourself and your external world.

So going back to people being brainwashed, they attract those experiences to them unconsciously because they felt like they were neglected by their mother and father figures as well as the authorities around them that was supposed to care for them and show them guidance.

Although on the other hand the term “brainwash” can mean different things to different people much like how you said that satisfaction for one person might be different to another. There are some cases where people think other people are being brainwashed when in reality they just feel that their ego is threatened and their fear causes them to criticize people who have different beliefs and behaviors about life.

And with saying all that I disagree that personal freedom for a person is dependent on the boundaries that the society places on that person. You can override those boundaries by unlocking certain abilities of the mind that have been inactive in the mainstream civilization that we have lived in for generations. The society tries to make you feel like there is only certain limits to your being and what you are able to achieve. But if you realize that your mind is the same mind that is governing everybody else’s mind then whole new possibilities open up for you and you find it easier to navigate yourself through the constraints of the modern society and the boundaries of the 3d physical realm while at the same time gaining more and more freedom and fluidity in your life. That fluidity will make it easier to attract experiences into your life where you are literally slipping through the cracks of all the socialized ideas of how a person is supposed to live and go about things and you find yourself attracting more abundant experiences and opportunities in your life that you thought were impossible before.

And that is including the healing of the physical body or healing of all mental illness. Which is, as I have said, the result of major trauma inflicted on a person and generational mishaps that got passed down emotionally, mentally and physically. It is part true that whatever you do in this life can actually have a damaging effect on your children and your children’s children. They all carry your thoughts and your built up emotions that you did not want to deal with and it can also intensify and cause more damage to the succeeding children if the lineage continues on in that fashion.

That’s why understanding the mind and understanding how much resistance and trauma is within the mind of the average person on a daily basis is the most critical thing for us as a civilization reaching true and genuine effective healing in all areas of life. As opposed to the idea that we just need to wait and depend on doctors and scientists to using ridiculous amounts of money and technology decade after decade only to reach a minimal amount of progress with the end product being something that’s given to just help control and manage symptoms of a much larger complex problem. And ends up causing damage in other parts of the body or mind that are completely looked over and dismissed and ignored and passed off as normal symptomology that is tolerable and worth going through and worth adjusting your body to.