resin in a glass pipe


Mar 9, 2004
Is it considered possession if you have resin in your pipe but you don't have any actual marijuana in your possesion?
Yes they can. In some places a seed is all that's necessary to qualify as possession. If you have a pipe with resin, they might go easy on you and only charge you with paraphernalia.
don't know where you live yimmy, but here in florida paraphenalia isn't charged lightly.
Even in my area, they would charge you if you had one seed in your possession. Even when someone at school is caught with a almost empty bag only having seeds and stems, they are charged. And when a friend of mine got pulled over and the police searched his car and found the pipe, they saw the resin and charged him.
^ me and my friends got busted on seperate occasions... u can have paraphenalia, but if its used then u busted for suspicion of use cause of the resin. In most cases if u got no weed around, they will confiscate the bong and give u either a warning or make u watch a drug rehab video.
There is no THC in the seeds, but that does not mean that they are legal to posses.
I did a little research on the seed thing and where I live the statute states that the seed must be "be capable of germination" inorder for it to be illegal to possess the seed.
Bad_Boy_Blue said:
^ The only way they can know is if they plant it!

Ahhhha, I was thinking the exact same thing when I read the statute.

"Your Honor, the prosecution would like to ask for a continuance in this matter so that we may plant some pot seeds" Ahhhhha.

Seriously, some seeds are sterile.
in parts of arkansas you get possession for having ANY hemp product (Hemp has something like <.05% THC content) therefore if you have 1 pound of hemp fashoined into a shirt, you get charged with posession of 1 pound of pot.... retarded....

As for the resin, narcs get super anal about these things when it means more convictions and more anti-drug funds for thier precincts. they'll take your piece, break it open, get as much resin as possible so they can get you with the max charge...
Seeds you can definately get popped for....Friends on prohbation for it now.....just one seed at the bottom of his backpack