• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Relative that stole from our house


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
My sister in law had been making weird excuses to come over, usually during the week and always at night. My husband has never been close to her and resents her for everything she's put my in laws through (failed marriages, living with them still at age 36, paid for rehab and counseling). SIL stated she wanted to build a relationship with us. I was very open to it, my hubby skeptical... Come to find out she was ganking his pain meds- ones he legitimately is prescribed for chronic pain/autoimmune disease.

She fessed up to it. Never apologized.

Where would you draw the line in this relationship? Would you cut ties? Ban her from your house? Part of me feels sorry for her, her life situation and all she's been through. But as the old saying goes... Fool me once...

What's your take?
I wouldn't cut ties but I would ban her from the house until she proved she has changed. Unless under strict supervision while in the home of course, so much so that she probably wouldn't want to come over though.