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May 18, 2016
Hello! So I've recently experimented with MDMA (tested and very pure) and have been doing some research on how to properly use it. I'm 33 and have really only done pot (daily) and the occasional shroom. My first experience with MDMA was around early April. I took one small pill (I believe it was 100mg) and waited. My first experience wasn't very good. It made me very anxious and nauseous at first, then it felt really good but I was also very emotional. After that night I felt drained and depressed for a couple of days. At this point I figured it wasn't for me and decided not to try it again for a bit. Fast forward a couple of weeks and I decided to just try half a pill. This experience was better but pretty mild. Fast forward again a week or so and I took another half pill with weed. This experience was the first one I had that was actually really nice. This past weekend, after a very stressful week at work I decided to try again with weed before my trip to China (which is where I'm writing this from). I took half a pill with weed, felt really good then about 3 or 4 hours later I took the other half which kept the feeling going. My friend had an extra pill that he didn't want so I repeated the half pill dose after another 3 hours and the final half pill after another 2 or 3 hours (while smoking weed and taking a weed candy) so total dose this past weekend was 200mg spread out (grand total in about a month and a half is 400mg). I felt really good and didn't really have a bad come down. The next morning I left to the airport feeling just fine with no depression or feeling drained. I have one pill left and was planning on taking it when I return this weekend with weed. However, I know there are issues with using it too much so now I'm wondering if I should even do that or just leave it for the future. If I take it, it would put me at 500mg within 2 months. Is this too much? Many thanks all!!!
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Just leave it and take a long break. You've already had a taste of the negative side effects of MDMA, if you keep testing your limits you're going to find yourself rudely surprised by something much worse.
That's a lot.

The dose should be ~150mg every 2/3 months, and you took 500mg in 2 months. Take a break (at least 3 months), the pill is not going anywhere, you can take it after, it does not expire or goes bad :)