Real T.V.


Oct 27, 1999
Well I stayed up all night to watch real tv..they have a 2 part thingy about raves or as the named it "party animals" (I think). It showed alot of home movies from a guy that tapes raves. There was a little thing at the end that was really neatO. They showed a bouncer punch a kid and they said something nice "Like at all good raves in the end they make up". After they added the drugs that people are on and you know puttin raves down but in the end it was good. I think that the next part will be on tomorrow night. You guys should watch it.
i watched that too. funny how a piece of "news" that is factually accurate can miss the point so completely.
sensationalism at it's best really, a bouncer punching a raver, ghb overdoses, tales of crashed cars, clips asking stoned out ravers what they took.
does that upset anyone else (i'm on a public computer and it won't let me swear, really funny !!). it has to be my biggest pet peeve seeing clips where journalists ask completely stoned out morons why they rave. it's like they have to pick out the most depraved 10pill a night degenerate with their eyes rolling into the backs of their heads to ask them to philosophize about the scene.
a typical scenario:
reporter: so why do you come to raves?
drugged out degenerate puking over a toilet bowl:'cause i like to do drugs RRRAAALLLFFF [spews chunks]
LOL @ brand-x... Heehee. Yeah, the media's take on raves ALWAYS pisses me off.
It pisses me off, you hear? Makes me mad as fuckin hell! Neenerneener, I can cuss and yoooouuu caaaaan't... Fuck fuck fuck, nah-nah-na-naahh.. *giggle*
~*~ Ashke, crakt out today ~*~
Real TV is pretty funny- they should rename the show

i think clubbers have a resonsiblity to be on their *best behavior* while in front of media- BrandX & I share petpeev's> i hate seeing kids give journalists ammunition to smear the dance scene... and its alwayz the most fucked up guy at the party who they chooze to reprersent the scene>
oh well-
Did you ever think that they do it on purpose? I mean, raves being the great evil of our society and all, it wouldn't do to talk to an erudite and coherent person. They have to talk to the worst examples from our scene that they can find so that the scene continues to look bad.
- aby