**ReAd ThiS**


Dec 23, 1999
Ok,, i wont be offended you guys dont end up reading this but i just want to share something with all of you ok. Well a couple friends and I rolled on Saturday night. Blue CUs. I wasn't planning to drop because I like to only stick to rolling every 2 or more weeks. Well anyways, I'm starting to sidetrack, ok well all you people who make fun of Canada and say we live in Egloos and whatnot,,We can go snowmobiling and you can't..You guys are missing out. I have never experience anything like that before in my life. It was the most beautiful, spirtual experience i have ever had. And also speeding throught the snowy cold trails you face becomming numb and watching the aisles of pine trees speed behind you. It was quite a trip. Its for sure an experience im sure my friends and i will never forget. The reason why im posting this,if any of you ever get a chance to do this. Snowmobile while rolling please do, i can't even describe the whole experience i had,,its way beyond words.
Peace and Love,
*Im MaGiCaLLy DeLiCiOuS*
Oooh that does sound like fun.

On a totally unrelated note, would you please post to the pill report forum about those blue CUs? Coz they're goin round Ohio right now too and I'd like to know what they're like. I'm a'huntin for groovy kickass pills for Radiate this upcoming Feb 5th.

~*~ Ashke ~*~
GaBBer, that was one of the best rolls! (except for the mean people!)
The tunnel of trees was the most incredible thing.
if any of u get a chance to hop on a snowmobile I strongly suggest that u do

I thought they were green CU's?
Ashke, pop the CU's u won't regret it
Mad LOve
Canada Kicks Ass
And thats all I got to say about that!!
the Doc
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants