Raising the Rent?


Jan 1, 2001
Ok, I live in los angeles, and I'm curious as to if there is any type of law on how much a landlord can increase the rent? We've paid the same amount for 10 years, but now this younger girl is taking over, remodeling the house, and raising the rent. I don't mind if it goes up like $100, but anything more than that is a bit much. I mean, suddenly the rent can't just be $200 more just cause can it?

i know in my home state, the rent can only go up 8% a year. i am not familiar with CA laws...
thanks shanna.

I'm just nervous that we're gunna get a fuckin 50% increase or something like that.

Many large cities in Ca. regulate rent increases through local ordinances. You should look into what the law is there in LA.
Well, thats a negative on the lease thing. I'm assuming we fall into the month by month group, but we've been here for 10 years. We also live in a city with rent control. We called tonight to find out the exact amount that the rent can be increased by. The only thing that's worrying me now is that she has mentioned moving in to our place. I read that she can do this if she choses to :( I hate the thought of moving, but maybe we'll get a better area out in the valley or something...
