Mental Health Quitting Zoloft cold turkey is risky


Aug 10, 2020
I'm trimming a lot of fat here but I was prescribed 200mg of Zoloft, 1200mg of Gabapentin and 50mg Naltrexone. Lost my job, family, insurance etc would of had 90 more days of meds to bridge the gap but I know everything lol so I stop all prescribed meds and I go back to drinking but now Im also doing coke. Im playing games with a friend from r/cocaine and when I come to I hear myself speaking gibberish on my office floor and hes freaking out. I was gonna keep playing but my head was killing me so I go to shower annnnnnd CUT, I wake up on my couch with a broken shower rod next to me and I go to use the bathroom and I see the curtain balled up and my memory is fucked but I remember just a split second of what happened. Just imagine crazy tunnel vision and all you see is your shower wall then bathroom ceiling falling like a tree. A pasty white tree lol. I posted part of white trash beautifuls lyrics on fb, someone reports to higher for being "suicidal'"and im forced to live in the barracks. (mind you my house is 1 story, the barracks are 4 lol) 2 days later im at my desk again however im sober this time and next thing I know Im picking my head up off my desk and had a small cut on nose and forehead. I think 1 night after that or so I wake up and my head is wet. I look left and there is blood all over my pillow and a puddle on the floor. I go to ask my roommate wtf happened, his reaction reminded me of that scene in hot rod when the dude has a giant piece of metal in his forehead. (Hospital? Trashcan. Sweet.) I was gonna get stitches so that was it. Next day me brain not feel good. I wasn't talking like a caveman but I felt stupid. Putting a sentence together was hard, had to describe to google commmon things as id forget their names. I literally looked up 'sausage that mexicans eat' since i couldnt remember 'chorizo' gracias for that stuff! I go to the ER as its night I get an xray of my head, ekg and idk if i had a cat scan too or what because my 'midterm' memory is pretty spotty. Looking back i find it funny that I got a little yellow notepad so I could write down what I needed to do for the day or whatever but Id forget where I put the notepad haha. I get to see a TBI specialist, he recommends more advanced care and for me to just take it easy the next couple weeks but instead of that ive been doing 3-4 day coke/beer benders since hoping id gnow where Im going with all this and if I not have very good grammar sorry but you'll get the idea. NOW after that in and out of order clusterfuck is over I have
Idk how to use this shit and it was starting to delete as I typed so get ready for PART 2

hoping id go out like mitch hedberg.* but if i did try to get more help am i fucked? what if i have one driving?
I quit sertraline cold turkey in the past. I didn't feel that bad. Just those brain zaps were annoying.