Questions? First cycle? What should I do


Mar 23, 2015
Sorry for blowing up the news feed with my bullshit but Im just trying to make friends!

I'm starting with my first ever bottle of anything of depo test cypionate,USP C" is what the bottle says the guy I got it from says its pharmaceutical Pfizer injectabls

200 mg/ml

Thoughts on this stuff anyone ever here of it?

I only want to do this stuff for a few months so I'm nice and shredded for summer I'm willing to put in whatever I have to do to see results working out eating etc

I'm looking to put on gains! I'm 150 pounds and can't put weight on for shit as much as k eat I can't put on weight so my buddy suggested to do some cyp and he said if i eat and work out il gain some pounds blah blah blah Idk if he was just trying to make me buy it or what

He also told me when I run out of the cyp to get another bottle and to do it with a "stacker" like deca or eq he's told me that eq makes u eat like a fucking horse...then Ive been doing my research and I've herd deca gives you deca dick so I'm getting mind fucked every where i go...I'm looking to do this crap for another 3/4 months and I'm going to stop

Now when I stop I herd if you don't tapper off the correct way you will lose everything so I obvisoily don't want that shit I'm just looking for more info about this when I do stop and the whole PCT shit bc I no nothing about it anyone can buy a bottle of juice and stick themselves 2x a week and get big but I want to do it the right way with you guyss help

After I'm done with this bottle of cyp I'm not sure what to do so any cycles that have worked for you please let me no what's up I'm 21 and I'm 150 I'm not trying to be the hulk but just want to get shredded for the summer oh and I'm 21....I have a dad already so please don't preach about how I shouldn't be doing this or that Im just trying to get a kickstart before the summer starts thanks guys
Please tell me you have at least 3-5 years of dieting and exercise experience under your belt.

You need to figure out what you want first.

So what are you doing? Bulking or cutting? Don't say both.

Before you start the cycle, the MOST important part is getting your meal plans done RIGHT every single day. If you're not gaining mass or losing weight now at 150, steroids are NOT going to do anything good for you. Results of a good diet are directly amplified with steroid use.

I would highly advise getting down to a very low Body fat % (under 8% ) then run a bulk cycle and a huge caloric surplus. Using Test to cut would be a huge waste of a cycle.

Get the whole cycle first before you start pinning. Get both vials of test cyp that you'll probably need. If you want to stay relatively lean I would stack it with EQ or winstrol. If you're looking to actually make significant progress I would go Test cyp/deca. At 150 lb you can definitely afford to put on a lot of muscle.

As far as PCT, if you do test only at around 500mg a week you probably won't need a PCT.

I would start taking around 50mg of clomid (Every day) for 4 weeks (following the last injection) then drop it down to 25mg a day every other day for 2 more weeks.
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The problem is 5'8 150 lbs is about 10 lbs lighter than his natural potential at 6% body fat. I doubt he's 6%. Therefore, he has much room to improve. Most people who get on gear do not wait until they max out their natural gains. They get on it, provided they are conscious about it, after they've been on a plateau and seem to be going nowhere (usually after 6-18 months). I am one of those people. I think one year proper training and nutrition gives 70-80% of lifetime muscle gains. Granted, there's still room for improvement in years 2 and 3 but it's much bigger test of character. My goal is to put in 3 years of training, where the supplements carry me through periods of ebb and not feeling motivation with lack of results. Then get off and realize you've put in so much time, it's best to finish out the natural ceiling of training like few others ever will.
Strength standards are the best way to judge how long someone has been training. If you're not well intermediate in most major lifts, you have no business thinking about ergogenic assistance. You're not even anywhere tough to need assistance. Hit some tough numbers and get real about what's worth the effort to enlist supplements.
Please tell me you have at least 3-5 years of dieting and exercise experience under your belt.

You need to figure out what you want first.

So what are you doing? Bulking or cutting? Don't say both.

Before you start the cycle, the MOST important part is getting your meal plans done RIGHT every single day. If you're not gaining mass or losing weight now at 150, steroids are NOT going to do anything good for you. Results of a good diet are directly amplified with steroid use.

I would highly advise getting down to a very low Body fat % (under 8% ) then run a bulk cycle and a huge caloric surplus. Using Test to cut would be a huge waste of a cycle.

Get the whole cycle first before you start pinning. Get both vials of test cyp that you'll probably need. If you want to stay relatively lean I would stack it with EQ or winstrol. If you're looking to actually make significant progress I would go Test cyp/deca. At 150 lb you can definitely afford to put on a lot of muscle.

As far as PCT, if you do test only at around 500mg a week you probably won't need a PCT.

I would start taking around 50mg of clomid (Every day) for 4 weeks (following the last injection) then drop it down to 25mg a day every other day for 2 more weeks.
The problem is 5'8 150 lbs is about 10 lbs lighter than his natural potential at 6% body fat. I doubt he's 6%. Therefore, he has much room to improve. Most people who get on gear do not wait until they max out their natural gains. They get on it, provided they are conscious about it, after they've been on a plateau and seem to be going nowhere (usually after 6-18 months). I am one of those people. I think one year proper training and nutrition gives 70-80% of lifetime muscle gains. Granted, there's still room for improvement in years 2 and 3 but it's much bigger test of character. My goal is to put in 3 years of training, where the supplements carry me through periods of ebb and not feeling motivation with lack of results. Then get off and realize you've put in so much time, it's best to finish out the natural ceiling of training like few others ever will.

Cutting up
Please tell me you have at least 3-5 years of dieting and exercise experience under your belt.

You need to figure out what you want first.

So what are you doing? Bulking or cutting? Don't say both.

Before you start the cycle, the MOST important part is getting your meal plans done RIGHT every single day. If you're not gaining mass or losing weight now at 150, steroids are NOT going to do anything good for you. Results of a good diet are directly amplified with steroid use.

I would highly advise getting down to a very low Body fat % (under 8% ) then run a bulk cycle and a huge caloric surplus. Using Test to cut would be a huge waste of a cycle.

Get the whole cycle first before you start pinning. Get both vials of test cyp that you'll probably need. If you want to stay relatively lean I would stack it with EQ or winstrol. If you're looking to actually make significant progress I would go Test cyp/deca. At 150 lb you can definitely afford to put on a lot of muscle.

As far as PCT, if you do test only at around 500mg a week you probably won't need a PCT.

I would start taking around 50mg of clomid (Every day) for 4 weeks (following the last injection) then drop it down to 25mg a day every other day for 2 more weeks.

IM not trying to lose weight at all I'm trying to gain weight can you give me an idea of meals you eat everyday breakfast lunch dinner etc
Please tell me you have at least 3-5 years of dieting and exercise experience under your belt.

Get the whole cycle first before you start pinning. Get both vials of test cyp that you'll probably need. If you want to stay relatively lean I would stack it with EQ or winstrol. If you're looking to actually make significant progress I would go Test cyp/deca. At 150 lb you can definitely afford to put on a lot of muscle.

As far as PCT, if you do test only at around 500mg a week you probably won't need a PCT.

I would start taking around 50mg of clomid (Every day) for 4 weeks (following the last injection) then drop it down to 25mg a day every other day for 2 more weeks.

Now if I get 2 bottles of cyp should I get 2 bottles of eq? Or deca?

What's the difference between the 2

And if I'm doing 1ml 2x a week now,next month I'm going to just add 1 more ml of the eq? 2x a week?

So cyp 2x a week at 1ml

Eq 2x week at 1ml too??
First off, you do need to wait until you're at your natural genetic potential first before you run your cycle.

What you'll get if you wait:

1) Much better muscle mass gain
2) Lower chance of injury on cycle
3) Less rebound effect in strength, size and body fat coming off cycle

If you're gonna jump into your cycle without a meal plan, a lifting plan or a plan in general, I'd just run Test cyp by itself at 1cc 2x a week.
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Also at 5'8" and 150lbs, it's obvious your diet and training aren't spot on and if you can't eat to grow off cycle, what makes you think your going to maintain what you gain while ON?
Very good point. If you can't gain weight naturally good luck putting down enough food on aas.
Well I am going to preach despite what you say. Stop injecting!!

You're a prime example of someone who should be totally discouraged. You started your cycle without doing even the basic research first. You haven't got your nutrition sorted, as there is no way in hell that 150lbs is your natural limit, or anything even vaguely approaching it. And you can be shredded for the summer at that weight perfectly easily without any exogenous hormones.

Don't use gear as a band-aid to compensate for being slack with diet and training. Don't fuck with your hormones for results that could be easily achieved naturally. Stop your cycle. Do your research. Learn how to cut naturally, how to control your nutrition and training and cardio first. Since you don't want to be big anyway, I don't think you need ever use any gear at all. But if in the future your goals change, you'll have the knowledge to do it properly.
I agree with everyone here. He has nothing to gain from using steroids, but a lot to lose.

But being a blue lighter for a while, I find myself pessimistic in that I know he's probably gonna do it anyway. So I might as well lead him down the direction I find to be beneficial.

Also, disregard what I said previously. You need to run clomid at the end of the cycle.