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Question about precipitated withdrawal from subs....


Aug 14, 2013
A cliff notes style back story first: As most of you are well aware, there is a fairly new and and increasingly popular method of detox that doesn't involve prescription maintenance programs and such. You probably already guessed what i am talking about, the wonderful Loperamide.

I was a heavy heroin and pill(Oxy's, dilaudid, etc..) user for roughly 4 and a half years so naturally when i had heard about this my initial response was extreme skepticism as i am sure was the same for most. Sure enough, i eventually got to a point of desperation and decided to give this lope thing a shot and to my surprise it actually works, and really well i might add!! I remember thinking, i can't believe everyone isn't doing this! I felt like i was in some sort of exclusive and very secret club.

Fast forward about a week and a half or so. By this time i feel as though i am somewhat of an expert on lope as i spent most of this time reading up on it. Wrong, i am no expert and neither are any of you, if you look through threads on the subject of loperamide, you will see just how varying the opinions on it are.

For example: Try to find out whether or not it crosses the BBB,, i guarantee by the time you are done you are one confused and frustrated individual. I am here to tell you, it may not cross the BBB,(though for me it did in large doses, everyone is different so i can't say for sure that this is just how it effects me or if this only happens to certain people and so on, i learned this much much later of course)but it certainly does adhere to to your receptors and it holds on like methadone, this much i am sure of.

So fast forward another week or so and here i am, at the point of stopping with the lope, convincing myself through hours of thread research that the majority consensus that it does not cross the BBB must be true and it should be a smooth transition into mild but bearable day 14 withdrawals that i could easily walk through. Wrong again! For the first day or two after discontinuing the lope maintenance i felt fine, even maybe good which was something i certainly was not used to. But then about around day 3, i am dick slapped by full on classic opiate withdrawal symptoms as if i am just starting a cold turkey kick. I think to myself, 'maybe this is just left over from my 4+ years of heroin and pill abuse, so i decided to grit my teeth and bare through it. Needless to say by day 5 i was a wreck, theses aren't typical withdrawal symptoms i am talking about either, this is like heroin almost with some new added issued i had yet to encounter. I was in full blown hellish withdrawal and it was from the lope. I tied to make it another 2 days but ultimately came running back to the lope, take a handful and an hour or so later, i feel like a million bucks...Fuck....I continue to take loperamide for the next 6 months or so with no breaks whatsoever, i guess i had excepted my fate and tried to rationalize this idiocy by telling myself, 'well at least it is readily available, quite cheap, it's legal and it can't be all that bad for me, at least not as bad as shooting dope...You are probably starting to see a trend here, i am almost never right.

This shit started to really fuck my world top to bottom..Not shitting for weeks on end and when i do it is like giving birth out of my ass, i started to experience strange side effects such as numbness in my hands, trouble swallowing, my vision went to shit, extreme muscle weakness, and so on..Time to kick this crap..

So this brings up to about a week ago, ii got my hands on 15 8mg subs and thought, 'finally, i can get off of this nightmare drug and give subs a chance again. I waited approximately 30 hours before my first dose of about 4mg. It sent me into some precipitated withdrawals, not horrible want to rip your arm off and beat yourself unconscious precip wd's but shitty enough to not want to be at work feeling this way. I jump back online to try and figure out what to do and after some research decided that taking more subs is the way to go(thanks guys)so i pop 16mgs and am sent straight into those arm ripping PWD's i mentioned earlier.

I am currently on day 7 since i last dosed with lope, at this point i have been through 40mgs of bupe and each time i dosed went into PWD's, albeit much milder each time.

My question is, does precipitating withdrawal keep the drug you are trying to detox yourself of, in my case lope in your system?

Shouldn't this shit be out by now?

I was told by more than one physician that lope has a half life of roughly 12 hours, falling in between oxy's and methadone. It doesn't even take 7 days to transition from meth to subs does it?

Should i just tough it out a little longer say a couple more days then start the subs again?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback and i apologize about the lengthy post riddled with spelling errors and miss punctuation, bad sentence structure and so forth.
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Welcome to Bluelight :)

Do you mind breaking up your post into paragraphs before I move it? This way it's easier for other users to read and respond to your post. If people see a wall of text, they'll automatically be less inclined to contribute. I just want to make sure you get the best possible answers.
You know, as pathetic as this may seem to you, i actually do not know how to do that...And thank you :)
It's not pathetic at all. You just hit the (
) button and change your post from there. I took the liberty of doing it for you.

Also, what you're going through with loperamide withdrawal, is perfectly normal. Many of the more recent anecdotes on loperamide illuminated that it carries a serious risk of addiction, dependance, and withdrawal. I've been there personally, and shared the exact same symptoms, and even side effects as you mentioned.

I'm moving your thread to Basic Drug Discussion.

Anonymous -> Basic Drug Discussion

Best of luck!
If you don't mind my asking, did you just suck it up and fight through a month+ of shitty withdrawal from the lope or did you relapse or try another method maybe?
Id love to put a "good" answer up here, cause i had luck tapering off read dope with loper myself. Unfortunately, i never added the bupe/nalox into the recipe.
Ive gotten so much help from this forum in the past 7-8 yrs by threads old and new.
Hope everything works/worked out here for all ppl involved.