Question about phenibut withdrawal


Jun 12, 2017
Hello! Here's some background info on my current situation:
• I was heavily addicted to opiates from 2007-2013. Went to rehab and relocated.
• 2014-2015 I used Kratom. Started out slow and eventually became addicted to that. I used suboxone for a couple days to get off that. Painless and easy.
•Became very depressed after I lost a couple friends/family to addiction, as well as developed a wicked migraine problem. I slowly started to use Kratom again early 2017 to self medicate both of those problems. Quickly became addicted again.
•Used suboxone to ease myself off of Kratom again from May 27-June 3rd. This time around, I was still experiencing withdrawals after a week of tapered suboxone use.
•Ordered a tub of Phenibut June 4 to help with remaining anxiety&RLS I was experiencing. I know phenibut is supposed to be extremely addictive itself, so I told myself I could use it for a week then throw it out.
•phenibut usage: June 5: 4 grams, June 6: 1.5 grams, June 7: 1 gram, June 8: .75 grams, June 9: .75 grams, June 10: 1 gram, June 11: .75 gram, June 12: .45 gram

So I've used a total of about 10.5 grams over the course of a week. I feel like I should nip this is the bud now and throw out the rest.

Can anyone give me some insight into what I am to expect over the next week/two weeks? Is this not that big of a deal? Should I be worried? Should I taper lower, or is that not nessesary at this point in my phenibut use and I should just stop now? thank you so much for yall's help!
Hi there!

Probably your withdrawal symptoms might be noticable (poor sleep), but managable. Everyone is different, though.

If you want it to be totally painless, put 2.5 grams in half a liter of water. Then drink 100ml every day and fill it up with tap water.
If you do it like that, your dosage will drop 20% every day: 500 - 400 - 320 - 256 - 204 - 163 - 133 - 104 - 83.
If you stop then, symptoms will be unnoticable.
It might be a bit of hassle, though. You didn't use very high dosages and not for a long time.

How did I forget about that method?! Thank you so much for the advice and peace of mind.