Pushing thru


Aug 8, 2012
I?m going thru gabapentin withdrawals. I refuse to take it because it?s so addictive. I will go thru 90 800 mg in seven days. It has been the most addictive pill I have ever taken.

Granted I had to cold turkey suboxone Xanax and klonopin too but I?m pretty much over those withdrawals.

It?s the gabapentin withdrawals that?s making me go crazy.

I fear I?m going to lose my marbles and I?m trying to stay sane.
No cuz I can?t take a lot correctly so I won?t be able to take less correctly. I have to do this.
I've read of people going through gabapentin withdrawals even while using it at lower therapeutic levels. Do you know someone that can dole them out to you or are you totally done with taking them?
I don't want to cause alarm, but it sounds like you could use some help. A lot of the withdrawal symptoms are similar to alcohol and benzos, including hallucinations and seizures which can potentially be fatal.

I don't know of any safe way to detox cold turkey alone. I have had a seizure and also drug induced psychosis. It is not a matter of physical or mental strength. At this point it is a physiological matter. Your body is trying to return to equilibrium and over compensating as a result from operating under sedatives for so long.

Please, do yourself and your loved ones a favor, reach out to the people who can help.

Medical detox centers in your area sound like the way to go.. might be time to make some phone calls and figure out your options before the withdrawals really start kicking.

Once you are delusional or having hallucinations it can be very difficult to make smart or safe decisions alone. It won't be too late to get help, but options will be even more limited. These detox centers are there for situations like this. If you become severely dehydrated and fall into seizure it can easily lead to death. Seizure alone is potentially fatal.

It is your life you are talking about here. Whatever the cost might be, I would think it is worth it if it gives you a second chance at life. A chance to get your things together and really go after life.

Again.. Medical detox center, where you can have the supervision of nurses and/or doctor(s). They can provide the medications you need to safely step off, food and nourishment for your body, and counselors can provide emotional support. You don't have to be alone if you don't want to. There are people who understand and are ready to help.

Be safe. We are here for support, but we can only do so much. Your body has its limits and it sounds like you are pushing them.. take care.
I talked to a pharmacist and I told him what was going on and he said since I don?t have a history of seizures that I should be fine. I have had two seizures from klonopin withdrawals but I have no history of them.

I can?t get to anywhere cuz my truck got stolen a year ago. Unfortunately I don?t have the option that I would need.
I don?t know what to do. I live in the country so I don?t have many options.
Have you tried calling around? I know a few people who work at a detox/rehab and would think most would be willing to pick you up on their own time. A lot of people who work in the recovery field also struggled with substance use disorders, so some are very understanding of how desperate the situations can be. Reach out.. don't be afraid to be appear desperate.. Go to a local AA, ask someone there, tell them your situation. If you lived in my town I would HOPE that you asked me if you needed it. Call a taxi and don't pay the fee... I know for myself reaching out for help was one of the hardest parts. I let things get completely out of control to the point where I was forced to ask for help.

I don't have any personal experience with gabapen, but from what I have seen and read it sounds an awful lot like benzos. I've heard of doctors that tell patients that there is no risk of seizure when coming off benzos, when there is clear evidence that it does carry risk. This may be a situation where it is wise to seek a second opinion. If nothing else is possible, you could try scheduling an appt with the psychiatrist every week until you are out of the WDs.. maybe he will be able to help you if the WDs get severe.

What'd you do when you had the seizures? Was someone there to get help?