Mental Health Psychiatric Treatments Debate vs trot out your medications bias and lemme at it

Want to see my bias?

I might hogtie a psych in their office if they try to force me into one.

i have been psychotic 3 times, first two times i was hospitalised for about a month or more each time.

more recently i was able to regain lucidity enough while talking to a crisis counsellor on the phone that i took a small amount of olanzapine and seroquel that i got some rest and it knocks me out of my god trip.

neuroleptics are good tools to have if you are bipolar.

for me i take them if i havent slept for over 1 night, and if i am in dangerously elevated mood territory.

with how my mood cycles that is like once every 3 years. but i might have fixed that issue by quitting weed and alcohol as ive been heavily dependant on cannabis for the good part of a decade.

better to be pretty stoned the next day and have the munchies than go to hospital and be extremely misunderstood for weeks on end.

ppl hate on pharmaceutical companies and medication like olanzapine and seroquel then pop oxycontin and xanax like candy. like bruh, they make some good drugs.
Diagnoses I don't like? Borderline Personality Disoder. Code for, you're emotionally dysregulated and not getting better with treatment and we don't know why. Even I got slapped with this label before disclosing my trauma history and getting complex PTSD instead (presumably because I'm male). Getting a temporary BPD label made my self-harm and drug use worse because I stopped reaching out for help out of fear of being viewed as manipulative when I don't have a manipulative bone in my body. I had to get it removed from my medical records because fuck that. Also I'm autistic and BPD is a super common misdiagnosis for autistic people, especially those assigned female at birth like me even if we transition to male.

Plus like, upwards of 80% of people with a BPD disgnosis disclose a history of child sexual abuse. They should be in trauma focussed therapy, nothing else. That's why they're not getting better. The actual number would be higher.

But no, if you're emotionally dysregulated and you self-harm that's it - BPD. Welcome to the circus of medical professionals treating you like utter shit for the rest of forever.

I recently self admitted to the psych ward after self harming and somehow dodged a BPD label and got given 'adjustment disorder' instead, which is also a bullshit disgnosis. I was in a depressive episode from stimulant withdrawal for bipolar. It wasn't a hard diagnosis to make and they still fucked it up.

My two least favourite, meaningless diagnoses.
I'm a dollar sign in the eyes of doctors.

I also have a bill for teaching doctors better practice. They don't do their homework. They failed the class for continuing this invega bullshit. They can't afford to pay their bill so the pretend it's not real.

Anyway, invega shot today. I'm already over medicated this morning on d8 and d9. Jerked off too so it'll I'm extra creep to them.

"I'm fine in the fire. I feed on the friction. I'm right where I should be. Don't try and fix me."
I had a psychotic episode for the first time last year since high school. I really have struggled to accept that diagnosis as real but over time was forced to accept it after having to rebuild my life over and over again after stopping meds out of feeling so well I must not be mentally ill. america overprescribes because it is a business here, until that problem is fixed we are going to struggle with over and under treatment of mental illness and the mess of prescribing that exists in healthcare.

someone I know who has been suffering with anxiety and addiction for years just recently paid for a psych consult and was diagnosed as bipolar in the first visit

he is in his mid thirties has a college degree works everyday never had a manic episode …wtf? Where did this diagnosis come from?
I’ll admit I am not educated in bipolar 2 or the range of bipolar spectrum whatever the heck is going on there and dont know if he maybe is bipolar type 2 and I am just blind to it bc I am so used to my type of presentation and the old school way of diagnosisIng but this seems to me like a prime example of the fuckery going on In psychiatry today

that is a life altering diagnosis with lifetime medication management
I would think it should take more then one time meeting someone whose life is pretty on track and has already passed through the danger years of the teens and is not psychotic or suicidal

sorry for dumping this all here
he already doesnt trust the psych industry and thinks he is smarter then all the dr’s so I didn’t want to say that sounds stupid when I wanted to say that really bad
That is a bit odd, and disappointing. Do you know what kind of testing the psychiatrist did in order to get that diagnosis for your friend?
One simple question I have , if we take the entire medications supply out of healthcare, what would their alternatives be? The globe would shut down overnight. Where I live in Ireland the only manufacturing jobs left are pharmaceutical companies. They have seen an astonishing rise in the last two decades while nearly every other manufacturing operation shuts down or moves to china.
It’s funny when one psychiatrist diagnosed me with only “Substance use disorder” …like yeah, no shit Sherlock! I was using because I was traumatized.