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Psychedelics to treat depression

There's some pretty good evidence for it coming out. I wouldn't try to self-medicate with psychedelics though, they have the potential to make depression worse.
Low-dose ketamine or salvia worked best for me. but the addiction potential is there with ket
The title says it all, tell me what you think.

Thanks everyone.
General consensus for a high single dose.......... it works great but never lasts. If you mean low dose daily........ too many issues associated with it to be a legitimate long term solution. Treating the core of the problem will always be best.(why are you depressed in the first place etc.) I struggle with this too and choose to self medicate with cannabis, ethanol and kratom a few times per week instead of being treated by a medical professional so take it with a grain of................
It can make for a very difficult experience because if you think about it, depression is not a very safe mindset as far as set & settings go. There are many types of depression (or rather what people may call depression:
  • true clinical depression and dysthemic disorders which refer to the most valid definition of depression... they have a basis in chemical imbalance in the brain, and psychedelics fixing that does not make pharmacological sense. It can probably be risky because the trip may be very desperate.
  • dipolar depression, similarly very tricky and perhaps even more unpredictable since a manic episode may also be triggered for all I know...
  • chronic sadness (may also include rational anxieties) that have a reason other than chemical imbalance, thus basically being unhappy about something. I think it can go several ways when you trip in such a situation, it is still not a 'reliable' mindset but the trip may have more therapeutic value since there is something to work on that is more tangible than brain chemistry.
  • some chronic sadness can be a product of other mental issues or even what you might call spiritual issues / crisis. Depending on the issue psychedelics may work in such cases, for me psychedelics can help with processing emotions since I generally have difficulties being in touch with all parts of myself, rational, emotional, etc.
i remember seeing posters on this board when i first started lurking in about 2006-2007 reporting pretty successful treatment of depression with daily low-dose K. seems like it would be quite a slippery slope with that stuff. i have a couple friends who became very addicted to ketamine.

if you could get a good idea of the dosage of something like LSD, i could see where taking about 20-30ugs daily would improve your mood. probably work well as a stimulant too.
Couple of bad ideas in that post right there :\

daily LSD to treat depression? Too unreliable effects on mood, furthermore tolerance effects, and destabilizing effects.

One of my best friends experimented with drugs like MXE and 3-MeO-PCP at low dosage for depression, it seemed promising at first but it is really not a good idea... just not safe for various reasons.
i used psychedelics to end depression. and i seriously doubt there is a psychedelic treat for an ongoing episode.
Couple of bad ideas in that post right there :\

daily LSD to treat depression? Too unreliable effects on mood, furthermore tolerance effects, and destabilizing effects.

Spot on. Its too imprecise and probably not quantifiable, plus there is the real risk of inadvertently exacerbating the depression- its sort of like trying to brush your teeth with steel wool.

Not sure if that simile works or not TBH :D
General consensus for a high single dose.......... it works great but never lasts

I don't know what general consensus you're referring to but a comfortable dose of psilocybin is excellent for depression. Most of the studies done show that it lasted longer than anything else even in the terminally ill.

There's no one-hit cure for depression - depression doesn't work like that - but repeated use of psilocybin is the only thing that ever worked for me.
Yeh i tried a similar thing with low dose aMT which was awesome at like 5mg but even then it could be a bit drawn out (getting to sleep) n although tolerance didnt really happen a mental tolerance was obviously there.

that is the only psychedelic i know given out to treat depression n i used seemingly for months to good effect, only real problem come with was weight loss, n anything over 5mg appetite was supressed :-(
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Has certainly helped with my depression and recovery from addiction to other substances a lot...
Some types are actually scientifically proven to aid in recovery and cure of certain mental issues, But my personal opinion (from person experimentation) is definitely, it DOES help quite a lot.
My depression was also helped when i started using mushrooms and DMT...quittting smack, benzos, and similar shit didn't hurt either.
Couple of bad ideas in that post right there :\

daily LSD to treat depression? Too unreliable effects on mood, furthermore tolerance effects, and destabilizing effects.

One of my best friends experimented with drugs like MXE and 3-MeO-PCP at low dosage for depression, it seemed promising at first but it is really not a good idea... just not safe for various reasons.

i meant micro-dosing just around the threshold amount. just a thought, i have heard people that swear by using LSD as a nootropic basically. not that LSD would ever be legitimately used to treat depression, and certainly not be a replacement for SSRIs.
I'm not entirely convinced by SSRIs tho - it's recently been revealed that all the research that pharmacorp did showed they were never more effective than sugar pills except in cases so severe you need hospitalisation. And even then any small benefit could be explained by people noticing a physical effect from the SSRIs and so "thinking" they were on a drug and feeling better by placebo.
When I first joined Bluelight I was having chronic sadness and anxiety, I think as a result of having graduated college, moving across the country, and not knowing what to do with my life. It was so sudden, it really affected me powerfully, and I was having a hard time. I used 2C-T-2 to help me understand what was going on in my head, and it really did help, it kicked me out of it. Of course I kept tripping then and had a few years where I used way too many psychedelics, so it's hard to say if it would have stuck for long from the single dose. But I feel that it would have, possibly even better than if I hadn't abused psychedelics following it.
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Something against depressions?

Here http://www.pantorise.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1049&start=15 in "Table of SV_v2.0.1.pdf" (experimental results in English) I found some substances good against depressions of mine. I suppose that other PEA-NBOMe (which I could not investigate) work similar (e.g. 2C-C-NBOMe or Mescaline-NBOMe)...) at very low doses at the evening before sleep. But: Always must come an activity who directs the setting into laying the foundations for a positive attitude (for me it was Nordic Walking, impressions of nature, dinner with friends...).
There are also statistically ensured results for evidence of efficacy in help against depressions for Psylocybin (http://www.infoniac.com/science/scientists-find-long-term-benefits-in-psychedelic-drug.html).
Here http://pantorise.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=922 are some infos and a test series of mine using different PEA´s (in German).
Greetings, Hans Meyer
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Ketamine has proven very effective in depression. It's like a reverse comedown, I feel great for weeks after doing a large amount of ketamine.
For me, LSD treated much of my depression for my first two years of college. Now having recently done it again, I feel that it does indeed help. Every time I do LSD (which is very infrequent :( ) I have a few months period afterwards in which I feel pretty accepting of most situations, and feel more motivated to take care of important issues, and am better able to understand others' points of view.
Ibogaine was the best antidepressant and behavior modifying experience I have ever had (flood dose). Got rid of opiate addiction and started living right, and ever since I've been on a cloud, mostly. I mean of course I have tough moments and even a day here and there, but that's just life.

I've tripped 3 times in the past 2 months, ibogaine, then DOC on my birthday over a month later, then mescaline/MXE the other day while camping. I try to keep it to special occasions now, I feel like it's much healthier. I used to trip when I was bored and for special occasions and it was not maintainable or advisable.