Mental Health Psychedelics and schizophrenia .


May 17, 2018
So my passion is psychedelics, and has been for 20 years. I have a library dedicated to them. BUT, I?m schizophrenic, and my meds keep them from working, or i?ve Just been striking out with what I get. I?ve had people call me out and dose me out hard, and nothing. Does anyone have similar experiences? Am I just out of luck?
DO NOT TAKE ANY PSYCHEDELICS OR ANY HALLUCINAEGEONS OR STIMULANTS IF YOU ARE SKIZOPHRENIC unless you want a possible bad trip to last you the rest of your life

Seriously please dont do this i can guarantee this wont end up well
If you're on a nueroleptic it's most likely nullifying the psychedelics.
Hallucinogens and psychotic disorders don't chime well. They probably will make your illness worse, and likely won't make it at all better. Try to move on to natural happiness: constructive hobbies and such.
People on anti depressants cop the same.

Certain drugs counter others. Unfortunately if you are thinking of coming off the meds to just have a good night it won't happen over night. More like wait months after you have quit your meds.