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psychedelics allow you to see wavelengths of light not visible to the normal brain?

You a programmed Vurtual? You've commented out your last 2 statements. :)
yes of course they do do you have the dna to break down the light code and understand what your perceiving that is the case in a nutshell

ancient society's been doing since time immemorial when your on psychs especially natural ones mushrooms,acacia(dmt),ayahusca,iboga,and many more the plant or fungus contain concentrated light codes from the cosmos which once entering your body become part of you until digested and excreted do you think all these ancient structures ie pyramids where built by sober slow monkey like cavemen lol no they where built at a time when the greatest mystery's of the world was known lets just say at one point earth was spinning on a equal balance before the bibles so called war in the heavens earth was not tilted to the right angle so rays of light would hit earth at a different degree (radiation) lets just say humans at the time where different in terms of dna we do got tails appendix Barathary Gland tonsils and pineal glands all with no use or little use i wonder why.. wanna see what your appendix is used for take some 4homet run outside in the dark for a good half mile or until your heart starts pumping hard forgot you use to hunt in darkness for thousands of years so did i you will feel your appendix pump like a lil heart =]...this is my theory please don't take it as truth our conscience ran on a different frequency and circadian rhythm due to earths balanced rotation lets say natural kundalini rising in the bible eve ate off the tree of knowledge of good and evil aka she tripped and opened up her pineal gland and was exposed to the secrets(light) of god... long story short take ya self some 4acodmt make sure its a sunny day go outside stare at the sun for a second you should start seeing platonic solids aka light codes raining down from the sun go home get infront of ya mirror with a compass place it on its side facing the mirror watch what happens also notice corners of square rooms they will be in a chaotic state you should notice geometrical waves or for better words ripples this is where light is bending do you think persian rugs where used in ancient kingdoms just cause they looked nice lmao no way man they are alive on psychedelics they will literally turn into liquid and move and spin this is your eye picking up invisible light code aka third eye including other uses that i wont speak about...it's not just a hallucination people who might lead you to believe this are either covering ass or don't have the dna to switch on the eye and make akashic conclusions hmmmm nothing happens on earth with out reason it gets so deep but like i said not every person is capable of doing this
nor perceiving it your ego emotions and biological influence play a significant role in my theory this guy doesn't go into the more controversial subjects i hit on but i suggest you check out this video


believe it or not me touching on this subject would have gotten me killed in earlier times im not part of any secret society lodge cult or religion i came to these theory's by my own experiments and vigorous research i know there are others out there who know this and alot more

also op i see your name is luciddreamer i know why you asked this question ;p im researching lucid dreams right now and the former subject plays a certain role i believe

Seriously?!?!? As someone who very much believes in the metaphysical world and who has studied and practiced ceremonial magick for over 15 years, I often feel that despite my background and personal beliefs, I often feel like I'm more of a skeptic than a lot of BL's. Most people base MOST of their beliefs on quantifiable evidence. Occam's Razor is your friend.
The wind above like waves erasing footprints from the beach; torn by the trees and mountains above us, catching the morning light.
You a programmed Vurtual? You've commented out your last 2 statements. :)

10 PRINT "i'm guessing that's a typo (i first thought you were asking if i'm an ai). Well i do some visual programming (PD, Max), but don't actually do much 'proper coding' with syntax and all that. So the commenting was accidental (i'd add them in a Max comment box anyway...)"

20 GOTO 10
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Here's something to think about:

source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110621121319.htm

There was also an experiment concerning humans' navigational skills, to see if a possible magnetic sense was involved. IIRC, magnets were strapped to half of the subjects' heads, and all were let loose in a city to find their way to a certain destination. The people who had the magnets placed on their heads performed worse than the others. I can't find the story now, unfortunately.

This is pretty interesting. When I moved in to this place, I found the desk where I sit to just be in the wrong place and felt I had to move it. A couple of weeks later I realised I have aligned my desk up to sit facing the exact same way as it was before at home - both facing directly south. I tried this desk facing out my window (West) and that was also uncomfortable. The same goes for how I sleep as well, I always lie S->N.

I think in terms of seeing different wavelengths, I think we just interpret them differently. Our brains just invent most of what we see in peripherals anyway, and I think this is how we dream in colour - our brains just assign colours to things we know should be that colour, eg. Grass is green, sky is blue.
So i was sort of right in that the perception of frequencies overall is largely down to post processing (but still totally wrong really)

:) Interesting follow up post Vurtual. Just have to point out that most sensory perception is a product of neural post-processing.
This is pretty interesting. When I moved in to this place, I found the desk where I sit to just be in the wrong place and felt I had to move it. A couple of weeks later I realised I have aligned my desk up to sit facing the exact same way as it was before at home - both facing directly south. I tried this desk facing out my window (West) and that was also uncomfortable. The same goes for how I sleep as well, I always lie S->N.

I have found the same thing to do with what direction the foot of my bed is facing. I usually have my bed facing south, but have found that facing west is different and also comfortable. Lol I have tried to put my desk facing west, but had to move it relatively soon. Major difference between N->S, S->N, E->W and W->E, imo.
Are you in the North or South hemisphere? I feel that would make a difference.

(i first thought you were asking if i'm an ai).

Just letting you all know, AI can create accounts, post to forums, create their own threads, even get past captcha thingies.
I am not saying that any of you awesome people are bots, just to be wary, cross reference any info found on the net, and only trust your own experience.

///More cosmic animal eye news: The mantis shrimp has by far got the coolest eyes - they can detect the angle of polarisation of light among other things (but don't take my word for it - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantis_shrimp#Eyes
They have 16 types of photoreceptor to our four (12 for colour, 4 for polarisation)

Mantis shrimp are awesome, I wonder what colour spectrum they see, especially with how colourful some reefs are.
^ they said something similar in the wiki. It's another interesting path that evolution found for vision - and imagine what would be possible with those eyes and our amount of processing on top.

willow11 - what you said about most perception being post processing - raises an interesting (OT) question: does perception include the whole process of the sense organs sensing and the brain processing, or is it just what results from the processing and arrives at the inner tableaux?; then, what 'senses' this refined inner information?
I agree with this answer. No drug can really gift us with a physical ability that we don't already have.
This is true. Take note, psychedelics are not some kind of mystical drug that allows our consciousness to cross dimension or communicate with "machine elves" etc. LOL.

"Heroic" doses = "Stupid" doses.

OP: study biology and how the eye works, the different layers, neurons etc. That is if you want a real answer and not some crackpot pseudo science nonsense.
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