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Psychedelic insight into reality: the subconscious, time

Symmetrical Daze

Dec 22, 2002
Why is it that time becomes so unusual; nonexistant in the normal sense, while on a high dose of a psychedelic (tryptamine-related especially)? How is it that our consciousness becomes connected to our sub/un-consciousness, therefore making it conscious? Are these just random alterations in our perception or is something deeper happening?

We all know that some manifestations of psychedelic perception are false. Perhaps we start to feel like how bad of a person we are and how we have accomplished nothing, when in fact that isn't the case. Perhaps we see a lamp come to life and grow eyes and talk to us. Rarely, some may grow delusions with deadly consequences or become suicidal to go into "the next life".

The question "what is time" is not fully answered in modern physics, but much has been learned. It has been learned that it is much stranger than anyone could have imagined. Einstein's General Relativity theory states that time is dependent on the observer, and for unknown reasons (correct me if i'm wrong, i'd love to know) those moving faster to others, or closer to a gravitational field will age slower than those who are still or in 0-g.

It seems in modern physics as discussed in the book "The fabric of the cosmos" by Brian Greene, PhD, that it is even stranger, and our perception of time is false. In physics it appears everything has already happened.

On a high dose of LSD or psilocin (its been 4 years or so since i had a big trip, 3.5 years since i have at all but i remember and have a journal of it)... i am amazed at how seconds on a clock ticking can seem stuck. I am fascinated how a second hand can almost look like a minute hand. I hope someday in my lifetime science solves this puzzle. I don't have a clue how this happens but obviously, it was happening to me and not a hallucination, i was living in a condensed time.

The subconscious coming to life also raises questions, like, what is the difference between conscious neurons and ones that are related to sub and unconscious activities, and how can the subconscious come to life by introduction of a 5-ht2a agonist? I have seen many things relating to Jungian archetypes and things when later seen in psychology classes, a lightbulb would turn on in my head.

The consciousnesses can also separate, especially with ketamine, a NMDA-antagonist which blocks the main excitatory nt glutamate. I have seen myself split up into different "people" but all me, talking to me, experiencing reality, not knowing which is me, but some seeming separate from me completely and interacting independently. Which one was "me"? All of them? If so how did I experience independent perception from them?

I have only brought up questions in this hopefully not too rambly post, but ones I find interesting. Perhaps science will put together some puzzles, and perhaps some of these may be answered within scientific journals already.

I'm interested in others' experiences with these 2 strange phenomena. I myself am done with psychedelic experimentation; I have my memories and reports of many experiences, and I can read others. So please contribute to my fascination which I cannot explore firsthand anymore.
I would like to discuss more but have things to do.
Are these just random alterations in our perception or is something deeper happening?

Random alterations in our perception ARE the deeper happening. If reality= what-you-perceive, then there is no non-reality or hallucinating; just more/different seeing.

As to time under psychedelics; a lot of 5ht2a receptors sit in the temporal lobe; if every single thought is looped via agonism so it recurss multiple times a second (100-10000-10,000) making time appear slow; perhaps.

That said, I have distinctly noticed clock time appear to stutter, and even reverse.

Drugs are weird :D <3
Sorry I can't help you answer your question, but I just wanted to chime in and say I've had th same thing happen to me very recently. During my first (and so far only) "full on" trip (i.e. at least +3 or even more, it's hard to tell), I was in a state of complete insanity for only about 1 or 1.5 hours but at the time it literally felt like a lifetime. I felt like I had always been like that and had no concept of not being in that state.

I wasn't actually looking at a clock at any point but the experience itself felt like eternity... in a not scary way.

I agree with Swilow, drugs are weird =D
Same thing as instink.

Time ended, I was always like that and always had been. Time didn't exist. I just watched my body walk around and observed its behaviors.
Time is relative.

Anyways, time is something we have created to measure things. Like numbers which also don't exist, you can't have a number 1. You can have 1 of something, but never the number.
This is true for all ways of measurements in different ways.
Sorry if this is a bit OT and hijacking the thread, but if you really want to watch something incredibly interesting and something that will also show you how puny and insignificant our perception of time and time passing is, have a watch of this video:


It basically takes you through explaining all the "dimensions" from the 1st(straight line), 2nd (flat, i.e. a picture), 3rd (3D, life as we know it, our own vision etc) then 4th dimension (time, this is where it starts to get interesting) then 5th etc etc. By the end I guarantee you will have your mind thoroughly blown and out own petty concepts of time and any semblance of control over our lives will seem totally irrelevant... it's great stuff, let me know what you think. P.S. make sure you watch part 2 as it's two videos
Time, just goes deeper and deeper, faster and faster, until the neon gears grind you into dust. That spectrum of 'being', you can definitley feel the entirety of it, as well as transcend it.
VERY weird, I concur :D
I have seen myself split up into different "people" but all me, talking to me, experiencing reality, not knowing which is me, but some seeming separate from me completely and interacting independently. Which one was "me"? All of them? If so how did I experience independent perception from them?

I only experienced one other, the impersonal observer. This has occurred to me on acid basically any time I've really gotten a good dose. I was always aware of the identity. My only experience with DMT, I was completely split with no awareness of who that other was until I "came to" and realized that person moaning in the background was me. Still can't go back there yet!
On large doses of diphenhydramine (~500-600mg) I lose all comprehension of time yet mentally feel entirely normal, except things do seem a bit more 'real' yet fake and hard, if that makes sense, until I close my eyes and try to read labels on pill bottles that are in Russian... I think the time distortion there though is mainly because diphenhydramine entirely eradicates short term memory and theres no remembering 30 seconds ago
We judge the passage of time through seconds, minutes and hours.... but what really defines that any more than our perception of events as they happen? It really does not take a lot to alter your perception of time.... Generally enjoyable and involved experiences make you perceive time as moving faster while boring and monotonous things make it seem slower... Like comparing watching a long movie to spending the same amount of time sitting somewhere with nothing to do for the same actual amount of time.

your perception of reality is in a sense your own making, psychs alter your brains perception of more than visual aspects, the passage of time slows down a great deal. Reality is nothing more than the way your brain percieves things as they happen, certain things make you percieve time as faster and others slower. The passage of time seems to go up a great deal while sleeping, close your eyes and wake up hours later without a second thought about how long you have been out for.

Once you understand that it is merely your perception of it, you can explain why you percieve time as slowing down on psychs, which is a bit more complicated... Who you are, what you feel like, and even the very act of typing this post is a complex mix of chemical reactions and electrical impulses. Sober, these chemical reactions in the brain keep the passage of time in a fairly stable area. When you throw heavy doses of powerful psychedelic drugs into this chemistry you throw things off from what your normally feeling. It just happens to be that the reaction on your serotonin receptors by these chemicals generally slows down your perception of time. If you look at it conversly, if you were to take a bunch of speed, the entire time on it would probably seem more like a blur.

Its strange to look at it like this, but everything from love to breathing is just a mix of electrical impulses and chemical reactions in the brain....

Im not really sure how much sense this will make, its 5am, i have had very little sleep in 4 days due to medication, and im a little fucked up and rambling...