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Miscellaneous Psychedelic bingeing


Jul 19, 2023
Hey guys, I was wondering how often you've found yourself bingeing psychedelics? I probably do it 4-5 times every year, and I suspect that it stems from many of my early experiences being ayahuasca with a lot of redosed.

I've found that going hard on, for example, 25mg 2C-B, 25mg DOM, 7x20mg dippers of 3-MeO-PCP, and 40mg of Miprocin together all seem to be somewhat without tolerance if taken in that order. ~4.5mg Deschloroetizolam was used later as a landing gear, on that specific incident. It doesn't seem like many people use psychedelics in this way, nor like my recent Valentine's Day trip of 10mg of DOM, 175mg of MDA & 3x20mg 3-MeO-PCP dippers.

When I used to grow mushrooms, I'd dry out to 70g and eat it with only one day in between, just dramatically increasing the doses I took. It was a period of life where I was just rawdog eating those things like candy, it was kind of wild.

A sheet of acid is usually consumed by the tenstrip for me, even if I'm completely tolerance free.

I'm not on any prescription medications that I believe may interfere with this, has anybody else found themselves in this position of just being able to vacuum up psychedelics and still meaningfully integrate the experiences towards the direction of growth? Two of my most significant trips in the last few months were 3mg of the best LSD I've ever encountered, and 75-100mg of 2C-B insufflated that completely put my life back in order, and felt like what Mescaline wishes it was. An experience involving 4.8mg of 25C-NBOMe, 2mg of Alprazolam and 30-40mg of MDA was deeply life changing as well.

TLDR: Anybody else here feel that 2-3 week long periods of intense psychedelic use, followed by periods of not tripping seem to find the most benefit in that cycle of usage?
I did DOM for like 2 weeks straight once and decided never to binge psychedelics again.
DOM's tolerance just left it feeling like dextroamphetamine with a time stretched effect (wicked long come up, duration and comedown) when I took it daily from 3-18mg daily over a week. The only psychedelic effect leftover was an easier time interconnecting thoughts, a more emotional headspace, and closed eyed visuals that looked like iridescent bismuth crystals continuously growing towards me in a very fractal-y sort of way.
DOM's tolerance just left it feeling like dextroamphetamine with a time stretched effect (wicked long come up, duration and comedown) when I took it daily from 3-18mg daily over a week. The only psychedelic effect leftover was an easier time interconnecting thoughts, a more emotional headspace, and closed eyed visuals that looked like iridescent bismuth crystals continuously growing towards me in a very fractal-y sort of way.
That's true. I got up to 22.5mg trying to seek the psychedelic effects again. It was disgusting lol.

what was that period where you 'rawdogged shrooms everyday' like? That sounds interesting. I don't think I could handle all that emotion.
That's true. I got up to 22.5mg trying to seek the psychedelic effects again. It was disgusting lol.

what was that period where you 'rawdogged shrooms everyday' like? That sounds interesting. I don't think I could handle all that emotion.
It was pretty intense, it's kind of lame but the reason I stopped was because I was losing 4+ hours a day jacking off just as a result of how horny they made me. I'd been spending years trying to heal from sexual assault trauma and the mushrooms did it by just using me beat my dick like it owed me money or something.

I was also living in an apartment unit containing 5 people who could comfortably put down an ounce of whatever I grew within 3-4 days, so it was a very "fungally elevated" time in that apartment unit, one night say. A fantastic and greatly connective period of my life where I met the love of my life and filtered many pieces of shit out of my life to the point that they know better than to return.

I had been in a phase before this where I was eating 725-1000ug of LSD every two weeks, and then after that brewing/consuming ayahuasca on probably a hundred plus separate occasions. The mushrooms were kind of the glue that helped me to assemble many of the lessons and conditioning learned from those years spent drowning myself in acid and brew, in a very odd and still to this day, somewhat inarticulable way.