• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Psychedelic Amphetamines (DOx, etc.) + Methoxetamine: Any safety concerns?

Some points on this (although I know it's old)

Well, and the confirmation of sekio's suggestion:

"NMDA receptor antagonists ketamine and PCP have direct effects on the dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT2 receptors-implications for models of schizophrenia."
Molecular Psychiatry (2002), 7(8): 837-844.
This is from Seeman's lab, and we have heard via Dondante I believe that Roth believes this results to be rubbish and no other lab has been able to reproduce them. See here - http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/...ohexamines?p=11000536&viewfull=1#post11000536
We also have the PDSP data from Roth mentioned in the ACMD report which shows no DA agonism or activity at DAT, which has already been mentioned.

On the other hand, those SERT affinities for DOx (from the Ray recepterome paper) are:

DOI - 684.7
DOB - 8538
DOM - >10,000

But then he has those wacky results like DOI having much higher affinity for 5HT2C than 5HT2A, which seems odd... so I'm not 100% sure I trust all those numbers?