Prophecy Anyone??

Lil One

Jan 23, 2000
Just wandering if anyone has seen this live performance beofre. I saw them here in Jax recently, the female had on these beautiful angel wings and she had the voice to match. Their performance was breath taking, one of the guys had a mass of christmas lights on him and he was actually plugged in, he ended up lighting his keyboard on fire, which landed on my furry backback: NOT GOOD!!! But it was all worth it, if they ever come through your area, don't miss out.
Lil One
"Work like you don't need the money, dance like no one is looking and love like you've never been hurt".
I have seen Prophecy 3 times, and each time I have been amazed!
-I didn't do it and I'm not payin half!
-Which way to the nearest DRUG store?
That was one of the best live performances to come through Jax, I wish more people could experience this!! Does she always wear those huge wings?
Yay, everybody loves Shannon! She doesn't always wear the angel wings but she's always cute as shit in some cool outfit. The first time I saw them was at Impact in Cocoa beach, almost 2 years ago. I was blowing up really hard on the dancefloor and I heard this amazing sound, it just filled the room. I looked up and there was this girl on stage singing, I was like "is that her?" it just didn't sound human! They have a cd out now, you should be able to pick it up in O-town if its not anywhere else yet. If you like them check out Eros too, he's amazing.