Staff Feedback Problems with Mods..


Dec 13, 2008
what can be done when you get banned for something you said a day after you said it and after a different mod in the same forum laughs and comments, basically encouraging the post?

now ive asked this question before to the said mods and all i get is a smart ass response back. i wouldnt even bring this up except for the fact the mod basically threated me saying "dont be surpised when you get banned again"..he said that because he doesnt think some of the things i say are funny yet i thinkthey are and other members do also.there is also some who dont like it but thats not my problem.. i shouldnt be punished bc we have a differnt sense of humor and you dont like what im sayong even though im not breaking any rules by saying them..being a doushe bag isnt againt the rules, i shoulnt be banned for that

now back to the original point of the can the mods be able to inturpret the rules anyway they see fit? i should not get puniushed when one mod laughs and thinks what i says is funny and another one who wasnt in the conversation sees it a day later and bans me for it.. when that happens i cant even argue my side or say anything until after the ban is over, and by that time the deeds been done and no one cares smf they tell me
tell someone who does"

ive brought this up to the said mod and all he does is beat around the bush give me smart ass unmod like answer.. which i know he wouldnt treat any other member that way but sense it is me and we have had problems, he acts like a dickhead and blows me off.

so what can be done when the mods in the thread basically cant even agree on the rules and bc that happens us members get punished for it?
You have been around long enough that these type of threads are not appropriate. If you have an issue with a mod, or mods, there are individuals you can message to discuss this matter. Creating threads like this only creates a fire, not to mention gives more reasons why you deserve the ban. You are being very rude to not only new members of this board but mods who have clearly put up with A LOT of your bullshit, more bullshit then they have to. Take a break from bluelight, it sounds like you need it if you can't listen to multiple posts telling you to watch your posting style particularly in other subforums (other forums have different rules that need to be followed then what goes in the lounge). If you ask me the mods were beyond nice in their treatment to you.

btw, harassing members, or trolling is against the rules.
"post or upload any content that victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or any other reason;"
When you signed up, you agreed to this. It is inthe bluelight user agreement.

example one of you harassing a member,

by spouse you mean your mom?? cause what grown ass man gets his keys taken away for punishment? hell what grown ass man get punished period?? maybe she makes you sleep on the couch or something but take away your keys like your 16 and just got youe license and firs tcar.. how about you grow a pair?, errr well on secong thought who knows what yout spouse might do to you. she just might chop off the newly grown set of balls

Second example in the same thread after being told to chill
uhhhhhh its rediculous chinky..please cause like you been coming here soooooooo long, you should see my posts from a few years ago i was alot worse and no one said anything about it cause we all gave it too each other..but yall just cry about it..and for your info ive met quite a few people from this site..we get some tea and read a few a books..its a good time, to bad youre not in chicago to join us

but guys i was just trying to be funny..

im not stupid..of course you have to listen and obey your wife or she will cut off your fuckin balls..i was almost married(ahh puppy love at 20) but was smart enough to dump the psycho controlling bitch while i still could with a phone call (even though it wasnt a phone call) and before locking myself in with kids and marriage and losing 10s of thousands of dollars ...but i cant bust someones balls without 5people who arent even involved crying about people need to stop worrying about everyone else and worry about yourself

now granted it was the guys first post and it was pretty sarcastic , so ok ill admit it was a little rough cause he doesnt know me or how i am.
so i apologize hdoc

but foreal chefman understood i was just fuckin with the guy..why dont the rest of you?


example number three, once again in the same thread

^^ so how did it turn out?

and lol at the team nod, everyone seems to like my saying and wants to say it

i like being able to piss people off with just words over the computer..especially when i dont know them..i dont understand how anyone can get so worked up and pissed off with what someone you dont even know and that lives in another state says...its like people here think the internet is just some happy go lucky, everyone plays nice and is PC with what they say and as soon as someone says so,ething about them they get so worked up and pissed off that they snap..i thinbk its hilarious i can push people that far, and they got problems

These aren't even the posts that have been UA (unapproved by the mods).

I could go on, but no one here is blind to your BS. NSASADD is NOT THE LOUNGE, you don't play the same in it as you do the lounge or you will get banned.
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^ Actually we do allow complaint threads in Support now. It's in the rules.

BL FAQ said:
What if my problem is with the moderators? Who do I contact?

Please make a reasonable attempt to resolve the issue with the moderator(s) in question privately. If that fails, contact the forum senior mod or administrator and explain the situation. When you do so, remember the following:

Once again, be polite and patient.
Include any communication you have had with the moderator(s) in question.
Clearly indicate the problem and include links to illustrate what you are talking about.

If, at any point, you feel unsatisfied with this process or you would simply prefer to air your issue in public, you should start a thread in the Support forum and we'll address the issue there. As with participation in any forum, please ensure your post is civil.
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You have been around long enough that these type of threads are not appropriate. If you have an issue with a mod, or mods, there are individuals you can message to discuss this matter
thanks for the comment cloudy but, as tommyboy indicates, we recently changed this.
what can be done when you get banned for something you said a day after you said it and after a different mod in the same forum laughs and comments, basically encouraging the post?
as cloudy and tommyboy have indicated, there is a long-established mechanism for dealing with these kinds of complaints. when it's used as intended, it works well (in my humble opinion).

if you'd like to follow this incident up formally, please read the paragraph tommyboy quoted (from the greenlighter's guide) and decide how you would like to proceed.
i shouldnt be punished bc we have a differnt sense of humor and you dont like what im sayong even though im not breaking any rules by saying them..
while we absolutely aim to enforce bl and forum rules consistently, the forum staff are the ones who decide whether a rule is being broken or not.
now back to the original point of the can the mods be able to inturpret the rules anyway they see fit?
because that's how the system works. bluelight mods have a great deal of discretion about how day-to-day matters in their forum are dealt with. forum staff are closest to their forums and understand the zeitgeist of their forum. they're best placed to make these kinds of decisions. obviously, we have 'checks and balances' which is why we have a hierarchy: senior moderators (who oversee their own forums for continuity and other forums for outside perspective); and admins.
i should not get puniushed when one mod laughs and thinks what i says is funny and another one who wasnt in the conversation sees it a day later and bans me for it..
i agree that, in isolation, that would seem to send a mixed message but there are many reasons that something might appear innocent to one moderator and egregious to another. there's no formal statute of limitations on bluelight but a day doesn't seem like a major problem, especially when you consider the site is staffed entirely by (drug-addled) volunteers.
when that happens i cant even argue my side or say anything until after the ban is over, and by that time the deeds been done and no one cares smf they tell me tell someone who does"
you can send an email at any time - whether you are banned or not - to [email protected].

i will say one more thing. in my experience, participants on bluelight are very much in control of their own destiny. when you are a user with a reputation for being troublesome and a long history of warnings and infractions, then you're less likely to get the benefit when there's doubt... just sayin'

Sorry, I wasn't aware of the change in policy. I'm sorry Chinky for my remarks specifically involving going about this route to get the mods attention.

I guess part of my frustration is being an ex mod and seeing individuals being harassed or picked on, pushing individuals away from the site. Even thick skin individuals who don't care about what happens on the internet can be pushed away from a site that is supposed to be a positive place where individuals who are generally ostracized from society can come with out prejudice to gain information that may help them, when their first interaction is someone being a dick. No matter if the intention is to be funny. There is a reason why there is the Lounge and the separate focus forums. In The lounge you can feel free to act like a child and play bully all you want, but when it comes to the subforums that spread legitimate information should be held at a higher standard. I assume you are not a child Chinky and can act like an adult when the time is needed, so why not show a little respect to your fellow bluelighters (or greenlighters) and mods by acting like one in those situations.

Even if the mods aren't acting as professional in an instance, it doesn't mean others should follow suit, lead by an example. Be the bigger man. Noones perfect, mods make mistakes, mods get frustrated like the rest of us, especially when they are volunteering and may be under the influence of drugs (I've been an ass before in the past when a mod, or even now as BL crew; like I said we all make mistakes, but yet I haven't been banned or had any infractions that i know of. Not because someone favors me, but because I don't make a habit out of it and because they are mistakes). Also not to mention just because one mod has one line drawn into the sand, doesn't mean the other will in the same place as well - mods have their own interpretation, so the rules slightly vary by mod and set of mods. In your public posts expressing yourself and your feelings about the mods, you also show examples of... well being an ass. If you treat others like asses, you're not likely going to have individuals on your side because the legitimate points you are trying to make are going to be shadowed by your negativity. Is that necessarily right? well maybe not, but that sadly is the way the world works.

You seem to be butt hurt by being banned, so why would you insult others and joke about how its the internet, so one shouldn't take it so seriously. You were the one who said "ts like people here think the internet is just some happy go lucky, everyone plays nice and is PC with what they say and as soon as someone says so,ething about them they get so worked up and pissed off that they snap..i thinbk its hilarious i can push people that far, and they got problems" Take your own advice. Its the internet.
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One of the main changes to the NASADD forum has been to make it more "noob friendly," if you will. That is why flaming new members is not tolerated like it may have been years ago. The change which was made while I was still a NASADD mod is a simply policy that is meant to increase the traffic of the forum and to get more people interested in it without being scared off.

I think that this is when/why problems began to arise between chinky and the NASADD staff. The mods want to keep the atmosphere friendly, particularly in regards to new posters who are just beginning to get a feel for the forum and for whom the staff doesn't want their first interaction in NASADD to be a negative one.

Chinky, I understand that you like to "keep it real" and not sugarcoat things, but that sometimes conflicts with the way that the staff has decided to have to forum run. They aren't going to change this policy for you or anybody else though, so that leaves you with two options. Either conform to make your posts in NASADD more "noob friendly" so that everything runs smoothly, or continue to post like you do which will inevitably lead to more infractions.
and tommy..i dont care if someone is a noob or not, i dont pay attention to how many posts someone has before i say something to them..the problems with me and them is like isaid ive made thousands of posts in that thread with so many different mods and now once got a ban and with in JBs first week i already had one, then it was that they picked mods from the OD social and not from people who post in NASADD, then it was about how they were bringing back the city dope threads even though there are less restrictions now with the PMs and then it was obvious the city threads wernt working and i kept bringing it up ..thats why we dont get along

they are just mad cause i keep pointing out that these city dope threads are just as bad with the sourcing as they were when we orginally banned them and its so obvious and they refuse to admit it..i get PMs everyweek and i know other posters do too cause they ask me about them..they ask about hooking someone up or pointing them in the right direction and its obvious these people are telling them caues all the noobs just happen to score their dope in the same 2 spots, there are 100s of spots on the westside but yet everyone who posts in that thread all cop at the same spot, thats not a coinidence, thats them PMing and email each other on spots to go to and i bring it up to them and i just get threatened with a ban cause im "bringing it up again"..basically they will make a post asking for help and within the week they are coppin from the same spots as the people always talk about...and like i said the mods wont do an ything about it cause they think its me bitching but its soo obvious that they just want the traffic and dont care if people are helping and meeting up and sellings to other people and that pisses me off..we tried this before when you needed 50posts to PM and it didnt work then, now people will PM me and not have a single post, with their email adress and say "hey i only get one PM for every couple hours but email me so we can talk"..then i check the other city threads and its the same shit...if they wernt so desprate for the traffic they would have shut the threads down long ago but no, i mean ive even seen bluelight mentioned in the chicago suntimes which is a major paper about how people find spots to use on bluelight, basically theres an article once a week cause the epidemic that heroin has become...and im not saying this to bitch cause i like having a thread dedicated to chicago but the shit isnt working and is causing more trouble, whats it gonna take, someone ODing?...and if you dont believe me i could prolly give you a few names that would tell you where to go if youre looking for spots, and im not trying to snitch on the members and ge them in trouble but they dont care about spots away cause thats how they got theirs orginally on here..all they do is make a few posts about how they got ripped off and how they dope is garbage and then all of a sudden they are coppin from the same spot as the others, its bullshit this is a HR site not a help dope fiend score which those are..

and also i cant say howmany times ive sent Pms and emails to smods, admin the contact us email adress and never once got a response..they keep saying if i got a problem wit hthe thread take it up with the smod and i try but nothing..

like this last ban..i said lets move more then once and then some new mod whos never once posted in that forum comes along and asks a few questions and i responed only bc they were a mod and i did it being skeptical cause i felt i was almost being set up and i wrote.."what are you trying to get me introuble?" and then bam another ban for nothing literally a minute after posting now i cant respond to questions being asked by mods with out getting in trouble??

hey cloudy why not understand the whole story and not just one dumb mods version? i dont care about bans but what i dont get is in all my time posting in the nasadd and everywhere else i never once got a ban for what i did and said and that goes for the 6-10mods ive delt with before in the nasadd..then the 3new ones in that forum come along and start infracting and banning like how do i make 5-6k posts with noone having a problem with them but these new mods come along and everything i say and do is wrong?? i also dont get how people can become mods in forum they never posted inuntil after they got the position?..
admin the contact us email adress and never once got a response.
that's simply a lie. you sent us email (to [email protected]) on september 5th and i sent you a reply the same day.
hey cloudy why not understand the whole story and not just one dumb mods version?
when you drop the name-calling, perhaps you'll start to see things more clearly?
i dont care about bans but what i dont get is in all my time posting in the nasadd and everywhere else i never once got a ban for what i did and said and that goes for the 6-10mods ive delt with before in the nasadd..then the 3new ones in that forum come along and start infracting and banning like how do i make 5-6k posts with noone having a problem with them but these new mods come along and everything i say and do is wrong??
i guess it's always somebody else's fault? i'll agree to disagree with you. you have a history of disruption and infraction that goes back as far as 2009.

Chinky btw, no Mod has told me anything. I'm only a bluelight ex mod, so we aren't in the know. I was just expressing how I felt from the posts of yours. I'd like to think it shouldn't be an issue because as a member of the community, I'd like to make sure the community of bluelight stays being a friendly web site where individuals are not chastised for their questions (no matter how stupid they may seem to you), made fun of for whatever reason you have for it, and not made to feel unwelcomed [with the exception of the lounge]). Also if you are seeing problems that are involving PMs, please report them. the bluelight mods can not go and read everyones PMs to see if there are a few idiots trying to help people they dont know score. Its not being a snitch, it is helping the community. I know it says somewhere that PMs should be reported in situations like this.
Why don't you come to the lounge, chinky? Plenty of people in there willing to play with you..
I really don't see anything wrong with what he's written (in the posts you tried to put as evidence Clouds)
He makes perfect sense to me. Especially example number 3 haha
I really don't see anything wrong with what he's written (in the posts you tried to put as evidence Clouds)
He makes perfect sense to me. Especially example number 3 haha
thanks for your perspective. that said, you may not see a problem where the forum staff do see a problem and, in these cases, it's their opinion which matters.

