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Preparing for brutal heroin detox


Nov 16, 2014
Hi all,

had a bit of a break from bluelight use the past few months but did not have a break with the heroin like i kept posting and telling myself I would. I've been on and off with heroin use (predominately on) for the past six/seven years. I traveled all winter of 2015 and since I got back in May 2015 I have been back on using everyday non stop with the typical increasing tolerance with my daily dose up to almost a brick (which is five buns here) snorted everyday. It's pricy, dangerous and stifling any sort of personal growth. With my recent 24th bday and strong potential for a new very adult like job with a lot of promise for a successful future behind it, I have started collecting the necessary pharmaceuticals for a rough detox that I have set for this Saturday since I have off work. The hardest thing for me this run has been trying to get past the initial 24 hours or so of withdrawal so I can safely and properly take Subutex/ suboxone. Earlier this summer I took my Subutex too early bc I didn't realize it wasn't the same formula I was getting a year or two earlier that didn't have to have all the dope out of ur system before I took it so I just took the butex shortly after my last dose and had wretched precipitated withdrawals. Also as my temporary w/ds between doses would get more severe I noticed much more intensified symptoms like super painful and restless muscle spasms that would get more and more frequent, uncontrollable and intense with time so to avoid that in my 24 hour wait or so before taking the Subutex I procured some muscle relaxers specifically cyclobenzaprine hcl 10mg.
i guess my big question is can I take these cyclobenzaprine hcl's closely before or even with my Subutex without precipitated Wd? Do I have to wait a certain time frame like I do with opiates to avoid precipitates? I just wanna make sure that specific muscle relaxer doesn't have any opiate or ingredient in the formula that could activate the hell that is precipitated withdrawals lol
just wanted to make sure. My last experience obviously scarred the fuck out mehhh
so with weeds edibles, couple xanny bars and a few muscle relaxers to get thru the 24/30 hours before I take Subutex, is there anything else I should have on deck that is safe to take just before butex and doesn't delay the time I can take it? Anything over counter or otherwise would help.
Thanks yalllllllll
Hi i think it is great that you want to get clean! I was ondope really hardcore myself it turned me into a hoorible person i could go on and on about how opiate addiction will ruin everything but im sure you kno that allto well but i know you have to really really wana get clean i was always sick and kept suboxone on hand but things that helped me when i was sick , well weed of course was themain thing benzos def as well and actually bynedrell (sry my spelling sucks lol ) buy the otc allergy relief stuff they say that really helps w opiate wd but honstly suboxon just puts off the sickness its gona happen eventually , you dnt want to get addicted tothat and just switch 1 for the other once you go through that brutal week ofsickness things will slowly getbetter but you can do it 4 real best of luck to you i feel your pain
Hiii pinkkk and you are certainly right about a butex or boxone addiction I've watched way too many people and read way to many horror stories of how much worse the withdrawal is from those opiate blockers than even the opiates themselves. Xanax is also something to be careful of during Wd. We're so vulnerable at that time that I've even heard of ppl getting addicted to lope while detoxing just bc it was something that helped the pain just a little. I only keep just enough Xanax for that first 24 hours and then some for once I stop the bupe. I only have one suboxone pill that I use to get me thru the first four or five days just to lessen the intensity of the withdrawals and then I have some Xanax for the next week or two after that for the trouble sleeping and restlessness but the muscle spasms and terrible radical body temps and nauesa/ constant shitting is usually lessened greatly thanks to those four or five days with bupe. Sadly, Benadryl actually makes me have terrible terrible restless legs even when I tried using it a few times not while in withdrawal as well. I looked it up and apparently it's known some ppl have that adverse reaction it. And just my luck I'm one of emmmmm lol I'm also one of those unfortunate fuckers who can't feel morphine in its pharma form for whatever reasons those apparently are. Anywhooooo, any chance u know anything about flexeril/ muscle relaxers having any opiate components to it that would be dangerous to take so closely with suboxone bc it'd be putting opiates back into my system by taking it?
Muscle relaxers won't give you precipitated withdrawals like opiates. You can use the Xanax sparingly, like only at night when you need to sleep. Many people find clonidine useful during withdrawal, too.
Most people can take the Bupe once they're sick, less than 24hrs. Me and a bunch of others here can dose after 6-8hrs safely without pwd. I'm not recommending that but usually once ur feeling sick u can dose. Some of us don't even have to feel sick but we know our bodies and how we'll react. The muscle relaxers won't cause pwd, but they could give u rls like the Benadryl, I get the same rls from the Benadryl like u and I also get it from soma and flexeril but only during wd. 5 bs a day fuuuuck man that's a big bill to pay everyday but I certainly understand and I've done it. Good luck and god bless! We'll all be cheering u on hoping for the best. IMO coming off a short acting opiate like h is much better than coming off Bupe or mdone, 4-5 days of hell compared to 2weeks with the Bupe and a month or more with the mdone.
Yes cliffy I've seen friends come off h and then come off bupe and they seemed to be way more fucked up and for a much longer period of time with the bupe. I've only ever withdrawaled from blues and h and Xanax before so I know the hell that's ahead of me but I guess I used to be stronger. This year run I recently had, I barely had to go very long between copping so I rarely felt much of the intensity of the withdrawals so the maybe two times where I actually got stuck for 10 hours or so waiting for my dose were unbearable so this round will be my hardest yet. I know it and can feel it in my bones. And hopefully it's my last and most successful attempt to date. Thanks all for ur advice and help. I pretty much assumed the flexeril was good to take but the precipitated Wd was so bad that I'm so overly hesitant these days. I really hope I don't get restless from it. Thanks for the heads up on that one tho cliffy.
Wish me luck! Saturday is the big day!!
Hi Jane. I recently kicked my subutex and alprazolam dependence and obviously had to use non-benzo, non-opioids. After a week of almost no sleep I trialed a few differenr drugs to see how they worked. Cyclobenzaprine was one of them, and I found 20mg to be quite effective.

Of course, you're going to be in much deeper w/d than i was, so it may not be as effective for you, but to answer your OP, flexeril is safe to take re: precipitated w/d and can help you sleep.

Zolpidem was also useful. I'd venture to guess that most of the muscle relaxants (like carisoprodol) and z-drugs (like zopiclone) should also be helpful.

Also don't forget gabapentin, phenibut and clonidine.

Good luck!
Thanks Phil! I've heard wonders about gabapentin n phen but ppl always talk like its so easy to get lol It requires a script right? And it's not exactly something u find on the street.. Like ever lol. How have u or anyone u know gone about getting it before? Out of curiosity
Hey man , just wanted to say I'm in such a similar situation it's not even funny , I'm 23 almost 24 and sick of this I'm also on H black tar on west coast Los Angeles , I go to a good college and blend in well but the money drain is unreal it makes my life really difficult cause I have to work extra hours my job to pay off the h + normal person life bills it's over whelming plus having even 1 honors class or a difficult class on top of the other classes as well it's just too much stress .

And like you said I feel the same like I used to be stronger with kicking/detox but this time around I haven't had more than even like 12-16 hours clean in 2 years cause of work and school. With college I can't miss too many days or any at all I have to maintain all A's I have strict parents and that means I can't run out the night before and wake up with nothing and be even a bit sick cause sleeping is usually 6-10 hours and you wake up sick so because of that I'm a pussy this time around and I started today Saturday as well lol my time off also like you it's 4:33 am feels good (not). I planned to quit yesterday Friday but at hour 16 I went and bought half of what I would use daily which is .2 usually I do .4-.8 or more a day on average it's weird you'd think .2 is still a lot of dope but na it's been 12 hours since that and I feel like shit I took gabapentin and you were asking how do people get it , good question we can't really source or ask stuff like that but it's not your average drug for sure I know an amputee friend under his left knee lost his leg he gets everything prescribed and gabapentin is a nerve pain blocker not painkiller it's different and only him and one other kid with Tourretes I knew had it and that's in a 7-8 year period doing drugs so ya it's rare . I got addicted to it though it was almost as bad as benzo wd so be careful it works REALLY well the first few times but after that not really. I have klonopin and Valium and subs j don't wanna abuse benzos cause I just quit both gaba and benzos a month ago I don't want to become re addicted . Sorry to go on a rant it's been a while since I posted and I'm in wd I'm lonely it sucks in my bed at darkness 4 am everyone sleeping it's quiet and were up sick I always imagine who else is aching like me right at this moment wish we could hang out lol
Yeah I feel u invisible helper. I went thru the same thing when I as in college. The last half of my four year at school were spent as an addict so I def feel the struggle. Thankfully I was able to graduate on time wen what not do I'm proud of that but feel like I haven't rele done much since then I've just kinda been stuck, stagnant really, for about three years. I graduated at 21 and then just kinda been just keeping my head above water rusher than really moving forward. However, with this new job opportunity I have a real chance at really progressing and joining society and bettering myself. I don't wanna ruin it bc someways I wanna leave early so I can catch my guy before he has of bouncier whatever. I'm over letting a substance control me. Its like I have my own little reality all by myself since rele no one knows I'm still using or using again depending on how u look at it.
I'm proud of you helper, you stuck with your commitment of starting Saturday. I purssied out the second I woke up this morning pretty much lol but I rescheduled it for Tuesday since I have off and can technically call Out weds if I need to. Wish me luck! I'm wishing you tons of luckier invisible helper and anytime ur lonely and withdrawing hit a sista up. I feels your pain..
You should think about buying some loperamide. You'll have the shits like you wouldn't believe, and some of that will help ease the intensity.
I fucked up too man trust me I had to do homework and had to work out of no where but I cut my dose down from .4-.6 a day to .2-.3 a day and still feel like shit legs kinda weak but nothing like cold turkey . I feel really clear actually first time in year and I'm not even 50% clean lol . I'm trying but it's hard as hell bored alone if I had someone to talk to while sick idk. I just quit gabapentin and benzos and now I'm taking them to help the taper but it's not good starting that again anyways I'll update you update lets help each other brother good luck. Look at progress in any form even if it's .1 or .05 less every day or waiting an extra 4-8 hours for your usual dose it adds up I like this feeling of being clear a lot I can't imagine what it's like fully clean I honestly don't think I'd even crave H I don't even crave it now but when my body hurts and I'm nauseas and have to work it's a forced thing no excuse I'm a junkie no doubt but I'm not chasing the dragon and I haven't done a big shot for a rush in 2 years I don't do it like that. William s bourroughs the great heroin author lived to 80 something did H whole life in his book "junkie" he had a method where you cut the dose little by little every day over a week or two and by than a small amount gets you well and you jump off but it's easier said than done cause at day 5-6 your tolerance is low you cut down in half deep down you know if you did a bit more you'd get a nice nod finally after years and back to square 1 that's the thing with me :/ anyways sorry for the spam guys just venting out here it's my only place .

And like you said you're right it's like my secret world when I close my door and shoot up it's a secret world I don't like lying at all :/ anyways will be updating and waiting !
Hi Jane! Sorry to hear ur having a hard time but really proud of you for trying. Im an extremely high dose opiate addict of 20 plus years. Over the years & countless kick attempts ive found a way to detox fr standard full agonist opiates with no withdrawal & no being uncomfortable at all. It even reduces the months of chemical depression that follow to a mild down feeling, rather than the suicidal experience it usually is. This method requires a few things. First it only works on people addicted to standard full agonist opiates, oxy, morphine, heroin, dilaudid, fentanyl etc. If you're physically dependent on methadone or suboxone it won't work. The supplies you will need are as follows: 3 days worth of suboxone, one large dose of methadone (enough ttoget you very high but not hurt you), 2 doses a day for 7-14 days of a good benzo (preferrably temazapam as it is designed for opiate withdrawal but klonopin works well too & really any benzo wil help). If you can acquire these items i can instruct you on a very specific way to use them which will allow yoh to break free of the physical addiction completely painlessly & without the horrible depression associated w it. I have used this process many times myself and it has worked every time. I have also instructed many people to do the same and it has worked 80-90% of the time. If you're interested simply reply that you are and ill post the instructions. You could also search my previous posts & find the precise instructions there if you like. As i type this i have had no standard full agonist opiates in seven days & no opiates of any kind for 4 days after being addicted at a very very high dose for the last 12 years. I am perfectly comfortable as i type & have experienced no withdrawals whatsoever during my current detox. This works! It's not a gimmick or a belief, just manipulating the chemistry of the human brain in a clever knew way. Let me know & good luck.
Oh snap there it is. Yeah the methadone landing pad is an A+ idea to follow a super rapid bupe taper.
Phil knows his detox, bravo! Yeah, 3 or 4 days of Sub then a massive one time dose of Done to ride out the last 2 days of Kappa receptor agitation. Follow that up w temazepam twice daily (moderately elevated dose) for 2-3 weeks, to get that whole endorphie blanket effect to passify all the depression & nasty neuro systemic body effects. And voila! I mean the person is still an "addict" but their body no longer meets the clinical definition of full stage addiction. And it's completely painless. Pleasant even, if you plan it out weeks or months ahead of time & abstain fr benzos & methadone so your tolerance is negligible.
Lay it on me platinum! I don't have that much benzos, maybe half but have the other half in muscle relaxers. I'd love to hear the method I just don't have access to methadone. Idk anyone on it :(
Hey Jane! First of all I would HIGHLY recommend getting your hands on the methadone, it's really clutch in this little chemistry experiment. The benzos are important as well since the muscle relaxers won't accomplish the same neuro-chemical bait & switch we're trying to pull of here. Maybe you wanna take as long as you need till you have the full list of ingredients, i definitely would. Reason being that this trick only wlorks if you do it exactly the right way, only works a few times & only if you spread it out over years. If you try to do this over & over your brain catches on & then it doesn't work anymore. So Im gonna write this as if you've already assembled the COMPLETE list of ingredients & you can just follow the instructions when you do. Ill even incorporate the muscle relaxers into the process, they can be useful in this process too. Ok, here we go!

Before you begin make sure you go at least 60 days without taking any suboxone, methadone, or benzos of any kind. Lack of tolerance to theae drugs is essential to the success of this process.
Allow yourself to get into a pretty advanced state of withdrawal to ensure you don't experience the precipitated withdrawal from the suboxone. I would wait AT LEAST 24 full hours beyond your last dose. Take a full dose of suboxone, enough to make you completey comfortable. Supplement this with a moderately high dose of benzo (enough for a light pleasant buzz), preferably temazepam (temazepam works exceptionally well on opioid withdrawal) but klonopin works very well also. At this point you should be completely comfortable & able to go about your day. Continue this process for 3-4 full doses of suboxone, dosing the temazepam twice daily. When the last dose of suboxone begins to wear off take a pretty big dose of methadone, enough to get you very high but not enough to hurt you. Abstain from using the benzo during the methadone dose!!! A dose that large should keep your blood saturated enough to suppress withdrawal for 36-48 hours. When you feel the methadone wearing off take another dose of temazepam 30-50% larger than youve been taking. At this point you should be feeling no physical withdrawals whatsoever & no mental depression with cravings being only very very minor. Continue with the twice daily doses of temazepam but reduce the dose to the least you can take & still feel it at all. The point is to not get a buzz from it now, but rather just to let it chemically soothe your frantic neuro-receptors. Marijuana & muscle relaxers will both come in very handy for sleep & general mental well being in the first few weeks, but overall im sure you'll be AMAZED at how painless & comfortable this detox is. As of right now it has been 92 hours since i took any opiates of any kind & i feel absolutely fine. I slept like a baby last night & every night since i began the detox described above 8 days ago. At no point during the detox did i experience any anxiety, depression, convulsions, diarrhea, nauseousness, restless legs, extreme cracravings, etc. Had some on & off cold sweats/clammy hands, but that really was just about it. And you have to bare in mind that i really am a PLATINUM LEVEL addict! Ive been an opiate addict for 23 years, with constant uninterrupted chemical dependence for the last 12 years straight. Im coming off a dosage level of 150mcg/hr of fentanyl with 240mg/daily oxycodone for the last 6 years straight. Yet even at that level of addiction i was able to detox without any outside observer even being able to guess that it was anything other than just a normal day. I will continue with the temazepam & klonopin for a few more weeks until i feel more or less normal without it & then Im done. This process is nothing short of a medical miracle in its pain free efficacy, it truly gives addicts a second chance. Nothing can make a person stop being an addict, but if you actually want to stop using and the physical addiction is keeping you in bondage. This can set you free!