pregnant and feening

read one of the first posts about dirnking couple of glasses of wine a day, but didn't read the other posts. I remember watching a health programme about a year ago, which surveyed people of what was worse for the bady, having a cigarette of having a drink (pint, shot glass of wine etc) as expected most people surveyed said cigarrette, but the answer was, alcohol. I don't remember quantaties or regularity.
The best thing todo is to ask a doctor, for the sake of the unborn child which has no choice what they put in their bodies, which is down to you.
If you are feening so bad, perhaps a 9 month break will do you good.
Just a little quote to finish on,
"no victum no crime........"
Good luck /keep clean and hold on tight to a trusting friend,it will be well worth the angst.
The latest scientific opinion is that even *small amounts* of alcohol could cause learning disabilities in the child. Taking chances with one's own body is one thing; taking chances with a baby and his or her entire future is something else entirely.
As for marijuana, there's no way of knowing what it might do to a developing baby. And if your baby tests positive for marijana exposure, he or she can be taken away from you for that. It happened to a friend of mine. It's just not worth it.
hey everyone..i have another appt this coming wed so i'll post a new update with her new weight and everything..i still only have one stretch mark but i love it..i've grown used to it and i hope that if i show it enough love i won't get any other ones lol..doesn't that sound silly..we're now on the 8 week countdown starting today..i can't wait..we're getting the nursery ready now and its so exciting..peace
Originally posted by high_n_br:
..we're now on the 8 week countdown starting today..i can't wait..we're getting the nursery ready now and its so exciting..peace
Sounds like everything's going great! One good thing about your fiending is that it's all psychological and not physical(the types of drugs you're craving). Time passes, and so does the phychological cravings. Imagine being pregnant and pysically addicted to heroin/opiates or others, as well as your unborn would be. It's all in the head for you, and feeling excited about your baby is an excellent and natural replacement for a chemically induced high right now.
I, too, strongly believe that addiction isn't a lack of willpower. Craving is an important sign of recognizing dependency in yourself. IMHO, willpower is only possible if the person is a recreational user or an actively recovering addict. Active addiction is loss of control, or willpower.
Being pyschologically or pysically dependent on a chemical fits the 'disease' concept quite well. It's often diffucult for most to accept this because it's a psychological illness, which many believe is easily controllable. By abstaining from the abused chemical, many are left empty and infinately fatuiged. Being strong-minded cannot reverse the feelings without intense counseling and lifestyle changes.
Good luck with your future newborn. Perhaps this will be a life-changing experience and chemicals won't be as important to you...
i actually haven't touched any drugs besides pot in over a year so my body was in pretty good shape when i first got pregnant..except for those 2 hand grenades i had on bourbon right before i found out. i haven't drank at all for fear of FAS...which CAN happen with only one drink. I have smoked pot in the pregnancy but have even stopped doing that now. My body thanks me and I know my baby does too...shes getting so big by the way..i have pics up if ne1 is interested..can you post them on here???
congratulations, rhtips
I kinda know how you feel. when I found out I was pregnant with my son I did stop using everything . I thought about drugs often though, throughout my pregnancy (never indulged, even with a glass of wine) I also wonder if my prior drug use caused me to have this life threatening condition called HELLP syndrome (basically when your organs start failing as the result of extreme high blood pressure) My son was born 7 weeks early and was only 3lbs. He is perfectly fine now but it took my kidneys a while to get back to normal again. I almost died too. I haven't used any drugs yet as I am afraid of damaging my kidneys and liver (they are probably more fragile now). I gave birth to him 7 months ago. I just want to tell you that if I did drugs while I was pregnant i know that i couln't have lived with myself if anything happened to my baby. Just think of the bright side. After the long wait your first roll after will be amazing (at least I hope, I am still waiting because I am breastfeeding) good luck to you, I bet you will make the right decision because it is not just your life you are risking. The wait will be worth it when you look into your child's eyes for the first time-it is the ultimate high.
take care
Oh and it probably is a good idea to get some help for your addiction.
[ 13 August 2002: Message edited by: Q-T ]
Hey girly! I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well. Just keep it up, and let us all know how you and your little (or big :) ) one are doing!!!
I would like to ad that while in small amounts, whatever drug you take is excreted in breast milk. I'd definately not recommend taking the chance of breastfeeding if you are going to continue to party.
Breast milk thats loaded with all sorts of party materials may be fine for your dope loving boyfriend (if you have one or husband whatever) but not for the baby.
I have been an intoxication appreciation enthusiast for years. While it's great since I have no children to worry about because I have none, obviously drugs would have to take a back seat to parenting had I chosen to be a parent.
I'm not trying to be an asshole, only want to be honest. The guy I was seeing that disappeared off into the sunset has 2 small twin boys that are 3 years old. He pays no child support, sees them rarely cause he's high all the time.
The boys need their father. Sorry this is something I needed to post. I wish it were possible to be a major partier and be a good parent, but so far, I don't see how that is possible.
Dr Rolls,
You might be interested in how they handle that situation in most of the UK. They continue to give opiates to the mother during pregnancy, and occasionally (somewhere around 16% of the time) will administer small doses to the baby when it's born to taper them off. Their opinion is the shock of withdrawal and the risk of miscarage during that outweighs the risk of opiates to the unborn. Opiates don't travel well to the unborn, nor have they been shown to have much detrimental effect to them. (Legal consequences on the other hand...)
It's curious that in the US almost all kids born to opiate addicted mothers get treated with opiates after. I think it's largely an issue of perception.
As far as the expectant mother goes ...I would seriously consider getting legal council, as what comes up in a urine screening -- depending on your state laws and your health care provider -- may have some serious consequences for both you and your child later. I don't like the system, but it is an unfortunate reality that we take some draconian measures in just exactly the position you are in. Stay away from meth, mdma, lsd, alcohol while pregnant. Those pose the more serious risk of problems from what I've seen. I work in health care, but I'm not a doctor. Ask your attorney, then choose how you ask your questions to your physician on what he tells you. (I can not emphasize how much I do not like the laws -- but healthcare workers in my state are required by law to report you to social services if anything comes up in a screening with the result being that if they follow the law, social services comes and takes your kid away. It's not justice, it's not right -- but it is what happens.)
A friend of mine has just had a baby (now a month old), when she first fell pregnant she didn't know untill she was 4 months along, the amount of shit she put that baby through like speed every day and drinking every night, it a wonder that the baby isn't dead (don't meen to sound rude) she had a perfectly healthy baby girl and is loving being a mother.
I think that she was extremelly lucky that no damage was done to her baby, or her.
just be careful in whatever you decide to do coz no matter it all comes down to you, seek proffesional advise or if you don't want to do that look it up on the net or something like that.
I wish you all the luck in the future and take care.
I pity the child who is born to parents who were irresponsible enough to use drugs while pregnant whether they be alcohol or tobacco or the illegal ones. Your risking doing some permanent and irraversable damage to your unborn child. it maybe unnoticable in the first few years of its life but it will eventually start showing as the child gets older.
I found out in Mid March that i was preggies. That was a total shock to my system as I was binging a lot on cocaine (my husband threatened numerous times to send me to rehab).
On the 4 march i took a large amount of pills (i never knew that i was preggies). So i got a shock when i was told that i was pregnant, and felt very very guilty because i could have hurt my baby.
I stopped taking stuff immediately...I get the worst cravings for coke, but have stopped myself everytime (i am proud of myself for that) and i refuse to take it after the baby is born because i know how addictive it is to me.
All i want to say is expectant mothers who do drugs, i hope you experience 20x worse things in your lifetime than what you inflict on your unborn babies by doing drugs while being pregnant. This may be harsh, but if i can stop - anyone can....
Hun... I know exactly where you are coming from
One month ago, I found out I am pregnent. I haven't been sober for more than 3 days in a row for 5 years. When I found out, I quit everything, even smoking cigs.
It's hard, extreamly hard. I became depressed (though I think that was from all the e I did, I don't think I have much seritionin left) and because I became depressed, my bf left me.
If you have freinds that are non users, or USED to be users, it's best to hang around them. It's just to hard to be around all the stuff you used to do, and stay sober.
I've been sober for a month in a half. Go to meetings...... they will help if you want it.
Originally posted by GiRlRaVeR:
I've been sober for a month in a half. Go to meetings...... they will help if you want it.
well done to you. It really makes me happy when i see that others try for the sake of their unborns aswell.
I have to say that it hasnt been the easiest of roads either, but i am now about 6 1/2 months pregnant, havent touched drugs at all, and i actually feel good. I am not depressed all the time (i was in the beginning) and i feel healthy.
To all those moms out there, think of your unborns every time you take drugs. You know how they make you feel, imagine what they are doing to that little baby who isnt even properly developed yet.
PS. I cant wait to meet my healthy baby.....
omg ya'll...i went into labor friday before last(doc said it was caused by a little too rough sex hehe, he actually bruised my cervix) they stopped it with a shot every 30 minutes for an hour and a half called Brethine...i had an ultrasound the following monday and my doc said the baby is fully developed so if it happens again we're just going to have a baby and I'm so excited. I've been doing all kinds of stuff thinking i'll go into labor, nipple stimulation,sex,whatever. ne1 have any other suggestions? i can't wait to see my baby...her room is almost ready too..we're putting together her crib today and shes got one of those net things that hang over it like a princess..ok..just rambling and wish me luck
everytime i see a girl thats pregnat and doing any drugs even smokign a cigg i get pissed off. even smoking weed CAN harm a baby, the THC gets into your blood stream and it goes to the baby, hmm realy smart. if you didnt want the baby use a condom by god is it that hard to buy one. and this is MY OPINION, but dont go through with abortion either. ive seen people totaly change their lives when they got pregnant within an hour of knowing there pregnant. do a favor for you kid and dont do any drugs while pregnant. youd rather havea healthy child then a child who is brain dead or what not. trust me all in all youd rather not fuck the baby up.