Precipitated withdrawals from taking Naltrexone tablet too soon. What to do?


Aug 23, 2016
So, my latest attempt to kick heroin was going real well. I was 72 hours clean and staying on top of my cravings, the normal WD had started to subside a bit, I even got a tiny bit of sleep the night before.

I had an appointment at a drug clinic on the 3rd day clean. So yesterday to "discuss options" which was basically them trying to get me onto subs, which is understandable. It requires me sacrificing overseas travel which I can't do.

So, they gave me a script for Naltrexone instead, said to pop a 25mg the same day to see how it went. I should point out that I did a piss test earlier which clearly said I had opiates still in my system. Faint but they were there. But still, doctors orders so I popped the tablet.

Big. fucking. mistake. within 20 minutes I was in the worst withdrawals of my life. It felt like a spiked cannonball hit me in the gut and lodged itself there. puking, muscle spasms achy pains came on soon after. RLS and tossing and turning all fucking night. It's like all the symptoms hit you at once. I took it about 5pm and settled in for a night of pure hell. I had some temazepam on hand so I took 40mg and eventually settled into a feverish pass out of consciousness.

Anyway it's the next day now. Still muscle cramps in the guy and liquid shit, Immodium seemed to help at 18mg which I was worried wouldn't do jack. I crawled into the clinic the minute they opened this morning and couldnt do much for me but send me to a doc to ask for a valium script.

Worst part of it all is that I know using again is a fools errand after using naltrexone so there's no end. At least I've locked in the next couple of days clean.

I shoulda just kept on with my cold turkey detox, I was doing so well but this has really shaken me. It feels like the withdrawals were totally reset and way worse than day 2. wtf. I had been using lope day 2. Would the naltrexone effect that? The doc who prescribed the naltrexone didn't think it would.

Sorry I'm all over the place, jittery and skitish af. Really worried I've set back my detox, I was doing everything right this time.
I don't think it reset them since you haven't used any opiates. You still had some in your system when you took the naltrexone so it kicked whatever opiates you had left in your receptors out, hence the precipitated withdrawals. I've had it happen before too from an idiot doctor who had me take Suboxone too early. There's nothing that helps and I had to just wait it out. Worst experience of my life by far.
Thanks for replying man. PWD are crazy painful, Considering I was 3 days clean I'd hate to think what they would be like sooner.
I benzo'd my way through yesterday and am actually feeling comparatively awesome today. Definately have turned a corner, almost through day 5 now.
Yea you took way too much. The lope probably had a small CNS effect also which the naltrexone displaced. The good news is that it actually accelerates WD by quite a bit. And bupe can reverse naltrexone precipitated WD:s, at least it did for me when I took too much.
Yea you took way too much. The lope probably had a small CNS effect also which the naltrexone displaced. The good news is that it actually accelerates WD by quite a bit. And bupe can reverse naltrexone precipitated WD:s, at least it did for me when I took too much.

That's interesting, about it speeding WD! Might explain why I feel so good today? I'm not 100% by any means but I'm comparatively well. I wouldn't recommend it, better to tough it out over more days. That was horrific.
Some people use it to kick fast. Its painful but if you got benzos or something it might just be worth it. It still is quite hardcore way.

It also prevents physical dependence pretty much if you take it daily in like 1-2mg doses at night. Its not for free because youll mini withdraw every night. Ive been doing this a lot. It may or may not be worth it, but its a little trick ive known for some time now.
How long did you go through the detox? Was the wd go for the whole 8hrs or longer?
Bro. So with you.
I am currently under going this. Small H habit. Quit 4 days ago. Split a 8mg strip 4/2/2 consecutive days. Took 50mg naltrexone pill last night at midnight..within the hour..omg I nearly called for an ambulance. I have kicked cold turkey many times. Nothing and I mean nothing compared to how awful this was. By 5am. My unbearable anxiety began to settle (no benzos y'all). I was coming completely unglued, freezing, heart rate way high, pupils took over entire eye, things flying uncontrollably from every orifice. Was within minutes of calling 911 as the symptoms and intensity kept ramping up.

Managed 2 hours of "sleep" got up, Googled what the fuck just happened...I had no idea. Jesus. It's 18 hours later, feel relatively well. Stomach pain at times. Lethargic. Nose run. But overall much better. Yeah don't do this without heavy sedatives/benzos and maybe an observer. I swear I was strongly considering an ER visit at the peak..about 3 hours in. Bad move. Get clean. Stay clean. Fuck this nonsense

Yeah I feel better tonight than I probably normally would 4/5 days in. Still not worth that shit though