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Opioids Precipitated Withdrawal similar to rapid detox?


Jan 29, 2010
Yesterday I tried to start suboxone and went in to PW. Today I do not feel great. Bad lethargy and can't put a real smile on my face but did the PW accelerate the physical part?

I feel like I did when I kicked cold turkey and lasted 4 months. I feel really blah but no pains, diarrhea, etc.

Could the worst be over?
Let's put it this way. You're gonna feel really bad for quite a while before you start feelin good again. But don't let that stop you. The sooner you get thru this the better of you'll be.
Forgot to mention. I took nothing today. No more suboxone.
one day of PW cannot accelerate it that much (i'm guessing). it's only day 2, i don't know whether it will get better or worse. i'm sure it shaved off some discomfort from later though

perhaps include some basic info like how long your habit was and how often and what dose, since not everybody sees your other posts
ok good idea. 3 years. Steady use with one 4 month break in 08-09. Oxycodone is the DOA but also dabble in methadone that is prescribed to me via PM. Doses as high as 300mgs on oxy.

I couldn't take the malayse anymore. I just took 2 more mg of suboxone. I hope to god I don't go in to PW again.
I don't get what your question has to do with rapid detox. You don't say anything about it anywhere except for the title of the thread.

If you're wondering if rapid detox feels as painful as precipitated withdrawal, the answer is yes because RD is PW, but - and here's the caveat that makes RD worthwhile - you are sedated for RD, so you don't experience the pain. When you come out of sedation, you are going to feel like shit, but the worst will be over.

Is that what you were wondering?
Subuxone has a long half life. That's probably the reason you were not feeling the physical symptoms.

Also Buprenorphine is not a full antagonist. I've never been in precipitated WDs but I guess that precipitated WDs from Bupe are not as bad as precipitated WDs from a full antagonist. Not to say it is easy though, I wouldn't want to go through that hell ...
I don't get what your question has to do with rapid detox. You don't say anything about it anywhere except for the title of the thread.

If you're wondering if rapid detox feels as painful as precipitated withdrawal, the answer is yes because RD is PW, but - and here's the caveat that makes RD worthwhile - you are sedated for RD, so you don't experience the pain. When you come out of sedation, you are going to feel like shit, but the worst will be over.

Is that what you were wondering?

What I am asking is, are they like one in the same. Would going through PW be the same as rapid detoxing where the worst is over after you ride it out. I think I can answer the question though. No. As the suboxone wore off the withdrawal increased and I needed more Suboxone.
Yeah, they are the same in that Rapid Detox is a controlled precipitated withdrawal, but in Rapid Detox, they have to keep re-administering the antagonist, whereas precipitated withdrawal with Suboxone is just a one off thing which is then settled when the receptors adjust to the Suboxone being on them, making withdrawal go away. So you are correct: no, the worst is not over after precipitated withdrawal.