Pre/Post Loading


Nov 26, 1999
Im sure this has been asked before,but for my benefit could someone please tell me what they use to pre and post-load with?
I have been getting really harsh comedowns recently feel something to help me through them would do me the world of good.I've tried to get 5-HTP but can't find it anywhere,what vitamins etc. are there that I could take?
Thanks in advance peeps!
Pre-loading is a combo of Calcium, magnesium, 5-htp, good sleep and good food!!
Depending on where you live, you can find 5-HTP at GNC 60-50mg pills for 14.99, but I find them at wal-mart cheaper, just shop around, this is if your in the US.....take about 400 mg of 5-htp, if you take to much you'll be sick to your stomach, but I take like 200mg a day until the day of and I take 400 mg that day, plus lots of VitC, like 1000 mg x2 a day, magnesium I'm not really sure, it's for jaw clenching and I just take 2 a day, but not sure on the mg....
Now post loading,,,,I have my own which is good, but I always end the night or morning or day
with Gamma, lots of OJ or chocolate milk or a smoothie, plenty of rest, 400 mg 5htp. This always works for me, I feel good the day after, usally try to do some outdoor activity....
PLUR and happy rollin
5-Htp can be found at any GNC or other dietary supplement stores. I like to take 2-3 before I go to sleep the night before I roll. I feel pretty good the next day, and the roll is very clean. It's also good to take on the come down. It helps with the cracked out feeling I get the few days after a good roll. 5-HTP is really the best choice for pre-loading.
PLUR and have a safe New Years
5-htp is a must for pre-loading. I got mine from You also got $20 off your first order. I got mine in the mail last week for only $3!!! And that's 30 pills @ 100mg each. Not bad.
ive just discoverd tums as a preload. ive only done it once and it was really good. it nuetralizes the stomach acid so that you intake more MDMA. quite nice. and as a postload for me, ive noticed that a cap of GHB on your comedown is great. you get messed up for another hour or so, and you feel great in the morning
ive just discoverd tums as a preload. ive only done it once and it was really good. it nuetralizes the stomach acid so that you intake more MDMA. quite nice. and as a postload for me, ive noticed that a cap of GHB on your comedown is great. you get messed up for another hour or so, and you feel great in the morning
Open your eyes
See all the love in me
I got enough for ever.
Don't be afraid
Take all you need from me
And we'll be strong together.
-The Artist Formerly Known As EckstahsE
The original preload, as prescribed by Dr. Tom:
100-250mg 5-htp
500-1500 L-Tyrosine
500-1500 DL-Phenylalanine
1000-2000 L-Glutamine
You may also want to take some magnesium to lesson jaw clenching.
Start low with the 5htp, it can make you sick to your stomach. Some people shy away from the Tyrosine since it ups dopamine production, and dopamine is one of the contributors to axon trimming, so it *may* result in higher tolorance.
Take the load 1 to 2 hours before dropping your first pill with OJ or grapefruit juice. When you take additional X, take 50-100mg 5-htp + 500-1000mg DLPA. Take 50-100mg 5-htp before you go to sleep for the night, and 50mg again when you wake up.
5-htp (L-5-hydroxytryptophan) is used by the body to make seratonin (L-5-Hydroxytryptomine), that wonderful brain chem that makes you feel so damn good on X. Tolorance and post-roll depression are caused by extremely low levels of seratonin, so even if you skip the other aminos, take the 5-htp. DLPA gives you an energy boost, and is used in the production of endorphins, never a bad thing to have... just make sure you get *DL*, not just D or L. Glutamine is one of the two fuels (along with Glucose) used by the brain. If you are not going to be eating for upwards of 18-24 hours, making sure your brain is fed is always a good idea

I'm a convert, rolling without pre-loading is like having less X IMO. And it takes the day after depression and turns it into an afterglow. Your mileage may vary.
Almost forgot: DON'T carry DLPA around with you if there is a risk of getting frisked by the cops. DLPA is very similar in chemical structure to amphetamines, and as a result will test as such by a street drug test kit (used by the cops). Once it is sent to the lab for further testing it will be recognized for what it is, but try explaining that to the cop.
This has actually happened to a close friend of mine, luckily the cops didn't arrest her on the spot. Once the lab test came back she was cleared. Kinda killed her roll tho.
If memory serves, root beer also tests positive as amphetamines, so don't drink any root beer before a drug test