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Potentiating Vyvanse 40mg?

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Aug 29, 2017
Hi, so I'm prescribed 40mg of vyvanse and it's starting to stop working and I have a SHIT TON of work to do today and my ADD is terrible. Anybody have any suggestions on how to potentiate it? (I've tried caffeine, I have a bag of kratom but its empty and theres only plant matter stuck to the edges of the bag so, idk what to do).

What about lemon juice?
Refill your script or get more? Shit is abundant on college campuses. Bioperine is probably they only thing but I doubt it would do much from experimenting with it myself.

Won't really potentials but nicotine also makes an awesome combo with meds in that category as a nootropic
You can’t reduce first pass metabolism because it is a prodrug with special mechanism(*), however 2D inhibitors shall still slow down metabolism and elimination, which could eventually make it stronger, otherwise, making a single dose more potent is difficult
Vyvanse is unfortunately hard to potentiate through conventional means, since it is a prodrug. I think theoretically you could still use cyp2d6 inhibitors to potentiate it but you?d have to time the inhibitor to take effect right after the lisdexamphetamine is fully metabolized.

This way the enzyme inhibitor stops the dextroamp from being metabolized away while also allowing most of the vyvanse to metabolize. The problem is you?d have to do a lot of research and self experimentation to find the sweet spot in timing to be able to make this combo work.
Hey guys, I apologize for stepping on toes here, but we really don't like threads here in the Harm Reduction forum that are not related to Harm Reduction. Granted, there are health implications involved when using Hard Drugs (Amphetamine is the real deal, sorry guys), but that is not the concern of this thread. First off OP, you would be doing yourself a favor by developing some research skills, because there is a wealth of information online regarding how to potentiate Amphetamines. It's not that we don't want you to be happy, productive, focused or what have you, it's just that we're only concerned with members' safety. If they want to get higher, that's for them to figure out.

I will throw you a bone. Lemon juice is counterproductive. Again, you need to put on your researcher hat, because this information is readily available and if you know a little, tiny bit about what you're dealing with, you can figure out how to potentiate it by simply reading the Wikipedia article. Your best bet is modifying your urinary Ph. The only thing that has every worked for me has been making my urinary Ph less acidic. This can prolong the effects of Amphetamine. Do a little bit of research!

This is closed due to its focus being solely on "how to get higher", which is not our thing.
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