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Gabapentinoids Potentiating pregabalin?


Apr 5, 2024
Is there any method to potentiate pregabalin? Any supplements or how to consume it?
I have been using pregabalin recreational since 2010, have been dependent from it severeal times and thats why that substance is very familiar to me. But, even i don't take pregabalin very often these days, maybe once a month I have kinda permatolerance to it. I def can feel good with 300mg but to get desired effects I need to take 750 to 1050mg total in 6 to 8 hour span, i know it is pretty big dosage, not fatal though. If i take Gabapentin, i need to take 3200mg in 10 hour span.. . And here where I live, pregabalin is expensive.
So, do you guys know how to make it feel stronger with smaller dosage?
There isn't a way to directly potentiate pregabalin.

I mean you could combine it with phenibut, gabapentin or even benzos, but this wont result in the potentiation of pregabalin. Instead you'll just experience additional effects from the combo.

I once had a 900 mg per day pregabalin prescription (3 of the 300mg capsules). There was no good reason for me to take it, i just sort of convinced my psychiatrist it was a good idea. The effect of the pregabalin was very unique; I would take the 900mg all at once in the late afternoon (around 5pm) And it would produce this weird sedated mania, with some empathenogenic qualities. It had an unusual nihilistic headspace where nothing mattered And that was okay because nothing mattered. It killed any ambition i had in life due to this existential mindset. Once i finally quit pregabalin, along with some other psychiatric medications I had no business taking (like huge doses of pregabalin and the antidepressant mirtazapine), i felt suddenly awakened and had urge to do something with my life. Not long after I applied to graduate school and was accepted, thereby moving forward with my life.

While phenibut and gabapentin have ambition killing effects, they do not produce a headspace like pregabalin, which is almost psychedelic like at high doses. And I have never felt much of a high at all from phenibut or gabapentin, although both can produce a similar mania, and phenibut has some music enhacing effects. But pregabalin was very different, producing both a high and unique mindset.
Yeah pregabalin makes me feel manic too, extremely energetic and somehow sedated at the same time. And very horny.
Closed eye visuals are pretty intense with large dosages, especially in dark.
And I sleep like a baby afterwards.
I don't like benzos with pregabalin, i used to take speed with it, got extremely speedy, super horny and restless at the same time.. 😂
I only wish to make pregabalin more potent, i have noticed it works little bit faster and harder when taken to empty stomach at morning and a lots of water with it and eating 2 hours after consuming it.
Little bit of alcohol potentiates it too (maybe 2 to 4 beers/cider/Vodka shots) but it can make you feel nauseous and tired if you drink too much.
Yeah pregabalin makes me feel manic too, extremely energetic and somehow sedated at the same time. And very horny.
Closed eye visuals are pretty intense with large dosages, especially in dark.
And I sleep like a baby afterwards.
I don't like benzos with pregabalin, i used to take speed with it, got extremely speedy, super horny and restless at the same time.. 😂
I only wish to make pregabalin more potent, i have noticed it works little bit faster and harder when taken to empty stomach at morning and a lots of water with it and eating 2 hours after consuming it.
Little bit of alcohol potentiates it too (maybe 2 to 4 beers/cider/Vodka shots) but it can make you feel nauseous and tired if you drink too much.

I get the weird visual effects too .. almost like mushrooms tracers. Lights seem to “dance”
Well, pregabalin is pretty interesting because if you take with a depressant it increases it's depressant effect, but if you take with a stimulant it increases its stimulant effect as well.
I have noticed that too! It boosts almost every other drug, but it's hard to boost it with something. Only taking more pregabalin I guess.
I get the weird visual effects too .. almost like mushrooms tracers. Lights seem to “dance”
Sounds interesting 😛
I see closed eye visuals a lot, flashing colors, geometric and caleidoscopic shapes, strings, it's very unique and havent seen them on any other substances.