Mental Health Possibly going on Wellbutrin,need info about it

Wellbutrin didn't make me feel like complete shit like Cymbalta and Effexor did, and gave me a nice stimulated feeling and definitely helped with depression. But the side effects kinda sucked, such as loss of appetite (I am skinny to begin with, when I was on WB I looked like a crack addict) and insomnia were real issues that made me get off it. It was just too stimulating for me at an effective dose.
When I was on it, I'm sure it played games with my sleep, but I don't remember too well. I do know that it worked for agitation associated with bipolar, but at the cost of some cognition. Others have had different experiences.
I agree about the relaxing effect on aggitation levels. Litterally nothing pissed me off when I was using it. Sleep was very odd. Like I would go to sleep but didnt feel like I went to sleep. Almost like blinking my eyes and time being gone.
The only thing it did for me was give me terrible insomnia and extreme emotional instability. I threw a rose quartz at my TV and smashed it on day 10. The only time I've acted similar has been during a benzo blackout. I stopped it immediately.
I had tried zoloft and one other antidepressant with little to no affect for me. My mother had gone through a whole laundry list of different ssris and eventually ended up on wellbutrin among other things. When looking online into my depressive symptoms, it seemed that low dopamine was the reason for a majority of my symptoms, including the complete lack of motivation, which honestly could be because of my years as a heroin addict. In fact, one of the things I loved about opiates is that I'd actually get off my ass and do the little things that just seemed pointless or to exerting - like cleaning my room, showering, basically anything other than getting out of bed. So with all of this in mind, I seen my psych and mentioned my mother had found relief from it and asked if we tried that next.

He started me on 150mg because of my history of seizures and the fact it lowers the seizure threshold. I had a little struggle falling asleep for a couple days, but that was about it. Next visit I got bumped up to 300mg, and again had similar side effects, though much more pronounced. There were nights I felt like I was coming off of heroin (in regards to struggling to sleep) which eventually subsided after a week or two. I didn't notice much of an effect at first - but its not instantaneous. I eventually realized how well it was working for me when I stopped thinking about suicide every damn day. I also noticed that I had more motivation for the monotonous daily tasks and to better my life, though honestly its seems to have plateaued recently - about 6 months in. I'm definitely not as bad as I was before wellbutrin, just simply feel its losing its effectiveness - though it still is 1000x easier to power through the shit I don't want to do.

I remember reading somewhere that it stimulates the nicotine receptors in your brain which is why it is also used to help with smoking cessation. Didn't work well for me. At first I tried powering through regardless, and usually ended up with headaches. However, that eventually subsided and I'm still smoking to this day.

My sex drive has increased, but honestly opiates didn't diminish it - it straight KILLED mine, and after so many years using its hard to tell how much so, but if they haven't for you, I wouldn't worry much. If anything the vast majority seemed to have an increase in it anyways, whereas most traditional antidepressants that work on serotonin have the opposite effect.

Good luck regardless. Give it a chance for a little while, and if it doesn't work or you feel it doesn't do what you want ask for something different after a couple of months. Unfortunately trial and error and often a combination of medications generally is the norm for most of us. :(
Hi all, I am a recovering heroin addict on a suboxone program. I have been on suboxone for over 4 years now at 10mgs daily, depression and an extreme lack of motivation to do anything have taken over me... probably side effects of long term suboxone maintenance. I have been stagnant in my life ever since I got on the subs, all I do is sit around, numb from my medication.

So my doctor suggested I try Wellbutrin, I don't know anything about this drug... she says it will help me be more motivated to change my life.. keep in mind though the goal here is nOT to get off of suboxone, I will go back to dope the second I get off subs and will die,I plan on staying on suboxone indefinitely.

I am just hoping that this welbutrin will maybe help me fight the lethargy, lack of motivation, etc that the suboxone causes. What are side effects of welbutrin? I am used to always being sleepy, relaxed so if i take welbutrin will I be hyper, on edge, etc ? How does this stuff make you feel? Will it actually make me want to change my life?

help me out... anyone on welbutrin for awhile tell me do you like it? does it hurt your sex drive ? thats the one thing the subs didn't take from me I still have an EXTREMELY high sex drive even after 4 years of being on the subs... does welbutrin fuck with you like that?
My friend is on it and loves it
I've been on Wellbutrin XL for around three years now and it has been a godsend for me. I have Bipolar Type 1, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive type. Thankfully, Wellbutrin has never affected my anxiety (I do take clonazepam for that). From what I've read, and from my own personal experience, Wellbutrin is one of the least likely of antidepressants to trigger Mania (granted this probably isn't relevant in your situation). I didn't tolerate SSRI's or SNRI's at all; they either induced mania or gave me nasty side effects. I wish you the best and hope that it helps!