Mental Health possible manic depression


Sep 3, 2016
i don't know if this is in the right forum, so please move it if it isn't.
I think the most important paragraph is the last one if you don't want to read it all.

I thought that I had some manic depressive tendencies throughout high school, just if i think back on it. i'm just going to tell you the whole story, starting in college. Freshman year, i got extremely drunk 2-7 times a week where i was far beyond blacked out and i usually just passed out wherever i was and puked all over myself and pissed myself. This happened 50-75 times. Then over the summer, i got in a really bad wreck while drunk where i was in the hospital several months.

Then i was prescribed dexedrine, which made me extremely happy for a couple months, and i was sleeping roughly 4.5 hours a night, masturbating about 3 times a day, whereas i masturbate around twice a week now. That winter i used cocaine about 6 times. Near the end though, I entered a really deep depression lasting several months and it felt like i had really high tolerance to dexedrine. Then a couple months later, it felt like my tolerance just disappeared and i went back to feeling really happy.

Recently, I've been using a lot more. it's been switching every couple of weeks from me feeling the come up, but i don't even notice the come down. I feel extremely manic afterwards and can't sleep much and feel extremely happy, just needing to do everything, mostly exercise. i have to use a lot of klonopin. Then the other half of the time, I feel the comedown very hard, getting extremely anxious and getting some anhedonia, where i just can't find joy in anything and i mostly just lay around. I just can't find any point in living, whereas when i'm feeling more manic i never even think about the point of life, I just kind of take it for granted that i am alive. I have found it most likely that I have manic depression, but I want to know your all's opinions before i see a doctor and probably lose my dexedrine prescription. What's wrong with me?
Losing your prescription should not be your biggest worry. Getting a diagnosis from a qualified person should come before anything. Don't be too worried about it either--lots of people self-diagnose bi-polar when it is just nature, personality, age, life etc. The best thing you can do for yourself is to learn your own mind and take care of the body that houses it. Many people are prescribed drugs they do not need but for those that truly need them, a proper diagnosis and a good working relationship with a psychiatrist are essential.