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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Poppy Seed Tea - 150g - Experienced - Numb Pleasent and Cheap


Mar 14, 2007
*It's not that important but I spelled "pleasant" incorrectly in the title :)

The seeds I get are consistantly potent and cheap, as such I rarely need more than 150-300 grams for a comfortable dose. Before this last experience i'd had a break from opiates for about 3 months (never having built up any noticable tolerance beforehand with my occasional recreational use.)


And suddenly, everything is richer. Warmth stirs in my lower abdomen, speaking of the goodness to come. A birds chirp is amplified tenfold, and it’s subtleties of tone reach my ears in waves of tranquillity. A tingling starts in my extremities, like my skin is moving slightly.

My head feels like is filled with a thick foam, pleasantly so, as it absorbs bad thoughts and feelings. The foam is soaking up my angst and misery.

My stomach gurgles slightly as more of the substance is absorbed.

Tingles run up and down my body in random places.

More mildly irritating stomach unease, which I think is due to my need to defecate and the opiates constipating effect keeping it at bay…

I know the opiate Is working well when I get to the stage of “little-worry” – literally, I am worried about very little…my family…my friends…my love life…work… nothing can annoy me too much, everything seems simplified and condescended into a mindset of “why worry…”

There is a slight stiffness in my neck…it is the opiate telling me it is a point of tension which is about to be released…my face is becoming warm, and the front of my head pulses slightly….

My pupils are slightly constricted now.

During the plateau, I am completely at ease and still for about an hour and a bit in my mind and being; a welcome relief. As afternoon descends into evening, the fading light appears to be gently dimming, each shade of dusk casting it’s shadow through my room until the complete blackness of night forces me to turn on a light.

The entire experience takes about an hour to come up, plateau’s from one to two hours, then seems to balance out for another 3-4 hours before gradually slipping away in the next hour or so. The total duration is about 6-8 hours, after which I drift to a very comfortable uninterrupted sleep.
Is your tolerance to opiates high at the moment? I always find it amazing when people say the experience lasts around 8 hours for them.

Granted, I'm relatively opiate naive save for the mild kratom. But a strong brew of PST will get me nodding and itchy for literally 16 hours and high for another 8 hours or so. I generally don't feel at baseline until around +36 hours after dosing! Really crazy, mostly in a good way :)
No, it's not high at the moment...i'm pretty sensitive to opiates. I tend to feel groggy the next day and a little sedated, unless I make a large amount of tea the noticable effects are over after about 8 hours.

If I dose again the next day it seems to stack on itself and I feel groggy for a good 36 hours afterwards.