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PLEASE! I am begging for help anyone with opiate withdrawal experience!!!


Sep 26, 2015
Hello all I am desperately begging for your help,

I’ve been here before for the obvious same reasons however this time I am DESPERATE to get my life back together.

I had been using around a gram a day heroin for a good year and a half now. Over the course of this past weekend I cold turkey detoxed after trying to wean down throughout the week. I hold a full time job, I’m a full time student, AND I am a single mother to a very busy little 4 year old boy. As stated I used my last bit of H Thursday evening. I used nothing Friday and Saturday and was in EXTREMELY rough shape both days (shaking, cold sweats, restless, thrashing around in my bed, just horrible). On Sunday I found a small amount of methadone. At about 4 in the morning Sunday I took 2 ten mg pills, (20mg) and felt fine all day, sickness was gone of course. Now this morning was Monday, I woke up drenched in sweat yet FREEZING with chills and also with a full blown panic attack, so bad I couldn’t hardly breathe until I took a small piece of Xanax (which I HATE by the way and have never had an addiction to it, only prescribed it as needed for panic attacks, so no worries there, I very rarely take it) So along with the Xanax this morning I also took 15 mg’s of methadone leaving me 5 mg’s left for tomorrow, or whatever someone recommends. However I can already tell this is going to be nowhere near a cake walk and I really am desperate for advice and what I should do to get through this as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Should I take my last 5mg dose tonight or tomorrow? Or should I try to get more? ( I may be able to get a couple more 10 mg methadone, POSSIBLY) Is the methadone just prolonging my withdrawal or actually helping it??
I also have a script I haven’t filled of Lortab 5/325’s, only I think 10 of them but it is an option, and the other option is to buy heroin (short acting opiate) through the week as little as possible and cold turkey this coming weekend when I’m off work, which only leaves me 2 days of sickness before returning to work which isn’t ideal.

I just want this nightmare to be over BUT I have to be able to function through it and I don’t know what to do.

Just in case it’s helpful to someone’s advice I am 24 year old female, 5’2”, 130lbs relatively healthy other than some anxiety.

Someone PLEASE PLEASE help me, you have no idea how needed you are.

Thank you in advanced

Hi Happypantiesss, (love your name by the way!) sorry you're in this situation. Lots of us have been in your shoes and it's difficult as it is. Even more so when you have the pressure of work, school and a child to care for. By taking the methadone, it put off your withdrawals so now you're back to square one pretty much.

For right now, try filling the lortab and you could use those to get you through the day. You have to be careful because of the acetaminophen. Of course, methadone is stronger and lasts longer so if you can get more, by all means do it. This will help short-term but realistically, I think it will take more than two days for you to get through heroin withdrawals. Is there a way to get some time off work and someone to babysit?

I'm not going to lie to you, this is going to take some hard work to finally get clean. Once you get through the withdrawals, the real challenge awaits because the temptation to use will be there. Do you have a support system, (family, clean friends) or have you considered going to a detox/rehab program? Another thing, you might want to get on methadone maintenance or subs if time off is not an option.

Just know that people here care and can help. You can pm me if you need to talk. Keep us updated on how you're doing! <3
Hey to reply to your question the methadone isn't prolonging your withdrawal as you aren't dependant on the methadone itself, it is softening your landing regardless you are going to experience some withdrawal I would recommend you try and get your paws on a few more methadone pills if at all possible, and as T.C. above suggested the most important thing is to get into a support group of some sort AA/NA, and do this for you and your lil man! Congratulations on this 1st step realizing it's time to make changes that is huge and it is awesome! I've been there many a time and been in cold turkey withdrawal countless times from heroin and methadone so you can do this I promise! Just get to a meeting I swear you will feel even better, keep us posted on how you are
Hola! Yes opiate detox. I am very familiar of this. I kicked H a little over seven months ago, and I tell you the only thing that got me through the pain, anxiety, and sickness was being honest about my addiction. I have a full time job, a ten year old, an made myself go to rehab. The pain is rough, but I tell you I am so grateful I went through the hell. You will be stronger. Also, if there are NA meeting where you live, get your ass there. Tell them exactly.what you're going through. They will get it. You deserve to have your life back!! You can do this. Trust me it gets sooooo much better <3
Hi everyone!!

Thank you so much for the awesome support. I honestly lost hope thinking no one would respond to my post. I was hoping the methadone would help but maybe I'm wrong. There is just no easy way to get out of the situation which I can't complain too much about considering I put myself here technically AND it didn't happen overnight.

I did get my hands on another methadone pill yesterday but I only took 5mg's this morning but I feel okay. I am at work and just trying to stay busy to pass the time and keep my mind occupied.

If there are any suggestions on what my plan of action should be from here on out it would be well appreciated. Like should I take 1 more 5mg piece of methadone tomorrow and then discontinue anymore use so that by the weekend the methadone will be coming out of my system and I'll have a couple days to re cooperate or should I just keep taking tinier pieces (ex. 2mg's or 3mgs) and ride it out?

Any help or advice is appreciated, thanks again!!

Happypanties <3
Oh and just to answer some questions that I was asked, I am a "closet addict" to my family, no one has any clue and I really want to leave telling them as an absolute last resort.

All my friends however are clean, I have cut all ties to anyone who uses/sells etc. and I have a couple close clean friends who DO know about the addiction. (ew that feels weird to say. :/)

I'd love to go to meetings but not a good chance my schedule will allow it, considering I have a babysitter (family,friends) for so many other necessary activities (work, school) in my life it'd be hard to find another for something else, ya know? And as far as taking off work its difficult because I just had some time off for a bought of kidney stones that really took a toll on me. I wanted to detox while I was out but dealing with the kidney stones at the same time but it was just too painful.

Thanks again for your kind words.
OP. The sad truth is that some discomfort is practically inevitable when withdrawing from a high-dose Opioid habit. If the dose of Methadone that you took completely took away your withdrawals, then you should be more economical with its use. Try half that dose maybe, see how you feel, give it 3 hours or so and if you're still too sick to function, escalate the dose.

Tapering Opioids on your own is a real test of will. It's not easy to get through the acute withdrawals, but the post acute withdrawals are the true test. Reconstructing a life without drugs is very difficult.
I completely tapered off a 2g a day H habit with 60 10mg dolophine (methadone) pills but that was done over a one month titration period and had zero discomfort or withdrawal when stopping the methadone, expect some discomfort, my advice that helped me in other times I had to withdraw with discomfort and I know it sounds stupid but, get comfortable with being uncomfortable...I know, sorry? Just try to half your mdone pills at this point and skip days, take a xanax to take the edge off on the off days, all the best happypantiesss
Hi there and good on ya for being ready to tough it out girl! The methadone I agree is cushioning the blow but at such a short taper it's prolonging the inevitable. The Lortab and Xanax will both ease symptoms some. Granted 10 Lortab aren't much but they will buy you time to get to where your worst days fall on your weekend maybe. And the acetaminophen in ten pills is ok if you don't take them all in a day or two. Use the last of your methadone to prepare stuff for the worst withdrawals like comfy clothes and a fan for your room and meals to zap quick and stock up on water with electrolytes. Tell your friends who know that you could use help even if it's just an hour so you can take a long hot shower or rest a little. NA meetings run all hours of the day in many locations and some have kid friendly meetings. Also there is SMART recovery online that hosts online meetings. I like them a lot as they take a more open approach to things and are more scientific based. If you have insurance through your job consider a methadone or Suboxone clinic for a short while to wean off easier. Some communities offer detox programs so if you tell your boss you need medical treatment for a week or two they may accommodate you. You do not have to tell them why or what it's for. It could be for surgery for all they know. Hope that helps some. Stay strong like you sound you are! Just think you only have to do this once if you stay committed to it. Even when it feels rough just remind yourself once you get past the rough days it'll get easier and easier physically for you. Tell yourself you'll remember the bad days as reasons to not start up again. Distraction helps too-tv, books, good conversations. Best of luck to ya!
Hey guys!!

So I got a few more methadone but ended up not sticking to my plan.
I've took my last piece of methadone Tuesday morning and since then I've just been doing a bump or 2 a day of H. Just enough to keep the withdrawals away to function (work, family etc.)
I decided to switch back to something quick acting that will be faster to detox from. I tend to have better luck and have been able to stay cleaner longer using this system so im determined this is the end for me.
Tomorrow will be my last bit of the devils candy I do, I am hoping forever but I have to take it 1 day at a time.

My son is staying with family this weekend and I have off work Monday so I will return clean and sober. Probably not feeling 100 percent but I have to remind myself that its always a work in progress.

I am definitely going to look into support this time. The online N/A meeting someone mentioned seems perfect for me, I will be looking into it for sure.

Thank you all so much for your advice and support. I will try and check in throughout the weekend if anyone wants to leave me some words of encouragement. Haha.

Much love,
Happypanties :)
How I successfully quit.

Hey OP,

I'm 25, full time student, full time worker, full time take care of my 80 year old Gramma. I highly recommend you get yourself into a suboxone program over the summer. It is incredibly effective, took me 2 years, but now I don't even want to do opiates. Check out this website and shop around.


Last semester, my doc kicked me out my sub program bc some dentist wrote me a script for Vics when I had an abscess and I went and got it filled. My test came up clean because I never took em. Figured, hey, never let a good schedule 2 fill go to waste. Anyway, I got finals to finish, so I can't lay out the whole plan for ya, however...

Tapering off slowly has never worked for me with any drug. Idk why, it may work for some people, but not for me. From taking 2x 4mg subs I was able to quit w... High dose GABApentin, (didn't try low dose, so dunno if it works.), Imodium, and 800 mg ibuprofen. I just felt like I had to say something, bc after almost a decade of near daily opiate use, I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE THE W/D WITH THIS COMBO. The GABApentin is incredibly easy to get. Drs prescribe it off label for anxiety all the time. I got a new dr and just told them I had RLS and got a 90 ct 30 mg, which is enough to get through a w/d cycle.

Xanax is a good alternative to the gabapentin. But there is an aspect to GABApentin and Pregabalin that actually reduces drug cravings, I highly recommend checking out the Radiolabs episode, 'The Fix' on a podcast app like stitch, or apples podcast.

I actually typed out a lot more info, but of course it got deleted. What I will repeat tho, is that you can actually make $$ from a sub program. I would never do it of course, but they go for $10-20 on the street, get the generics if you don't have any insurance, if you do, ppl seem to prefer the films. This works because you can get by with a minuscule dose, while maintaining that when you start to taper, cravings kick in. I stayed @ 16 mgs a day, but very likely coulda gone 16-32 EASY. Never ever try to get high on or overuse your subs, it doesn't work, and always try to start w/ low dose and keep ur dose very low, while never allowin ur doc to notice, which you should of course never ever do.

Im even considering reentering just for kicks bc like I said, I do not and would never recommend the trafficking of pharmaceuticals. One thing you most certainly have to do is TRULY WANNA QUIT. I currently take Xanax and addy scripted, but have no prob with cravings for opiates, and am very careful with my usage. I actually could probably make money I'm so careful with my usage, of course I'd never do that though.

I just wanted to let you know, for someone of the same age and in similar circumstances it really is easier than you'd expect, especially in retrospect. Just remember how terrible it shooting a G/day, esp in hindsight. Until my lil bro got drunk and cried to my rents that no one knew what I went through and bla bla bla, no one knew bout my probs. But when they found out, they told me they were proud of me and began paying for both my treatment and my script. It's nothing to be ashamed of, truly. In fact, I am honest to a fault, so my family outside my bro was the only one who didn't know, but believe, if you need some help with funds and whatever, your parents, or good friends will help you get through the first month of treatment which is the most expensive.

Also recommend some form of counseling. I wasn't interested for a long time, but it did help somewhat. I never did group, but I'm sure that also helped. If you are ashamed, and have no one to talk to especially, a therapist is confidentiality bound and most of the inexpensive ones are really just in it to help ppl out. I can imagine it'd start feeling pretty lonely with absolutely no one to talk to, or be honest with, about your issues.

Fuck, imma get a B on this paper now. Hope you're happy. JKJK. I really do hope this helps.

Peace on Earth and goodwill to all mankind.


PS if ur single and around DENVER HMU I can throw you some w/d D. Also, don't let this mysoginist undermine my credibility, everything else is true.
I'm a dude and I must say I agree on the above mention, take ol brotha up on the D if you are in withdrawal, it'll work you to feeling a new much better feeling you, and most importantly, one mighty fine step closer to feelin' human, which is what we all are right?! Much love opioid kru!
What I'm gonna do and i suggest for you. A detox program 3 to 5 days. Find someone to watch your kid for that time. Tell job you have a legally protected medical leave you need to take and do it. Can i afford a week off? Hell no, but i know that's my only hope so ill make it work . This is my plan and I suggest it for you too.
Hello op nice name btw it really put a smile on my face I love the creativity

Now getting down to business as a former doctor I can assure you if your abuse has got so bad that you came here I think it's time to come clean to your own gp or doctor they can put you on a slow but effective weaning process on methadone I would like to help you with a prescription myself but obviously that is against the rules but just show up sober not high ask for a detox process and they should sought your right out

All the best op let us know how it goes and remember if you need any advice(off the record) from a professional health care official feel free to message me!
Hello op nice name btw it really put a smile on my face I love the creativity

Now getting down to business as a former doctor I can assure you if your abuse has got so bad that you came here I think it's time to come clean to your own gp or doctor they can put you on a slow but effective weaning process on methadone I would like to help you with a prescription myself but obviously that is against the rules but just show up sober not high ask for a detox process and they should sought your right out

All the best op let us know how it goes and remember if you need any advice(off the record) from a professional health care official feel free to message me!