Pills in the rear!!!!!


Dec 18, 1999
I've recently been told that xtc was once taken by wide variety of users through the anis. Apparently you come up in 10 minutes because the blood vessels in that area absorb the xtc quicker than your stomach. Is this true? I've heard from several sources now. Has anybody ever done this or does anybody have any feeling on the matter. To tell you the truth I'd rather shoot e straight into my neck!
<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-
I've heard about this as well, don't know anybody personally who's done it. Other than coming up faster do you roll any harder? How far up there do you have to shove it?
Hi! I just posted on this last week.
The post was called...Taking it in the ass... got some real good info if you can pull it up.
awe, just tried, but my name was one of the ones that got deleted, so all my post are gone!

Maybe Rob and Dr.E will be nice enough repost some of their info...sorry

[This message has been edited by Dazzle (edited 23 December 1999).]
Not to get vulgar, but I LOVE IT IN THE ASS!!! And the fact that I'm gay has nothing to do with it... I find that I roll sooner and harder when I load it anally then when I swallow it. (This still sounds like a vulgar post... BUT IT'S NOT... HONEST!!!) what you wanna do is crush it up and put it in a gelcap... you can buy empty gelcaps at any drug store. Lube up a little and insert to your middle knuckle. I know it sounds gross, but hey, we gotta make some sacrifices in life... Hee Hee!!! Anywayz... It doesn't hurt, it's not hard, and the roll is great!!! I would definately test whatever pill your going to load though, since whatever you would normally feel from it, you're gonna feel more of... Good or Bad...
thumbs up for up the butt!!! this also has nothing to do with the fact I'm gay either but I guess it is easier for us to accept the idea of having something up our bumms the best way is to dissolve one in a little bit of H2O couple of cc's will do nicely and administer it though a fleet enema.(easy and painless for all you novices)and make sure your cleansed out before you do this and I guarantee you will be in for a GLORIOUS ROLL!
"the most wonderful experiences of life are always found after we have overcome our fear to take a chance" or as I say feel the fear and do it anyway! MERRY ROLLING
ok, i'm curious,
let's just say i had a theoretical gelcap full of 100mg of pure MDMA, what do all you anal loving rollers think the strength of the roll would be, and the amount of time till onset, and the duration of the roll be???
much love
"the old dogs have got a new trick
it's called criminalize the symptoms
while you spread the disease"
-ani difranco-
I've been saying for the longest time that I'm going to try taking it that way (rectally), and finally did it last night. Crushed up what I knew to be a very good pill and put it in a gelcap. Not to be gross, but I had a hell of a time getting it up there
It took much longer than I expected to come up (~40 min.), but it lasted longer (almost 6 hours) and I was blowing up mighty hard.
Would I do it again? I'm not sure...it does make the most of your roll, but it's not exactly very easy to do. Definetely not for the faint of heart. I'll do it that way maybe once in a blue moon, but for now I'd rather just swallow 'em

E PLURibus unum
I've never done it but I heard it takes alot longer to kick in up the ass. But once it does that it lasts longer. I think your stomach would break the pill up faster than your ass. Right? I dunno thats what I heard and it seems to make sense.
yeah i did it in a bathrrom at space. i just took the pill and shoved it up there. about 15 minutes later i was FUCKED UP. its a lot better than swallowing it. it burned a little bit but not all that bad. it was tolerable. it was kinda like my first roll all over again. PLUR
Jen and LeLe
I have never tried it, but it is starting to sound like a better and better idea as I am hearing from more people about E and other pills being harmful to the stomach lining. And, I puked up a pill this weekend, which was a shame. If you are comfortable w/ your body and not squeamish you should not have a problem.
ehh, its reading no vacancy down around there for me, i wont even sniff the damn things much less put them in an exit hole , heh. I think ill just stick to swallowing them. But i have heard from about 3 people that you do roll pretty hardcore using that method, just has a bit more work involved if you ask me.
Choose Love, Choose Laughter, Choose your Friends, Choose Raves, Choose Life...
my bum is staying away from anything going up it.
it just sounds scary. it seems like it would like give you an infection or eat away that the inside of your butt...i don;t know, maybe i am too closed minded...but its not for me....
snorting them isn;t that bad though...aside from the burn.
Yuck. I haven't ever done it but my best friend's boyfriend does it all the time. He says that it's more intense and that it lasts longer, but yuck. I guess one time he shoved a Red Rocket up there and 2 hours later was freaking out because everytime he would dance, let alone move, he felt like his insides were swishing around. Attractive isn't it.