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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Phenibut / 655mg orally) - Inexperienced - More Than I Needed for Sleep


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jun 30, 2015
I just dug up this old report when looking into phenibut for a friend:

After a day of working on job applications, I had taken staggering amounts of caffeine plus a bit of pseudoephedrine that was wearing off. I was bouncing up and down at 8:30pm, but could no longer focus on my work. I knew I was going to have a difficult time sleeping. Normally, I take 80mg of phenibut to sleep, but have on rare occasion taken up to 200mg for that purpose. Because of the long come-up, I seldom bother with it. Rectal administration is faster, but adjusting the pH with baking soda to neutral is time consuming in its own right and it still burns, so I just take it orally. The acidity makes sublingual not an option either.

Because I knew I couldn't sleep and that I had a lot of stimulants to overpower, I dosed at 655. Dosage for this stuff is all over the map, from 250mg all the way to 2g+. I initially was going to take 750, decided on 500, then the scale put me at 655 and I didn't argue with it. In retrospect, it did its job fantastically at this dose, but the next day effects were stronger than desired. I could probably have gotten away with quite a bit less.

8:30 - Taken orally on an empty stomach. Felt an alert within ten minutes--a kind of butterflies in the stomach giddy excitement--likely just psychosomatic.
9:40 - Onset detected
10:00 - Pronounced sleepiness, might be able to sleep, but afraid to attempt it just yet lest I fail and wake back up
10:30 - Definitely think I could sleep
11:00 - Fall asleep immediately upon trying
8:00AM - Wake rested, happy, content, and refreshed. Take a multivitamin and 1.5g inositol
10:45 - Realize that the double dose of pseudoephedrine and strong cup of tea have done nothing to shake off the moderately strong residual benzo/GHB-esque headspace to make me productive. Mood is excellent upon reflection, but not forced. Libido is good, humor is good. Word finding and memory is TERRIBLE. Pro-social this may be, but it's not helping my cognitive performance at this dosage.
1:00PM - Still plateaued. This is obnoxiously long when all I want to do is be productive. I never even noticed the pseudoephedrine today, barely noticed all the caffeine. Having a second energy drink, although I know it won't help.
2:30PM - Still foggy, but the effects are tapering now. I realize that the fog might be due to the inositol I took this morning rather than the phenibut. That would possibly explain why I felt good upon arising, then got stranger as the day went on. It's impossible to tell at this point.
5:00 - Effects have subsided. While I'm not sure that the fogginess was caused by the phenibut, I think I'll keep my doses low from now on just in case. If I'm using it, it's probably because I need sleep to be functional the following day. If I need to be functional, there's no point risking next day effects.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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