• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pharmacist on Buprenorphine Program - a Dilemma

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Apr 14, 2014
I just wanted to share my situation and see if anyone else is in a similar position, or could give some advice. I was a registered pharmacist in NSW, Australia up until about 3 years ago. I developed an opioid habit and soon after I voluntarily left the profession to seek treatment, letting my professional registration lapse in the process - I knew that what I was doing was not sustainable and I could potentially get into a lot of trouble, not to mention possibly OD in the process- I had FAR too much access to whatever opioid I desired. I struggled for a long time to get a handle on my opioid use until recently, when I decided to finally to try to get onto Bupe. I have been on Bupe maintenance for a while now, and it has been very helpful in keeping me on the straight and narrow.

That is all well and good, but I have recently been considering getting back into pharmacy - I enjoy the work and the pay is good. I feel that my illicit opioid use is no longer an issue and feel confident that pharmaceuticals would no longer be a major temptation. I got to the point of filling out my application for registration - only to notice the little question on the form asking if I had "any condition that could impede your practice - including drug abuse or dependence". Now I face a dilemma - I dont believe that I do have a condition that could impede my practice, but the Pharmacy Board may have a different view. If I answer no to the question, I run the risk of being turned in by a colleague (several health workers and pharmacists know that I am on the program) and could face legal problems or problems with my professional insurance. If I answer yes tot he question, I could be denied my registration, and could seriously affect my chances of ever becoming registered again. For all of my searching, I have not been able to find a clear precedence, or guideline that tells me if I am allowed to be registered while on Bupe.

I am confused about what to do :\ Does anyone have any advice or opinions? has anyone been in a similar situation - in Australia, or elsewhere?
I'm sorry, but legal questions aren't allowed to be discussed on Bluelight. I would suggest perhaps asking a lawyer who does free consultations.
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