pepperspray/mase, pocket knife, concealed weapons permit


Mar 5, 2001
i got a $10 pepperspray at the Army Surplus store, and i was told it is only good for one spray. One measly stream of spray. Is this true? i have had it for 2 years--never have had to use it on anyone--and i have tried it out here and there on cement to see what it is like. Today, i tried it out again, and barely any came out. Before, i only tried tiny sprays too. Is that really all that is in there? i thought the store was trying to gyp me, but it seems they are right. Where can i get a higher-powered spray that's legal to have that has more sprays in it? This tube that it is in looks big enough to handle alot of sprays, so i am really fucking disappointed.

About pocket knifes, not the nail-clip sized ones, but the ones about the size of the palm of one's hand--are they legal to have? someone told me to question the possession of it because you may need a concealed weapons permit to have it. If you don't, where can i get one for a reasonable rate?
I not sure, but in Canada don't think theres any sort of restrictions regarding carrying knives unless they're self-opening, or can be opened with one hand (i.e switchblade, butterfly, or the kind you can open with just your thumb). Unless you have any conditions (probation/bail restrictions) saying you can't carry any knives, i think you'll be fine. You definately don't need a permit to carry a knife.
If you have to use pepper spray on someone, you should use the entire canister, and replace it. There is no accurate way to measure how much you have left, and if you need to use it again, you might find that you don't have enough. Some states have laws regarding the ammount of pepper spray a person can legally cary on their person, so you will need to look into that as well.

Most states will allow you to cary a concealed knife, as long as it's a standard folding pocket knife. Again, this could vary from stae to stae.
For what its worth, here in AR you can carry a knife on your person pretty much anywhere (except high schools, etc) as long as the blade is not longer than 3.5".

You cannot carry a switchblade or butterfly knife though.
They have different strengths of pepper spray. I suggest getting the highest possible. I've heard bear repellent is good.
I live in MA and you have to obtain a FID card for most mace/pepper spray formulas. Damn liberals don't like weapons, wait I'm liberal but like guns....

The anti-bear stuff sounds good, I mean christ if it can stop a pissed off bear, it should give your average mugger a run for their money.
obtaining the sprays required nothing but cash here in the pacific northwest. i only know of the Army Surplus store selling the stuff, though. any other places?

forgotten--where does one start to look into these things about the laws? asking the police seems really futile...they are very uninformed people i have found out, including the detectives.