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Benzos Paradoxical reactions


Apr 18, 2024
A couple of years ago, I was prescribed Diazepam and experienced a bad paradoxical reaction. I was wondering if taking a different benzodiazepine now might result in a similar reaction.
What was your reaction to it?
I was super agitated and aggressive, and apparently I wanted to leave the house half naked.
I have almost no recollection of it, so amnesia, too, I guess.

My mom has described it as me going completely crazy lol
Why do you want to take a benzo now?
Or is this just a theoretical question?
I get paradoxical reactions from every single benzo and z-drug I've tried if I do high doses. I don't do crazy shit (sounds like you had Ambien Walrus level stuff going on there -- I used to get that on zolpidem but don't anymore, and never got it from actual benzos) but I feel dysphoric instead of euphoric and boy does that fuck you up if you're already a depressed person. Don't know if that info would be helpful for you though, since I have no idea how common this is or if everyone gets this overlap across drugs. Do you remember the diazepam dose?
what kinda doses did u do? yeah benzos can do that making you do really dumb/dangerous stuff and blacking out and some people get aggressive on them and thats really dangerous as much as out of ones mind one is on benzos
Diazepam and oxazepam makes me patadoxically much more depressed and sad than before taking them, they only help with anxiety but doesn't give much mood lift compared for example alprazolam or clonazepam.
I'd be careful and take a very low dose of whatever other benzo it is.

I haven't had that with benzo's but with Carisoprodol (Soma). I took ONE 350mg pill and flew into a screaming-and-smashing-furniture-up rage that was terrifying. Never touched the stuff again, but I've had other muscle relaxers (Baclofen, Felxeril, Cyclobenzaprine) and been totally fine.

I'd maybe avoid an benzo's that are diazepam analogues or have the same metabolites?
Diazepam and oxazepam makes me patadoxically much more depressed and sad than before taking them, they only help with anxiety but doesn't give much mood lift compared for example alprazolam or clonazepam.

Alprazolam (I believe) is the only benzo that IMPROVES depression.
Generally GABA washes Serotonin out of the brain, so thing like Benzos, Barbiturates, Gabapentinoids, Alcohol can induce depression or stop anti-depressants from working for that reason.
Somewhat-On-Topic: On the subject of paradoxical reactions, Codeine (and other opioids, to a lesser extent) give me diarrhoea.
Certain benzos give me odd mania and restlessness. I get it the worst from diazepam and etizolam.

Try a different benzo
I'd be careful and take a very low dose of whatever other benzo it is.

I haven't had that with benzo's but with Carisoprodol (Soma). I took ONE 350mg pill and flew into a screaming-and-smashing-furniture-up rage that was terrifying. Never touched the stuff again, but I've had other muscle relaxers (Baclofen, Felxeril, Cyclobenzaprine) and been totally fine.

I'd maybe avoid an benzo's that are diazepam analogues or have the same metabolites?
Quick question, what did cyclobenzaprine do for you? (if anything, or was it taken as perscribed?)
It's not the only one, but is the best at that. It releases the most dopamine compared to other benzos. Alprazolam is the only benzo that I've tried that has a euphoria to it.
My mom have one of her alprazas a few days back when I told her I forgot to refill my emergency stash of clonaz. Just in case "something happens on my way back home". Seems she's more worried about me having a meltdown than I am...

Alprazas make me sleepy a lot. Though probably not 0.5mg. No euphoria whatsoever (unlike 3mg clona).

Was thinking about finding an open-minded doc willing to experiment a little, and ask him to let me try some other yummies. Not in the next few months, though (face mask rule for doc visits again).
I was super agitated and aggressive,
I used to get this from Diazepam too. (Although it could have been due to "place and setting" - so not sure if it was more psychological vs physical reaction to the drug)

The other benzos did not have this effect on me. Only diazepam made me "cranky" after the initial peak. (+- 40% of the time)

However, it is a brilliant medication for genuine therapeutic symptoms on a short term basis.
I used to get this from Diazepam too. (Although it could have been due to "place and setting" - so not sure if it was more psychological vs physical reaction to the drug)

The other benzos did not have this effect on me. Only diazepam made me "cranky" after the initial peak. (+- 40% of the time)

However, it is a brilliant medication for genuine therapeutic symptoms on a short term basis.
Oh interesting. So it's specific to Diazepam then.

Diazepam had the opposite effect of therapeutic symptoms for me, so I won't fuck around with it haha
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I get paradoxical reactions from every single benzo and z-drug I've tried if I do high doses. I don't do crazy shit (sounds like you had Ambien Walrus level stuff going on there -- I used to get that on zolpidem but don't anymore, and never got it from actual benzos) but I feel dysphoric instead of euphoric and boy does that fuck you up if you're already a depressed person. Don't know if that info would be helpful for you though, since I have no idea how common this is or if everyone gets this overlap across drugs. Do you remember the diazepam dose?
what kinda doses did u do? yeah benzos can do that making you do really dumb/dangerous stuff and blacking out and some people get aggressive on them and thats really dangerous as much as out of ones mind one is on benzos
I unfortunately don't remember and can't find the original prescription
My guess is 10mg, as that appears to be the common dose