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Oxycodone Narcan


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I been taking 10mg every 4 hours, I have some narcan just in case I only take 30mg a day and I have a small tolerance so I should be fine but WCS would 4mg narcan nasal be enough to reverse it if I had too?
How much was the complete amount you took? With 4 hours in between you should have the full effects by now. Naloxone is potent as fuck, and in your case even if you'd take one too much, you would only need to antagonize that last 10mg and for that almost any amount of narcan will do. Be prepared to get very intense withdrawal, this shouldn't keep you away from using it in an emergency though.
How much was the complete amount you took? With 4 hours in between you should have the full effects by now. Naloxone is potent as fuck, and in your case even if you'd take one too much, you would only need to antagonize that last 10mg and for that almost any amount of narcan will do. Be prepared to get very intense withdrawal, this shouldn't keep you away from using it in an emergency though.
30 mg. Spread out through day 1 10mg at 7:30 1 at 12 or so and one just like 10 mins ago. Even though they are recreational I try not to increase dose too much or frequently and follow the guidelines that are put on most pain scripts. If we are being honest I took 60 mg throughout the day of hydrocodone when I was like 13 and was fine so I’m sure If that didn’t this won’t. I’m only using until I get my klonopin script then ima try a benzo detox. Since I’m getting 2mg klonopin I shouldn’t have any issues other then lethargy and bowel discomfort
Btw thanks for response I don’t get many on here as I’m usually asking the same damn questions about oxy. I tend to be really over cautious sucks cause I don’t think I’ve ever really had an opiate high
If that's all you did, 30mg or 40 mg, I'm not promoting you to be more reckless (I admire your restraint and concern for your health and wellbeing), but I would say you are being overly cautious and have nothing to worry about, especially if you use normally. Also, Narcan would work for about 20x that dose so you would be fine if you needed to use it, in the astronomically rare event that would arise at that dosage.
If that's all you did, 30mg, I'm not promoting you to be more reckless (I admire your restraint and concern for your health and wellbeing), but I would say you are being overly cautious and have nothing to worry about. Also, Narcan would work for about 20x that dose so you would be fine if you needed to use it, in the astronomically rare event that would arise at that dosage.
What symptoms would you look for just in case cause oxy makes me sleepy as it is in doses of 10mg plus but I try to fight it under the assumption if I fall asleep I’ll stop breathing but I do thank you for helping calm me down cause it sucks to have a nice warm opie feeling and think you going to die from it the whole time
What symptoms would you look for just in case cause oxy makes me sleepy as it is in doses of 10mg plus but I try to fight it under the assumption if I fall asleep I’ll stop breathing but I do thank you for helping calm me down cause it sucks to have a nice warm opie feeling and think you going to die from it the whole time

No, most people nod out and fall asleep on opioids, it's one of the reasons enjoy them. The issue becomes when the opioids prevent your brain from telling you to breathe, which doesn't necessarily have any correlation with sleep. Blue lips/tounge would typically be a good, first sign you've used way too much and are bordering on overdose/severe respiratory depression. Again, I'm not encouraging you to use more, I'm just easing your mind about your current dose.
No, most people nod out and fall asleep on opioids, it's one of the reasons enjoy them. The issue becomes when the opioids prevent your brain from telling you to breathe, which doesn't necessarily have any correlation with sleep. Blue lips/tounge would typically be a good, first sign you've used way too much and are bordering on respiratory depression.
I’ll make sure I keep a watch out, I got it close by but really doubting I’ll need it I took this dose yesterday and felt very underwhelmed from it but it did knock out sore throat pain and boosted my mood. I plan on quitting whenever my doctor will release my klonopin to me but don’t look like it will happen this weekend. Oh well. Again thank you deru I appreciate the time you took outta your day to help me.
I normally monitored my pupils, that was kind of my way to know. Once they become extremely pinned to the point where you can barely see them, that was a key indicator for me as well. Normally, though, you will start vomiting before any of this happens, unless you do such an insane dose that you bypass everything and just stop breathing - that's usually what happens when people think of opiod overdoses.
I normally monitored my pupils, that was kind of my way to know. Once they become extremely pinned to the point where you can barely see them, that was a key indicator for me as well. Normally, though, you will start vomiting before any of this happens, unless you do such an insane dose that you bypass everything and just stop breathing - that's usually what happens when people think of opiod overdoses.
Never threw up before not really any nausea I do get small pupils but it’s confusing as that’s common with opiates. And generally I don’t get side effects if I’ve ate and had enough water so he’ll I could be confusing negative side effects with dehydration or low blood sugar. I’ve had blood test no diabetes but you never know if my body is sensitive to a sugar drop. Either way it’s nice to know that I’m not going to die and if it got to that point atleast I got narcan without having to call ambulance
Yeah, it's tricky, because most people who overdose won't have the ability to Narcan themselves because they bypass the symptoms and go straight to black out/no breathing. So, it's an interesting question, at what point should one Narcan theirselves? I guess if I was going to Narcan myself, and I didn't slide past the slippery slope into unconsciousness, I would do it when my lips and tounge start turning blue. However, I just don't think most people would have that chance - you'd really have to be slowly bringing up your dose gradually, so with that in mind, hope that helps.
Yeah, it's tricky, because most people who overdose won't have the ability to Narcan themselves because they bypass the symptoms and go straight to black out/no breathing. So, it's an interesting question, at what point should one Narcan theirselves? I guess if I was going to Narcan myself, and I didn't slide past the slippery slope into unconsciousness, I would do it when my lips and tounge start turning blue. However, I just don't think most people would have that chance - you'd really have to be slowly bringing up your dose gradually, so with that in mind, hope that helps.
Yeah I hope it don’t get to that point but from what I’m reading even opiate naive people can take 5-15mg ever 4-6 so hopefully there’s no accumulation
Has it been a month since your last script already then?
I thought so but everytime I call they up the date 2 days yesterday they said it was the 8th now it’s the 10th I’ve called my doctor and of course no one gets back to me and I called at 10 am it’s now 5. I’m so fucking pissed
You are lucky to get oxy though they'll help go buy or two before you're bi polor causes you an episode