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Only "tripped" on weed twice, both on normal amounts.


Dec 2, 2013
So I'm fairly experienced with weed, been smoking it pretty regularly for a year or so now in two different ways, first smoking a joint or so every few hours for months on end to maintain a nice buzz, and secondly (on occasion) to get completely wrecked smoking a couple grams in a few hours. But only two of these times have I experienced mild psychedelic like visuals from bud.

First time was my first time getting high (not my first time smoking weed though, first 3 times I got nothing, I'm guessing due to my body rejecting the THC) where I went down to a friends house and we smoked an ungodly amount of his parents home grown. As id never been high before this was a brilliant experience, I remember not being able to distinguish one persons face from another, kaleidoscope like visuals on everything, slopes appearing steeper than they were etc. This doesn't really take much explaining why I got so high as smoking un-sprayed ganja straight off the plant beats the disgusting stuff you get off the street, but my question is about the second time.

Until this happened had the idea that pollen was honestly useless. It lasted but you never got anything more than a body buzz from it, and you had to smoke joints and joints of the stuff just to stay high, so I was probably smoking 80% shoe polish ever other time I smoked it. We got half a que of standard priced pollen off this mephedrone dealer who put bread on the table by hooking susceptible docile teenage stoner's onto M-kat. Nice guy. Anyway all I remember from that night is being more blazed than I had ever been before, and enjoying seeing eyes on the wall, and all the white of my eye turning bright bloodshot red.

I don't understand why when I've smoked way more than this on other occasions I haven't been half as high as I was that night. Does the quality of street weed honestly vary that much? Tolerance Isn't the thing either, I've smoked more weed than that with 0 tolerance and just got a buzz, when I was getting visuals i had a fairly large tolerance. This makes no sense to me... Can anyone give an explanation?
Because the bud off the plant you had must have been super damn good.

It's the quality of your bud/strain of the bud and tolerance.
Although the qauliyy can get you higher. I'd have to say you had a case of why a I call the rook high. When you first start smoking weed you get incredidibky high it's like a totally different drug. After you smoke for a while , no matter how good weed you smoke and no matter how how long a tolerence break you take, you never going to get as high as you used too
I've been smoking since I was 11 or so and I'm now 20 and I've 'tripped out' on weed more times than I can remember, seriously like ALOT and it had no correlation with how much I was using at the time. I can smoke bong hit after bong hit some days and others one will put me into the strangest headspaces that border on delusional paranoia that not even I know what the cause is. IME this is normal pheonomena to trip out on weed sometimes, it's happened to every stoner I know at least once regardless of level of experience. Also the one time I got true CEV's was a period when I was living in texas smoking brick weed so I don't think that quality means much either. I live in a medical state where practically all weed on the street is top shelf medical buds and have yet to re-create those holographic prism type CEV's.

On a different note I strongly believe that the first hit you take makes all the difference. If I take one small toke, wait a minute or two, then resume smoking I can continue to smoke as much as I want without feeling fully stoned but if I take one monster rip that one hit will get me higher that if I were to burn through a couple bowls using the other method so I believe that tolerance builds extremely fast with smoked cannabis and that first hit makes a worlds difference.
Thanks kratom, Useful information and that tip sounds great!
Damn ive been smoking for like 8 years and I've never heard of anyone tripping from smokin bud unless it was laced with something but like that one post said, after a while you'll never get as high as you did when you first started. I used to geek out like crazy, uncontrollable laughing and just an all out good time but now it's more of a laid back high. Some times when smoking with friends and we smoke like 3 blunts than a good conversation will spark up a good laughing episode but usually if I smoke a lot it makes me nod and just be really fckd up lol
Damn ive been smoking for like 8 years and I've never heard of anyone tripping from smokin bud unless it was laced with something but like that one post said, after a while you'll never get as high as you did when you first started. I used to geek out like crazy, uncontrollable laughing and just an all out good time but now it's more of a laid back high. Some times when smoking with friends and we smoke like 3 blunts than a good conversation will spark up a good laughing episode but usually if I smoke a lot it makes me nod and just be really fckd up lol
I've seen even the most seasoned tokers have uncomfortable weed 'trips' (typically from strong edibles or a top shelf heady sativa) although they are typically handled pretty well. So weed has never caused ANY strong trippy thoughts or anxiety in anyone you know? Erm I find that kind of hard to believe, maybe not full blown visuals but the headspace is definately there with cannabis but then again I only ever noticed how trippy weed was after I got into psychedelics which I'm pretty sure the OP also indulges in. Also since when is weed ever laced? And what would it be laced with... (inb4 PCP hysteria)
I've seen even the most seasoned tokers have uncomfortable weed 'trips' (typically from strong edibles or a top shelf heady sativa) although they are typically handled pretty well. So weed has never caused ANY strong trippy thoughts or anxiety in anyone you know? Erm I find that kind of hard to believe, maybe not full blown visuals but the headspace is definately there with cannabis but then again I only ever noticed how trippy weed was after I got into psychedelics which I'm pretty sure the OP also indulges in. Also since when is weed ever laced? And what would it be laced with... (inb4 PCP hysteria)

I guess it depends on your definition of "tripping". When I hear tripping I think of someone seeing stuff and shit like that. I don't really know anything about psychedelics, I've never taken them. I only smoke bud and snort oxy's. But if any of my friends have experienced it than they haven't told me about it. And I guess I should've used "mixed" instead of "laced". Sorry for the misunderstanding:)
Oxy it doesn't sound like psychedelics are for you =D , its more than just "seeing stuff and shit like that" weed can sometimes induce a light trip similar to small doses of psychedelics. But maybe after taking psychedelics getting a trip like state from weed is more likely? I thought I saw eyes on the wall off only 6 joints or so, odd world.
Oxy it doesn't sound like psychedelics are for you =D , its more than just "seeing stuff and shit like that" weed can sometimes induce a light trip similar to small doses of psychedelics. But maybe after taking psychedelics getting a trip like state from weed is more likely? I thought I saw eyes on the wall off only 6 joints or so, odd world.

Yeah man, like I said, I've never tried them before. But the only thin that's ever made me trip was Ambien lol. I snorted one(never doing it again, fuckin gross) and I was sitting in my porch. There was a flower pot on the handrail and it started moving down rail, that's the closest to tripping I've ever been. I don't think I've ever been like that from smoking. I have smoked a quarter ounce of bud in one blunt at one time but never had "trippy" effects from it. I just got REALLY high lol
If you ever get into psychedlcs then you will realize that cannabis is very psychedelic. Also visuals mean very little when It comes to tripping, it's all about the euphoria and mental aspects IME. There are quite a few psychedelics that I enjoy despite their lack in visual activity.
Cannabis gives me fake insight into everything. I think I can understand the most complex of actions and unravel peoples plans (that dont exist) to perfection. This fake mental clarity is somewhat psychadelic.
Lots of people don't notice that they're high the first few times they smoke weed. Kind of like how someone drunk might not know how drunk they are. After a bit of practice it was easier for me to realize I was acting different. Also, some weed is simply more potent than other weed.