One Love ~ May 10th ~ Amazura Ballroom, Queens NY

SugaFist is going..... WORD... :) Now that makes my day that I get to see Suga again........ :)
I'll send you an email ok ...
People tommorow is the party and nobody decided on a meetup...Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
I'll make a bluelight sigh :)
You just got to make an offical meetup spot and i'll make a sigh.. :)
someone, anyone that knows, please post up the set times. I don't want to miss any of the djs I want to hear!!
And "princess lolita" remind me about the meetup cause you know I'll proberly forget :)
did a Single One of you show up?!!?
i looked for the ears - didn't find a dam pair on anyone
the only 2 bluelighters ive ever met are Gemini & Ctrl X - and i didnt see either of their faces either
I musta screamed "blluuueeliiighhht" at the top of my lungs 5 times by the end of the night - in the middle of no music aswell - so if any of u WERE there, shame on u for not coming to say hi~!
As for the party - i had a blast.
The Good : Danced my ass off from Skylab till the very last beat of Lenny D... Dissapointed in Darren R's first half of the HoH set - he not only played incredibly old Chicago Hard House trax that have been played and played again by Venom & Irene, but he actually played 80% of them in THE EXACT order he put them on his CD, with NO dam mix difference!
I could have sworn i was listening to one of Irene or Venom's cd's for the majority of his set...
I got their mad late (yey for incredibly long trainrided) but caught about half of skylab - and he was friggin great - very satisfied with him being the performance i walked in on - took no time to get my ass motivated & moving.
Only caught about 20 min of Odi - but he was RIPPING shit up! Amazingly energetic! At one point, he was even taking requests! come up and go "yo, u got that track..." and sure enuf, he was spinning some warped version of it not long after!
The Bad : Security wasen't totally as bad as i had expected it to be - considering they did a good job of getting some of the trouble makers out - but they were pretty dick at some points. Why they would put braclets on people and only allow 21+ into the jungle room is beyond me!
The Ugly : Fights! Man - i dont mosh to - want a good and simple reason - try to catch the mosh special i belive MTV did - inwhich the mosh went from Metal to Rock to friggin Spin Doctors... so yes, i dont see a place for a mosh pit in a party enviornment! Butt...i am not activly against it or nothing - i just dont participate :) But when kids get stupid and pointlessly start brawls for no reason which result in 250+lb security guards beating ure ass - its a little out of hand =)
There were a good amount of people into the party - dancing with smiles and intent to outstep the next - so i was really happy to see that. Lots of people were just lost causes thou - getting kicked out left and right for whatever drug they weren't so slick in taking out of their pocket (2 of my friends included :/ )
So yea - im sick of typing - someone else say something, if theres any other BL that was there!
So I was at this party. It was good, not great, great, but good. I enjoyed myself non-the-less. So my adventure began when me & a friend took the E train down there. We watched a fight happen in the next car which was some random stuff. Anyway got to the party a bits after 12 so I missed that meetup. However I was at the meetup at 2 and saw my buddy princess lolita again. (HELL YEAH) ;) I waited with her to see others for a little bits before I left to go continue partying with other friends. Met no one else there. And that happycore shit that they were playing early on in the DnB room was wack. I had to buy my drink and drink it up there and listen to that shit so that was prety weak. It turns out that only people 21+ could go up there because that was the only alcohol serving bar they had setup at the venue for this party. And that you couldn't bring your drink downstairs, you had to finish it up there before leaving. Plus the setup for the turntables I thought took up mad space for people that might have wanted to dance in that already crowded area. But Odi's set was pretty hot. And so downstairs people were moshing which I thought was shit too. This is a dance party not a raging brawl concert or what not. Anyways Skylab2000 was off the hook, HOH were amazing. HOH I guess were last to go on and they completely brought back the energy to the party. I was pretty tired towards the end of the party, but when they came on, they reenergized the entire party to me. I partied my ass-off during their set. Plus also during the night I did see a pair of ears, tap this guy and asked him "are you phreakykat" and it was him. So it was nice meeting you and his bluelight girlie girl. And those are all the blers I met & saw @ this party. Much respects to all you blers I met!! As far the overall dancing & vibe @ this party, it was average. And another question, do people still dance, cause I didn't see allot of peoples dancing. Anyways I had fun partying, dancing, 7 hangin-out with my peoples. Thanks again NY. Oh lastly after leaving the party I got a teaser flyer for "One Nation" and saw that its going to be @ the Hammerstein and I know immediately that thats my next big event after Starscape. I love the Hammerstein Ballroom, best venue by my vote!! Anyways thats all.
[ 12 May 2002: Message edited by: sugafist ]
man - now im all mad !
suga -
i looked at ure pic and now i remember seeing you!
as well as a few other possible BL'rs !!
Man...i walked to the left of the stage around 2:15ish and i couldn't find anyone that was intrested in any type of suggestive look like "hey, looking for bluelight!?" :(
No sign - no ears - and now im really sad i didn't get to meet up with any of ya.
Im taking some snapshots and putting them up in the pic section - cuz i genuinly tried to meetup with ya guys this party, and it didnt happen :(
And hehe - if anyone actually heard some kid scream bluelight, (me) - lemme know so atleast i know all the people looking at me like i was crazy was worth it!
and as for One Nation --- ooooooooo man!
First - thats my BDay!
Second - Rabbit in the Moon! OMG! anyone who hasent been blessed by this performance, its a sight to see!
Otherwise - hellz yes to the rest of the lineup!
Anyone else see the security guards straight up knock out 2 kids. I liked the house o holics set, even if they were spinning their own records (why they didn't just bring there computer and give a live PA is beyond me) all the same it was phat being able to hear them again.
One Fuck Amazura. I wont go to another party at this venue if you pay me. Whatever..I really dont feel like writing a review....
Suga. Nice seing you again.. :)
PL-write one up when u get the chance! sum it up in sentance fragments if ya gotta :)
This was my first time there and i loved the place - granted i saw some wierd shit - i went in with a positive attitude and left with one too - so nothing that happened directly affected me, so why bother caring! :)
I loove venues with a huuuge main rooms - and wasent upset with this place at all.
the party was fun, got to chill with doozer, made a few music connections, hung with venom and got a photo w rob gee!
it was nice aside from the dickless act of having a 21+room... anywhere indicated on the flyer.. it was not. yeh dickless new york venues suck, but all in all the music kicked it, prophet's hard trance set got me going all the way through delta 9 n delerium, rob gee, to venom, to skylab, oh my tenderloins.
and no my ears aren't 'josie' ears... they're much cooler, to think i'd jump on a bandwagon like that blah! these are el originall, i'll tell ya the story sometime.
yep suga suga, was nice running into ya, and heard that trixiee was around, well then.
until next event.
^^^ hehe yeah I was all over the place...
The party was ok...I didn't think it was anything spectacular though. I drove there this time and only got a lil lost, it wasn't too bad we got there at 9:30 just as the doors opened. The line moved pretty quickly and the best part of all is I got to keep my camera :) I can't go to a party without my camera! I hung out with a lot of old friends who I haven't seen in a while. It definatly sucked that the upstairs was 21+ till 4am but me and my friend knew someone with a VIP pass and she got us up there with no problem. The second time we went up me and my 2 friends just walked right up..they didn't even look at us. I was at both meetups...Gmni13 and Xena nice to see you again, sorry I can't go to Starscape :( PLURmonsterit was cool chillin with you and learning about your ventilated sneakers :) and Ctrl X it was nice meeting you for a second. The security seem ok, this girl who I'm kind of friends with got kicked out I think b/c she was extremly dusted and still had drugs on her, they said she could come back in if she gave up her drugs...later on I saw her back inside so I guess she got rid of them. I had to leave early at 3:30...and the dudes at the door were really cool cuz I was going home alone, they let my friend walk me to my car and they let him back in without a problem, they didn't even search him. All in all it was a good night...the only thing that sucked is that I made a right on red while driving home and didn't realize you couldn't do that in Queens so I got pulled over, I have never been pulled over before so it was kinda scary...they kept asking if I had drugs on me (luckilly I didn't) and they kept asking if I had taken any drugs that night (hehe luckilly they didn't shine their flashlight in my eyes cuz I did one pill and I was down but my pupils were still big)...finally they let me go and I didn't get a ticket :)
[ 15 May 2002: Message edited by: TriXieee ]
yeah! party was alot of fun for me! :) i dance mah ass off whole nite long :D hehehe awww i was wearin' all white, lotsa kandy and blues clues backpack and my girl had hello kitty back pack :) we were hangin' out alot near "Ravers Only" booth with our friends :D if you wanna se pix from this party go to ;)