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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Nucynta aka Tapentadol Opiates/100mg) - First Time - Not Bad, Not Pleasant


Jul 26, 2008
So I found a few of the 50mg Nucynta pills and after researching them on Google, BL, Erowid, etc., they seem to be fairly new and there were not many trip reports or much information on them at all. The pharmaceutical name for this painkiller is Tapentadol, and it is supposed to be for moderate to severe pain and is rated as somewhere between Tramadol and Morphine as far as pain reduction goes.

Anyways I started with 50mg on an empty stomach, chewed the pill and swallowed it with a sip of soda.

Waited a half an hour and began noticing mild pain relief, slight warmness, no euphoria.

45minutes into it I popped another 50mg and became incredibly high within 20minutes of taking the second pill. Intense numbness, somewhat euphoric but not anywhere near the euphoria of oxycodone.

About an hour and a half into the high of both pills I experienced extreme sedation which eventually got to the point where i had to go to sleep because i could not keep my eyes open.

Next day followed an extremely drowsy "hangover", which I'm still experiencing now.

In conclusion these pills are pretty good if you don't have anything else in my opinion. The high is not too bad but the sedation and "hang over" effects I experienced were not too pleasant.

edit: forgot to mention some additional info since this drug is fairly new and theres not much information/reports about it.
I have a pretty decent tolerance to opiates in general, specifically oxycodone,hydrocodone and codeine. This tolerance was apparently not involved at all in this trip because it hit me like a ton of bricks. I would like to note that if you are going to try this there is not much euphoria at all, simply just a numbness that I didnt even notice was present until i hit my hand on something and expected it to hurt, but it didnt.

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24 hrs later, feel like shit. Felt this way since i woke up, massive headache, feeling lethargic, very slow and irritable. All i want to do is pop another to get rid of the pain and sleep.:(
that will only make things worse lol...

and nucynta is very much related to tramadol because they are both mu-agonists and have SNRI functions.
Tapentadol is best used only as prescribed for pain. I feel the same way about Pregabalin. Quasi-opioids are no fun.
Sounds like the above post hits the nail on the head.
I have been prescribed Nucynta for 7 months now...on varing does from 50mg IR to 100mg IR. It does help with the pain occasionally that I have from lumbar/cervical injuries (i shouldn't use "occasionally"so loosely it hardly ever helps)....but to get high I really don't like it. I mean it has SNRI properties...yuck. I have to say its much better then tramadol for recreational purposes and gives off better effects. Coming from someone on it for 7 months it seriously should not have been placed as a CII.....I would say schedule III AT MOST. Shame....what drug companies are doing now that most painkillers are generic and they cant make money...just like Purdue's new Oxycontin formuation...plastic in a damn pill...disgusting, for even those who abuse...why make people ingest plastic to make money....SICK I TELL YOU....SCUM OF THE EARTH!!!
my buddy's a pretty big fan of these. chewed up a 150 er, and they were having trouble keeping their eyes focused. not super-great for being in public or accomplishing anything around the house, but sure doesn't seem bad for vegging out and listening to music or watching teevee. dude said it was nicely euphoric. to each their own, i guess.

thanks to you all for the additional info...