No Alert For When Your Inbox Is Full?


Jun 19, 2008
Do bluelighters/greenlighters get an email or other message when their inbox is full?

Because it's hella annoying when someone's inbox is full and you can't reply to them, and they are probably unaware that they have to clear their inbox to make room for new messages, especially if they're a greenlighter.
No you don't get an alert (that I have ever seen) - I know it's basic housekeeping stuff, but a lot of us are somewhat forgetful :D
I think most greenlighters are unaware. There should really be an alert. I've had too many PM conversations abruptly end... forever.
there is an alert. sent to email on file.

I just would always make sure that I keep deleting PM's not needed anymore.

Go into the SENT and INBOX part of where your pm's are and start deleting those you sent out, and those received. They pile up kind of quickly, so, do this and you won't miss out on any NEWER PM'S, coming in.